June 13, 2000
Re: An Invitation…
Dear Mr. Petrick:
Wireless technology is booming and wireless LANs are producing the loudest boom yet forever changing the way companies work. Beginning in the year 2000, wireless LANs are helping companies worldwide by making employees more productive and business more efficient. Because of this recent trend, ACI is producing DEPLOYING WIRELESS LANS, a conference being held on October 25-27, 2000 in Dallas.
We are currently in search of industry experts to provide intelligent and useful information to the attendees. We are pleased to invite you to participate in the event.
DEPLOYING wireless lans is a two-day event providing tactical and intelligent knowledge on how to implement wireless local area networks in healthcare entities, educational institutions and corporations. We are looking for case studies – organizations who are or who have been involved in an implementation of wireless LANs – and industry experts to present and discuss the financial and technological issues and trends involved.
The following are participation options:
§ General Speaker: 45-minute presentation on either day of the conference (Oct. 25-26, 2000, 14 slots).
§ Panelist: 45-minutes of a panel discussion with other industry leaders (Oct. 25, 2000, 4 slots).
§ Post-Conference Workshops: 2 ½ hour classroom-style session focusing on specific key implementation issues which may include strategies and examples (Oct. 27, 2000, 2 slots).
§ Chairperson: An honorary position in which the selected candidate opens and closes the conference and introduces speakers (Oct. 25-26, 2000, one slot).
DEPLOYING wireless lans, Page Two
The goal of DEPLOYING wireless lans is to provide attendees with new, tangible information and successful strategies they will be able to implement in their organization. The presenters should demonstrate best practice examples on how to develop and implement wireless LANs and case studies. Industry experts should also discuss current technology issues as well as predictions and trends.
The speakers’ ultimate benefit is the exposure and profile as an industry leader amongst peers and potential clients. Other benefits include:
§ Free admission to conference sessions and interactive workshops.
§ Invitations/all access pass to networking receptions and social activities.
§ Conference attendee networking list.
§ Complimentary issues of leading publications.
§ Complimentary event guide and proceedings.
Speaker details/tips include:
§ Presentation is approximately 45 minutes in length with a 5-10 minute Q&A.
§ Presentation/theme suggestions can be seen on the attached conference highlights document.
§ Case studies should have a how-to approach, rather than a why-to approach.
§ Complete presentation details are due approximately one-month prior to the event.
A speaker can expect the following of DEPLOYING wireless lans:
§ Two-days of general sessions, featuring a mix of top-notch professionals from a variety of organizations sharing experiences.
§ A choice of workshop sessions, focusing on specific areas of interest will be held on day three.
§ An audience of typically 100-175 senior-level-executives.
If you are interested in participating in DEPLOYING wireless lans, you must:
§ Complete the attached Abstract Speaking Form and return via email to no later than the provided deadline.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I can be reached at 312.780.0700 ext. 175, or at . I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Anna F. Krusinski
Program Manager