Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse Code of Conduct
Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse is committed to providing a safe, fun and learning experience for the Players. The Program goals are intended to encourage the Players to succeed on and off the field through team commitment and friendships, improving skills, physical fitness, good sportsmanship, respectful behavior, academic achievement and positive citizenship.
Players, Coaches and Parents conduct should foster the goals of the Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse program. Players, Coaches and Parents will not act in a way that demonstrates disrespect for the game officials, players, coaches or parents of the Bethel Blackhawks/GK teams or of the opposing teams.
It is a privilege and an honor to be a member of the Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse Team. Being a member of the team is a position of responsibility and accountability. A Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse Player is held to a higher standard of conduct. Students and their parent/guardian must sign and adhere to the following pledge as a condition of participation in Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse.
- Abstain from the use or possession of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcoholic beverages and tobacco.
- Follow the spirit and letter of the rules and regulations of the Bethel School District and Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse at all practices and games for any and all sporting events.
- Refrain from disrespectful or harassing acts of texting and/or calling, including Facebook postings, Twitter updates or other social networking sites either under your name or an alias name under your use to any person or a team member.
- Refrain from bullying and harassing or any form of physical violence or any act of physical aggression or property damage of any person or a team member.
- Attend with punctuality all classes, scheduled practices and games. If you are unable to make a practice or game, it is your responsibility to obtain advance approval by the Head Coach of your team.
- Treat teachers, opposing coaches, peers, and competitors with respect. Refrain from the use of profanity, poor sportsmanship and hazing.
- Be a positive role model for the players, coaches and the Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse Club in attitude, appearance, and behavior.
- Treat Bethel Blackhawks/GK and competitors’ facilities and equipment with care and respect.
- Follow, trust and commit to the decisions of the Coaches and Bethel Blackhawks/GK Board of Directors.
Violations of the pledge and/or obtaining an unsportsmanslike penalty during a game will result in consequences for such violations as determined by the Head Coach of the Player’s team. A Player will have the opportunity to discuss with his Coach the facts involved in the violation before a decision is made regarding any disciplinary action to be imposed.
First Offense
•The first offense should be a head coach and board agreement
•A Student may self-report to the HS AD and Coach and receive a lesser suspension if agreed by the HS AD and Head Coach.
Second Offense
• Suspension from current or nearest competitive season or activity for a period of up to six (6) games.
• Self-report by Student does not apply after first offense.
Third Offense
• Suspension from the team for a period of up to one calendar year. After the suspension, the Board of Directors will determine reinstatement. Reinstatement will be based on academic record, attendance, behavior record and any other available information deemed appropriate for review.
•Any offense; which occurs after reinstatement will be treated as a third offense.
Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse Club will adhere to the Bethel School District Athletic Academic Eligibility Requirements. Please read below for more information and details pertaining to this policy:
Players are responsible for providing the Blackhawks/GK High School Athletic Director (HS AD) a copy of the original report card sent home to parents. (copies from the online grade report may be acceptedif it’s from the Bethel School District Family Access Page).
The HS AD will give players a deadline to submit their grade report and if a player does not adhere to this deadline, he will not be allowed to participate in league games until he has shown his grades to the HS AD.
If the student has a GPA of 2.0 or above in all subjects, the AD will check him off his list to confirm the player has submitted his grade report and that the report card has been given back to the player. He is then cleared to play.
Any player with a GPA below a 2.0 is ineligible for game play. It will be the players responsibility to coordinate with their respective Bethel School District teachers on what’s needed to raise their GPA. Once a player has regained the 2.0 GPA will be eligible to participate in lacrosse activities.
While a player is serving his suspension, the player can practice but may not play in games. However, if he needs more time for tutors, homework, etc. then he is excused from practice.
As a condition to practice and play for Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse, the Player and the Player’s Parents understand and agree to the Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse Code of Conduct, Conduct Violations and Grade Policy.
Students participating in an Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse programs shall be expected to attend and participate in all Bethel School District classes on the day of scheduled lacrosse activities. On any school day, student athletes must be in attendance at least on half day to participate in practice. In the case of weekday scheduled lacrosse activities, attendance in all classes the following shall also be expected. In the cases of weekend scheduled lacrosse activities, attendance in all classes the previous Friday shall be expected. Failure to comply with these attendance regulations may result in a student athlete being declared ineligible and not allowed to participate in the next scheduled lacrosse activity. Expectations to this rule may be made by the HS AD and/or Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse Board of Directors.
Parent Code of Conduct
The Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse Program is committed to providing a safe, fun and learning experience for the Players. The Program goals are intended to encourage the players to succeed on and off the field through team commitment and friendships, improving skills, physical fitness, good sportsmanship, respectful behavior, academic achievement and positive citizenship.
Parents conduct should foster the goals of the Bethel Blackhawks/GK Lacrosse program. Parents will not act in a way that demonstrates disrespect for the game officials, players, coaches, Board members orparents of the Bethel Blackhawks/GK teams and of the opposing teams.
Outlined below, is your role as a parent, communication process between parent and coach and a link to learn more about the game of lacrosse.
Your Role as a Parent
● Be a positive role model
● Show your child support, win or lose
● Control your emotions regarding team placement and at games
● Be a supporter of the entire team, coaches and volunteer Board
● Respect the coaches and officials
● Communicate with the coaches in a positive manner
● Encourage your child to achieve realistic goals based on his athletic ability
● Recognize improved performance and that it’s not all about winning
Communication between Parent and Coach
If a parent has a question and/or concern such as the coach’s interaction with your son, or suggestions on improving his lacrosse skills, please follow the stepsas outlined below:
1. Email or call the appropriate Director (High School, or Youth) to express your thoughts and/or concerns. If it is team placement or game related, please do not contact the Director within 24hours after the conclusion of the event. Emails and phone numbers for Directors are on the Bethel Blackhawks website under Contact/Board.
2. The Director and Head Lacrosse Coach will oversee the team placement process. If you or your player feels they are placed on an incorrect team, they will need to have a discussion with the Head Coach of the team they are placed on. All conversations will be between the player and Coach.
3.If an understanding is not reached,the Director will determine if another meeting with the coach is required. If appropriate, a time to meet or speak with the coach will be arranged - this meeting will include the Director, Coach, Parent(s) and Player, but the player is required to attend all discussions.
4. DO NOT confront a coach before or after a game as this is not the appropriate time to deal with certain matters.
Player SignatureParent/Guardian Signature
Player Printed NameParent/Guardian Printed Name