An Investigation of the Hierarchy Structure of Value Priority among University Students (A case study of Ilam Universities, Iran)
Mohammad Bagher Arayesh
Assistant professor of agricultural education, college of agriculture, department of rural development, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran
Farshid Salamat
Ph.D Condidate of sociology, Ilam Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran
Mohammad sadegh sabouri
Assistant professor of agricultural education, Gharmsar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Gharmsar, Iran
The main objective of this study is to investigate the hierarchy structure of value system among university students of Ilam province based on Allport Model. From one point, the present study is both an applied and a survey research and from another point it is a non-experimental one. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire which was designed by the researcher himself and it was validated via a pilot study (a= /97). The population of the study includes all university students of Ilam province and the sample was selected by random sampling procedure and sample volume was chosen using Cochran Formula (380 subjects). To analyze the data inferential (K-square, Manwittny Kroskal and Regression) descriptive(mean and SD) statistics was employed. The results indicate that the highest favored values considered by the subjects were values related to economy and the lowest ones were related to social values. The results also indicate that gender, social and economical positions, type of university and educational levels were most influential factors in the hierarchy value system.
Key words: Hierarchy Structure, Alpourt model, University Students, Value Priority
Introduction and Background:
The modern world innovations and changes have baffled us in many fields of our lives (Khalifeh, 2010). Value systems and priorities are among the issues which have crept into many social and human fields such as sociology, philosophy, psychology, religion, economics and education. In this way, one of the most influenced fields is the human behavior in social contexts and the source of value goes from undimensionality of the family to the multidimensionality of the society. Many sociologists maintain that values are used as criteria to choose favored things among different tools and facilities (Sarokhani, 2010). As human life is divided into different periods, based on age, the present study tries to investigate a period of human life (that of the youth) with regards to their attitude towards values.Values represent what is important to human beings. All human groupsdevelop norms and values. We bring along our valueseverywhere we go, including to the workplace. At the same time, theworkplace and the people there influence our values and attitudes. Wefind that different groups in the workplace, such as occupational and agegroups have different values. We face situations that demonstrate thatevery workplace shares knowledge differently, and we see that our coworkersmay have attitudes towards organizational changes differentfrom our own.This study explores how Guran and Blade Allport (an American psychologist and sociologist) theory of values may be used to describe the target organization, (Ilam Universities). Although value is a frequently-used concept for both academics and practitioners of work and organizational psychology, there has been surprisingly little empirical literature on personal values in connection with organizational behavior. Value is an important building block in the theories of organizational culture and in literature on cultural sensitivity in management and organizational development in the global business environment. The present study contributes to building bridges between the value studies in social psychology and those in organizational psychology by exploring the role of personal values in an organizational context.In social-psychological value theories, the value concept is attached to a person who possesses values, not to an object which has a value. The interest is in the system of values within a culture and within individuals. In value subjectivism the focus is on the relative importance of values, not on the desired outcomes of these values (Kamarbeigi, 2011).Researchesindicate that there are variationsamong individuals in prioritizing values acrossages, sexes, religious groups, social classes,educational levels, occupational levels, andethnic groups. Values and value systems arethought to be transmitted by different socialinstitutions. One of such social institutions is university. Furthermore, the socializationprocesses in the family or the broader culturecould bring differences in the value prioritiesof boys and girls. Therefore, the study of human values is important to the understanding of culture, socialization, psychological make up and life orientations of individuals. Moreover, it helps the development of the individual, and the society. At the individual level, value priorities are the key to a person’s beliefs, attitudes, and behavior specifying what is preferred. At the cultural level, value structures of different cultural groups enable one to understand attributes characteristic of the particular culture.Value types from a special structure on two levels. Value types can be dividedinto two categories according to whether they serve individual or collective interests.Power, achievement, hedonism, stimulation and self-direction are value types that serveindividual interests; and benevolence, tradition, and conformity serve collective interests.Universalism and security are value types which serve both of these interests andare situated in the boundaries between these two. People can either showthe motivation to follow their own intellectual and emotional interests (value typesself-direction, stimulation and hedonism), or they can prefer the status quo and thecertainty provided by relationships with close others, institutions and traditions (valuetypes tradition, conformity and security). The value types arethought to represent a two-dimensional circle from power to security. The link of values to institutions and occupations is no more apparent. However, it is sensible to ask whether persons representing different occupational or educational orientations differ systematically in terms of their value priorities. The study also investigates the differences between students in different fields of study and the relationships of value priorities in different fields. In this research based on Allport Model of value system, the variables such as gender, age, place of birth, residency, educational level, educational subject, type of university, average score will be analyzed among university students of Ilam. Daryapour (2004) maintains that values such as environment, security for family, respecting the parents, being independent, internal safety are five values prioritized by the participants. Safari and Sharifi (2004) indicate that cultural, social, political and economical variables are prioritized by the participants respectively. In the same way Ahmadi (2002) illustrates that there is statistically significant relationship between gender, age, family income, fathers’ job, type of education and level of education. Sahami 2004 also claims that being conservative, self-esteem, and willingness to change are the least important values for students. In another study Azadarmaki (2002) concludes that /.40 of the participant have mixed values, /.52 have material values and /.8 of them have non-material values in their priority. Finally Habibi (2011) in his study claims that there is statistically significant relationship between individual values and social ones among parents and their children. Based on the literature reviewed above, the present study aims to investigate the hierarchal structure of values among university students of Ilam province from 2011-2012. The main objectives of the study are as follow:
- To investigate the factors contributing to hierarchal structure of values prioritized by university students of Ilam province.
