Finalizing of the project „Promotion of sustainable development by strengthening the public sector‘s social cluster“ Nr. NOR-LT10-VRM-01-K-02-006 successful implementation

2017 April 30 marked the end of the project „Promotion of sustainable development by strengthening the public sector‘s social cluster“ Nr. NOR-LT10-VRM-01-K-02-006, which was implemented by project executor Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences alongside 12 partners from Lithuania and Norway: Fleksibel utdanning Norge, Biržai district municipality, Biržai district public health office, Prienai district municipality, Prienai foster home, Druskininkai municipality, Druskininkai Education Center, administration of Utena district municipality, Utena A. and M. Miškinių public library, Vilnius College of Design, PI Amber academy, Lithuanian College of Democracy.

Project activities have been carried out from 2015 m. September 11th – 2017 m. April 30th., total value of the project 591.162,70 EUR.

Completed targets during project implementation: develop skills and social cluster competencies by enhancing lifelong learning, contributing to the implementation of regional policy; improve project partner institution welfare policies and public administrative capacities. ensure the transparency of implementation of state welfare policy, development and deployment of innovative anti-corruption measures at local and regional level.

During the project implementation the following results were achieved: created social cluster competency model; virtual study environment; state welfaire and transparency guide (english and lithuanian languages), network of social cluster; social cluster competency program - 6 programs/modules, 6 methodical toolkits (english and lithuanian languages), administrative authorities and public skills development program, 3 programs/ modules, 3 methodical toolkits (english and lithuanian languages); organized 24 training sessions (12 – in Lithuania, 12 – in Norway), 6 visits of Lithuanian experts in Norway, 6 visits of Norwegian experts in Lithuania.

Project indicators: part of successfully implemented projects – 100 percent, total participants of various training events – 810; satisfaction of various capacity building events quality – 95 percent.

All project activities made a significant contribution to the objective of the project - contributing to regional policy objectives by applying the knowledge of Kingdom of Norway and good practices for Lithuanian state and municipal authorities, enhancing sustainable development and strengthening of public sector capacity, cooperation and social cluster between local and regional partners.

Project funding: According to 2009–2014 m. Norway‘s financial mechanism programLT10 „Capacity-building and institutional state, the beneficiary, and the Norwegian public institutions, local and regional government cooperation“.

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Lietuvos Edukologijos universitetas -

Fleksibel utdanning Norge -

Biržų rajono savivaldybė -

Biržų rajono savivaldybės visuomenės sveikatos biuras -

Prienų rajono savivaldybė -

Prienų globos namai -

Druskininkų savivaldybė -

Druskininkų Švietimo centras -

Utenos rajono savivaldybės administracija -

Utenos A. ir M. Miškinių viešoji biblioteka -

Vilniaus Dizaino kolegija -

VšĮ Gintarinė akademija -

Lietuvos demokratiškumo ugdymo kolegija -