BRIS Newsletter, Week 4, Term 4, 28thOctober, 2011

Principal’s News

/ Around Bris this week
We celebrated World Teachers Day on Wednesday with a beautiful lunch put on by Sarah and our beloved Chappy Andrew. Cards were made by the students sharing messages of thanks to their teachers and we all sat under the trees and enjoyed lunch together. We are very fortunate to have such a hard working and dedicated team of people working at our school.
A reminder that all fees are now due. We still have a substantial amount of money owing which the school is depending on. Please finalise your accounts as a matter of urgency.
Our Working Bee is on in 3 Weeks time on Saturday 12th November from 9:00 -12:00, followed by our General Meeting and shared lunch. Please mark it on your calendar and come and help clean up our school for the end of the year.
It’s great to see students wearing hats around the place. A few still aren’t bringing them to school. Could you please ensure your child has a hat in their bag everyday with their name on it.

World Teachers Day

Executive News

/ President:Colin Dixon
Vice Pres:Marguerite Westacott
Secretary:Lee Ponder
Treasurer:Ann Cottom
Member:Marcus Bussey
Member:Kelly Chambers
Member:Andy Tuttle

Rainbow Room News

/ Thanks for all of those who have remembered to were hats at school. This is dpobly important as not only protection from the sun but the nesting magpies as well.
The Children have come up with great and original ideas to help make the world a better place to live in. Oscie is to be commended for his outstanding punctuality and listening ability, Jaiden for his conscientious effort particularly in Math’s and Fionn for his great

Yak News

/ One Million Women
On Tuesday afternoon Sarah, Nikita, Ajuna, Myah and Lavina headed off to Brisbane to the One Million Women for Climate Action at Stuartholme Girls school in Toowong.Ajuna successfully navigated Lavina through Brisbane back streets and got us there in time for afternoon refreshments. The event was to challenge young women to become leaders in the community for climate action. There is a website where you can sign up for suggested activities to cut pollution (carbon) out of your life. They challenged all girls ( and their families) to try and cut 1 tonne of carbon out of their lives with activities like; recycling, turning off power at the wall, clothes swapping ( as new clothes were usually made overseas and there was pollution involved in transporting them), buying food without packaging, using public transport or car sharing and lots more. While we decided we do some of these things already, it was a good reminder about why it was so important. Well done to the girls for making the time to go to such an important event and even keeping their shoes on for a whole hour and a half (ouch!)

High School News

/ Science News P – 10
BRIS kids are helping the WILVOS (A local wildlife carer group) by researching the top 20 animals that come into care. These scientific reports will be combined into a booklet to assist WILVO carers. Well done kids!
Science hands-on fun
A wonderful kit has been ordered – stay tuned!
Swimming fun
Swimming will start on Tuesday afternoons in Week 5. High School Children will be offered lessons or waterpolo. Look for a blue note

Nambour Artistic & Special Needs Gymnastics Club Inc.

Are you the parent or carer of a child with special needs? At Nambour Artistic and Special Needs Gymnastics Club Inc, we off gymnastics to children with special needs. For more than two years now we have been helping children through a one-hour program with challenges on equipment including bars, beam, and mini tramp. Our club is focused on children with mild to moderate intellectual, social or physical impairments and we also cater for the siblings of special needs children. We run from the Nambour PCYC on Saturdays, and our coach has over fifty years experience teaching all levels of gymnastics. We run classes according to the public school term, can do a pro-rata arrangement with fees, and our prices are commensurate with regular class rates. If you’re interested in having a free try out please contact club admin officer Alison on 0414 237586 or 5445 1479.

Yandina Community Gardens

1. Workshops

Yandina Community Gardens is pleased to offer the latest array of free workshops as part of our collaboration with theSunshine Coast Council's Living Smart program. The workshops aim to stimulate your skills to live in a sustainable way, and to share what you learn with others. We urge you to bring your friends, neighbours and family of all ages to share and learn.

As part of the currentseries, our workshop thiscoming Saturday,29thOctober,is:-

Sat 29 Oct

Urban Permaculture Design Strategies

Chris Carroll

If you have ever wondered how to increase your self-reliance, food security and energy efficiency, then come along and listen to Chris as she explains how to apply practical permaculture design strategies around your home.

This workshopis free and commences


Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Hi, I'm Jade's Dad, Steve. I make Hydrogen Fuel Cells for any diesel engine, tradesman's utilities, trucks, buses etc... They save between 10% to 25% fuel and reduce the emissions from the exhaust. The price depends on the size of the engine, starting at $2350 for engines between 2.5 to 5 litres. Anything larger will be priced individually. They are all made to order for each engine, and the price includes standard fitting. Call Steve on 0404 488 115 any time between 9am and 9pm.
Steve Lockie / Beven’s business
Oscar’s dad Beven runs a weekend business specialising in fixing cars and welding just about anything! And he is good at what he does and qualified. He has done welding jobs of various descriptions for our school and worked on several of our cars too. Call 0432 406 984 or 5476 2183 or for a quote email
Guitar lessons with Laurie
Laurie is our very talented local guitar teacher who has been teaching a few students every Thursday morning for some time now. Laurie has some room to teach anyone who is interested. Lessons are $25 per half hour every Thursday morning at school.
Call 0418 138 654 or 5429 6017. / Marimba
It's that time again...MarimbaFest is back for 2011 and is happening on 12th and 13th November with another exciting line up of workshops including three workshops on how to make your own marimba!
Book in early as some workshops have limited places and will book out.
All the info you need to book in is attached.
Hope to see you at beautiful Crystal Waters for some fun filled marimba mayhem!!!