- To determine the priority of values as recognized by Allport among the students.
In this study, after studying theoritical and emoerical literature is presented conceptual model of research(figure1).
Figure1. The theoretical Model of the Study:
Materials and Methods:
The main objective of this study is to investigate the hierarchy structure of value system among university students of Ilam province based on Allport Model. From one point, the present study is both an applied and a survey research and from another point it is a non-experimental one. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire which was designed by the researcher himself and it was validated via a pilot study (a= /97). The population of the study includes all university students of Ilam province and the sample was selected by random sampling procedure and sample volume was chosen using Cochran Formula (380 subjects). To analyze the data inferential (K-square, Manwittny Kroskal and Regression) descriptive (mean and SD) statistics was employed. The results indicate that the highest favored values considered by the subjects were values related to economy and the lowest ones were related to social values. The results also indicate that gender, social and economical positions, type of university and educational levels were most influential factors in the hierarchy value system.
Results and Discussion:
- Demographic information of the sample population: The results of this study indicated that 58/ of the participants were female,42/ male, 50/8 were between 20-25 years old, 23.7 below 20 years old,7.6 between 26-30 years old, 2.1/ between 31-35 and 15.8 above 36 years old. It was also found that 79.7 were BA, 18.7 over diploma, 8/ MA and 8. Were PhD students. 39.7 were studying in engineering department, 30.5 in human sciences department, 11.1 in medical sciences department and 15.8 in basic sciences department. 62.2 living in Ilam, 23.5 in other cities of Ilam province 8.2 in the villages and 6.1 in rural areas. 34.7 were studying in national university, 13.2 in non-profit educational centers, 13.2 in Azad universities and 21.2 in other universities. The family income of the participants was as follows:31.6 below 3000000Rl, 21.7 over 9000000 and the rest were between these two figures.
Priority of value system among students:
table 1illustrates the prioritization of value system among student in Ilam province based on Allport Model.
Table1. Students' value priorities
Type ofvalue / Statement / Mean / S.D / C.V / Rank in the subject
social / When I see an people, I will help him/her immediately / 1/49 / ./794 / ./532 / 5
I always respect both younger and older people / 1/39 / ./66 / ./47 / 3
I will respect my friend's opinion even they are against me / 1/89 / ./91 / ./48 / 4
While driving , I will let others to get their ways / 1/82 / ./81 / ./44 / 1
I myself have the right to get my way in / 2/29 / ./94 / ./44 / 2
Theoretical / It is very important for me to help others in solving their problems / 1/53 / ./74 / ./48 / 6
I prefer to find the truth by my self / 1/84 / ./83 / ./45 / 2
I prefer true and reasonable opinions / 1/60 / ./72 / ./45 / 3
I is very important for me to know the truth / 1/64 / ./77 / ./47 / 5
I insist on proving the truth of a event / 2/17 / 1 / ./46 / 4
My opinion originate from the world's truth / 2/12 / ./93 / ./43 / 1
Political / To rule others is my priority / 2/79 / 1 / ./35 / 4
I will be very happy when others to obey me / 2/59 / ./98 / ./37 / 5
I always make others to obey me / 3/26 / ./96 / ./29 / 3
I will always to make others accept my opinion / 2/47 / ./99 / ./40 / 6
I will ignore other's right so as to achieve official status / 4/07 / 1 / ./24 / 2
I will see irrational ways to practice power / 4/08 / ./95 / ./23 / 1
will be happy when I will influence others via my behavior or thought / 2/23 / ./98 / ./43 / 7
Religious / I will my best in the day time to follow religious principles / 1/76 / ./86 / ./34 / 1
I will do daily work only for the sake of god / 2/13 / ./96 / ./45 / 4
I will try to do my prayers in coalition with others / 2/18 / 1 / ./45 / 3
I will try my best to take part in good work / 1/61 / ./71 / ./44 / 2
To participate in ritual and religious ceremonies is very important for me / 1/97 / ./92 / ./47 / 5
Doing religious obligations is a priority for me / 1/85 / ./93 / ./50 / 6
Aesthetic / Whenever I see a beautiful works I will be exhilarated / 1/76 / ./86 / ./34 / 3
It is very important for me to get to museum art gallery / 2/12 / ./96 / ./45 / 6
It is very important for me to follow rules regulations / 2/18 / ./47 / ./21 / 1
I will do daily affairs based on rules regulations / 1/61 / ./71 / ./44 / 5
I will do my religious obligations based on particular rules / 1/97 / ./92 / ./46 / 7
Doing religious obligations makes me happy and exhilarated / 1/85 / ./93 / ./50 / 8
Participatory in art ceremony is very important for me / 2/22 / ./88 / ./39 / 4
I will prefer to be a producer than a consumer / 2/18 / ./49 / ./22 / 2
Economical / I would like to be important economical fiscally / 2/29 / 1 / ./43 / 4
I will do my daily work for the sake of personal interests / 1/99 / ./98 / ./49 / 5
I will make others friends with me to obtain personal interests / 2/83 / ./68 / ./24 / 3
Obtaining money by any means is very significant for me / 3/53 / ./74 / ./20 / 1
Consumption is very more important for than production / 3/71 / ./78 / ./21 / 2
Priority of value system among students
Table 1 illustrates the prioritization of value system among student in Ilam province based on
Allport Model.
