Instructions for completing the Remick Leadership Program Supplemental Application

The Remick Leadership Program Supplemental Application provides supplemental content necessary for the Remick Leadership Program admissions process. The completed version of this document will be uploaded to your Notre Dame Graduate School (GS) Application as a “Program Upload.”

Answer the following questions in this document. Take special care not to delete any portion of the supplemental application as you insert your answers. Personalize the footer in your response document with Your Full Name, Remick Leadership Program Cohort 17 Supplemental Application, and the Page Number on each page. When finished, you will upload your responses to the GS application as a Word document or PDF, depending on your preference. A PDF is recommended, so as to prevent changes in formatting.
Although other Notre Dame Graduate programs have later deadlines, the Remick Leadership Program application submission deadline is 11:59 pm EST on February 1, 2018. All necessary materials must be uploaded to your Graduate School application in order to be considered for the RLP 17 Admissions Process: online application, transcripts, three reference letters, current GRE scores, and this supplemental application. We will not review your application unless all materials are complete and submitted to the Graduate School by the deadline.

Applicants who apply by December 31, 2017, are eligible to have their $75 application fee waived. Email April M. Garcia () for additional information.
Feel free to contact the Remick Leadership Program team at any point during your application process. We view this process as one of mutual discernment: one that both helps you determine if our program is the best fit for you, while assisting our team in learning more about your potential for Catholic school leadership. We look forward to reviewing your application.

School Demographics

Number of students enrolled:

Grade levels:

Annual tuition per student:

Percentage of students on free/reduced lunch:

Ethnicities served (include percentages):

Geography (rural, suburban, or urban):

School governance type (parish, diocesan, private, network, other):

Other pertinent information:

Financial Support

Notre Dame is committed to reducing the barriers that make graduate studies a challenge financially, especially for Catholic school leaders serving in under-resourced schools and low-income communities. Each Remick Leader receives a generous $27,000 scholarship upon admission, significantly reducing the cost to participate in the program to $23,924. Furthermore, the Remick Leadership Program is committed to ensuring that all participants are able to complete the program regardless of financial constraints. The following information is used to ensure that all applicants are able to secure sufficient financial support to fund their course of study. Please note that your financial information in no way affects the status of your application or admissions decision.

1. We encourage all applicants to speak to their schools, dioceses, religious orders, parishes, and/or other charitable institutions regarding financial support. Based on those conversations, briefly detail any financial support you have secured toward your participation in the program.

2. Due to federal regulations surrounding national licensure programs, students in the Mary Ann Remick Leadership Program are ineligible to receive Title IV funding. As such, students accepted to the program are not able to obtain federal loans to support their participation in the program. Do you plan to take out any private loans to pay for the cost of the program? (Underline one)

Yes | Maybe | No

3. What other means of support do you plan to pursue?

The section below is required only for applicants who wish to be considered to receive additional scholarship support beyond the $27,000 scholarship awarded to all accepted applicants.

The Remick Leadership Program actively pursues additional scholarship donations to help reduce the cost of tuition for qualified applicants. Although additional funding requests are not guaranteed, such information is useful in determining each applicant’s level of need.

4. Based on your current income and other financial responsibilities, how much of the $23,924 do you expect to be able to contribute?

5. If accepted, how much additional financial assistance would you need to ensure your ability to participate in the program?

6. Please outline your overall need for additional scholarships. Be as detailed as possible in describing your current financial situation and justification for additional support. Limit your response to 250 words.

Essay #1:

Why have you committed your career to Catholic schools? Articulate how you envision the Remick Leadership Program helping you to strengthen your commitment to your vocation. Limit your response to 750 words.

Begin response here.

Essay #2:

Describe a recent experience within your school context where you experienced adversity. How did you address this challenge? Limit your response to 750 words.

Begin response here.

Essay #3:

There are six character traits that we seek to develop within Remick Leaders during their time in the program.

Zeal: The applicant exudes the flame of burning desire to make God known, loved, and served.

Relentless Curiosity: The applicant possesses a growth mindset for both self and others and believes that education is a lifelong process that brings us closer to God.

Hunger: The applicant is driven by a deep desire for excellence. They do whatever it takes to ensure the highest levels of performance among students and adults.

Vision: The applicant consistently communicates a compelling vision of education as forming students to be more Christ-like.

Purpose: The applicant carefully establishes and aligns all operating norms with root beliefs and values, so that the resulting school culture is purposeful and never incidental.

Courage: The applicant maintains steadfast optimism, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Which trait do you see as your greatest area of strength? Which trait do you see as your greatest area for growth? Describe a situation in which your area of growth surfaced in your professional educational career. Limit your response to 750 words.

Begin response here.

Final Instructions

Upload this Word document in the “Program Upload” portion of the “Uploads” section of the Graduate School Application.

Lastly, upload a high quality, professional headshot of yourself in the “Additional Documents” section at the bottom of the “Uploads” Page. Select “Document 1” and upload your headshot as a JPG, PNG, or PDF file under 10 MB.

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