Towns of Richfield and Erin
August 19, 2013
Regular School Board Meeting
MEMBERS PRESENT: Ellen Duhamel, President STAFF PRESENT: John Engstrom, District Administrator
Tom Wolff, Vice-President Denise Howe, Business Manager
Jennifer Setterlun, Clerk
Tony Kellicut, Treasurer
John Tennessen, Member at Large
I. The regular meeting of the School Board of the Friess Lake School District was called to order by Board President Ellen Duhamel at 6:03 P.M. The meeting was posted at Friess Lake School, Richfield Town Hall, Erin Town Hall, Hartford Times Press, WTKM Radio Station, and the Journal/Sentinel-Cedarburg Office.
II. Roll call was taken. A quorum was verified. John Engstrom and Denise Howe were also present.
III. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Denise Howe.
IV. Open Forum
A. There was no one present for Open Forum.
V. Recognition, Appreciation, Awards
A. John Engstrom thanked the Response to Intervention (RTI) team of Deb Thomsen, Katie Bauter, Kristine Roznowski and Kathy Knapp for all of their work over the summer.
B. John Engstrom thanked Deb Thomsen, Kristine Roznowski and Kathy Knapp for their help leading some of the in-service presentations.
C. John Engstrom thanked the many teachers who were in over the summer to do literacy testing of students.
D. John Engstrom thanked Denise Howe for the extra effort and late nights required to prepare for this year’s audit that was conducted weeks earlier than usual.
VI. Approval of Minutes
A. John Tennessen made a motion to approve the July 23, 2013 Regular School Board meeting minutes as presented, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
B. Tony Kellicut made a motion to approve the July 23, 2013 Executive Session minutes as presented, Tom Wolff 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
VII. Approval of Financial Reports and Bills Payable
A. Tom Wolff made a motion to approve the July 31, 2013 Financial Reports as presented, Jennifer Setterlun 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
B. Tom Wolff made a motion to approve the following fees for the 2013-2014 school year as presented, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
· Student Lunches: $2.25 increased to $2.60 (includes a milk)
· Adult Lunches: $2.80 increased to $3.00 (includes a milk)
· Milk Fees: Will remain the same at .25cents/carton for this year
· 4K/5K Milk: $30/year increased to $45/year (.25 x 180 days)
C. Jennifer Setterlun made a motion to adopt the 2013-2014 Budget as presented, Tom Wolff 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
- Student Achievement Reports and Updates
A. Enrollment Report
- The 2013-2014 Projected Enrollment as of August 19, 2013 was reported as follows:
Preschool Speech - 0 EC-0 4K-13 5K-21 1-13 2-24 3-20 4-21 5-21
6-34 7-33 8-33 Total: 233
- John Engstrom and the Board discussed the 2013-2014 School Schedule and the addition of the extra 10 minutes in the school day.
- John Engstrom and the Board discussed 2013-2014 School Goals during the Board Retreat held prior to this meeting. More will be discussed at the September meeting.
- John Engstrom reported that he has been working with James Carlson from School Factory on the details of the $25,000 grant the school has received for the new Makers program. He further reported that in addition to having the Makers Lab open during part of the school day that an after school program will be offered with a fee for interested students.
E. Tony Kellicut made a motion to approve the 2013-2014 CESA 6 contract as amended, John Tennessen 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
F. John Engstrom requested feedback from the Board on doing background checks on volunteers. He clarified that he was interested in considering the background checks specifically for those volunteers who may have opportunities to be working alone with students. The topic will be further discussed at the next regular meeting.
- Personnel Items
- Denise Howe reported that she is currently looking to hire a new part time custodian, additional substitute teachers and a back-up employee for the after school program.
X. Board Reports and Updates
A. General Board Communications
1. Ellen Duhamel announced that in an effort to increase staff to School Board communication, that she will start emailing staff every month with the “Recognition, Appreciation and Awards” minutes of the School Board meetings to ensure that staff are aware of their appreciation. She further reported that she will ask for staff input on acknowledgements/recognitions that should be brought to their attention.
B. Board President’s Report – Ellen Duhamel
1. Ellen Duhamel did not have anything additional to add at this time.
C. The Board held their Annual Board Retreat earlier today to discuss Board practices and goals. A book study was also begun on the book “Decisive”. John Engstrom and the Board shared their results of a personality study and discussed how their unique personality traits have an impact on decision-making relationships.
D. The Board began continued to discuss long term district planning primarily in relation to recent enrollment trends.
XI. Building and Grounds Reports and Updates
A. There was nothing to report at this time.
XII. Policies
A. No policies were discussed at this time.
XIII. Future Agenda Items
A. The Board discussed future agenda items such as: 2013-2014 Goals, Protective film for entrance windows/doors, 4 day opening in-service report and the Annual Meeting.
B. The Annual Meeting was previously scheduled for September 19, 2013 at 6:00 P.M. with the regular School Board meeting to follow.
XIV. At 7:15 P.M., Tom Wolff made a motion to adjourn into Executive Session per Wisconsin Statute 19.85(1) (c), John Tennessen 2nd; Motion carried unanimously. Roll call was taken. A quorum was verified. John Engstrom was also present.
XV. At 7:55 P.M., Tom Wolff made a motion to reconvene in Open Session per Wisconsin Statute 19.85(2), Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
XVI. Tom Wolff made a motion to give a two year extension to the current contracts of John Engstrom and Denise Howe that would have expired at the end of the 2013-2014 school year, Tony Kellicut 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
XVII. At 8: 00 P.M., Tony Kellicut made a motion to adjourn, Tom Wolff 2nd; Motion carried unanimously.
Ellen Duhamel, President Jennifer Setterlun, Clerk
H: Denise/081913 Regular School Board meeting minutes 1