Prioritize the value systems of students
In current study has been used coefficient of variation in order to prioritizing of student's valuesystems. According to Table 2, Economical values have been considered in the first priority and
social value in the last priority.
Table2. Students value hierarchy based on the priority value Allport
value / economical / Aesthetic / Religious / Political / Theoretical / socialMean Rank / ./20 / ./22 / ./25 / ./28 / ./28 / ./33
Priority / First / second / third / Fourth / Fifth / Sixth
Testing of research hypothesis:
the following are the hypotheses put forward in this study:
hypothesis1. Age has a positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students
hypothesis2. Gender has a positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students
hypothesis3.Social and economical status havea positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students
hypothesis4. Place of birth has a positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students
hypothesis5. Using Mass media has a positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students.
Hypothesis6. Type of the University has a positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students
Hypothesis7. Educational Level has a positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students.
Hypothesis8. Family dimension has a positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students.
Hypothesis9. Residency has a positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students.
Hypothesis10. Subject of education has a positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students.
Hypothesis11. Average Score has a positive effect on the hierarchical structure of value system among the students
Table 3. Illustrates the testing of research hypotheses using Kroskal Vales
Number Hypothesis / Independentvariable / Dependent variable / df / X2 / Level of significance / Type of decision
1 / Age / Hierarchal
structure of values / 4 / 6/54 / ./16 / Reject
3 / Socio – economic status / Hierarchal
structure of values / 3 / 19/58 / ./000 / accept
4 / Place of residence / Hierarchal
structure of values / 3 / 3/12 / ./37 / Reject
6 / Familiy dimension / Hierarchal
structure of values / 3 / 2/55 / ./46 / Reject
7 / Place of birth / Hierarchal
structure of values / 3 / 2/62 / ./45 / Reject
8 / Subject of education / Hierarchal
structure of values / 3 / 6/26 / ./10 / Reject
9 / Type of university / Hierarchal
structure of values / 3 / 8/27 / .04 / accept
10 / Educational level / Hierarchal
structure of values / 3 / 9/89 / ./02 / accept
11 / Average score / Hierarchal
structure of values / 2 / .02 / ./08 / Reject
As table 3 illustrates social and economical positions, type of university, and educational level have positive effect on hierarchal structure of priority values of students.
Table 4 testing research hypotheses using Manwittny test
Number Hypothesis / Independentvariable / Dependent variable / u- manwittny / Wilkakson / Level of significance / Type of decision
2 / gender / Hierarchal
structure of values / 7173 / 14076 / ./01 / Accept
As table 4 shows gender has a positive effect on the students’ priority values,
Table 5 illustrates the phi coefficient for analyzing the effect of using mass media on hierarchal structure of values.
Table5. Phi coefficient for analyzing the effect of using mass media on hierarchal structure of
Number Hypothesis / First variable / Second variable / Phi / Level of significance / Type of decision5 / Using of mass media / Hierarchal
structure of values / 4/98 / ./53 / Reject
As the table 5 shows no relationship was found between using mass media and hierarchal structure of values.
In this research hierarchal value system of Ilam university students was examined based on Allport Model. For the data analysis both descriptive and inferential statistics were employed the results indicated that among 6 types of values, the economical one was prioritized as the first value by the students.
Regarding social values the highest favored value was considered for item( I will try my best to help the poor though I myself have economical problem and the least favored values was considered for the item( in case of accident I try my best to help injured people. Regarding theoretical or scientific value the highest favored value was considered for the item ( my thought and opinion originate from the existing in the world) and the least favored value was considered for the item (I insist on my opinion). Regarding the political value the highest favored value was considered for the item (I use illogical ways to practice my power) and the least favored value was related to (I will be glad when I influence other people via my own behavior). With regards to religious values the highest favored value was considered for the item (I will do my ordinary task for the sake of the God) and the last favored value was considered for the item (I will regard the religious obligation as the highest value). Finally with regards to economical value the highest value was considered for the item (in my opinion consumption is more important than production) and the least favored item was considered for the item (earning a lot of money isimportant for me).
The results of this study also indicate that social and economical position, type of university Gender, and educational level have strong effect on priority value of the students and the remaining variables have the least influential effect on the student value system. Finally the results of the study are in line with the results obtained by the researcher reviewed above.
Azadarmaki, T.,& Mehri, B. (2008). The nature of Iran value system, Tehran: Tehran University Press.
Ahmadi, H. (2002). the study of social hierarchal structure value system of high school students in Zanjan. Zanjan educational and research center.