Minutes CPC meetingDRAFT
November 5th. 2004
The Hague, Netherlands
Present members:
Mrs.Tuula Sora, ChairpersonFinland
Mrs. Sandra Ouellette, IFNA President,USA
Mr. Karsten Boden, WCNA 2006 Chairman,Switzerland
Mr. Fred Lam, WCNA 2010 Chairman,Netherlands
Mr. Henk Norder, WCNA 2010 Treasurer,Netherlands
Mr. Pascal Rod, IFNA Executive Director,France
Mr. Jaap Hoekman, IFNA 1st. Vice-PresidentNetherlands
Mr. Arild Sorensen, IFNA 2nd. Vice-PresidentNorway
Friday November 5th. 2004,
- Greetings from Mrs. Tuula Sora to the participants and call to order.
- Approval of the CPC minutes of the last meeting May, 2004 inSchaffhausen, Switzerland with a correction concerning the dates for the meeting with Datex.
- World Congress 2006 Lausanne, Mr. Karsten Boden:
Mr. Boden say that the contact with the pharmaceutical companies is not easy and that there are difficulties for identifying the appropriate contact. Most of the contacts are expressing a real enthusiasm for the congress but are postponing the decisions concerning the financial investment. It is also difficult to know if the relation has to be done at the International level, national one or European /American one. It is expected a lot from the meeting with different companies at the Medica congress next month. The face to face meeting is always considered at the most efficient.
Mr. Boden has then enumerate the contact he has got with different companies. Some are really good and have already invested money or are in the process to. Some other ask for doing a new request next year, closer to the congress period.
Abbott: Mrs. Ouellette will contact the person she knows.
Acutronic has expressed their agreement for a booth.
Allarys has asked to renew the request later.
Ambu: the contact has been established at the national level.
Aspect: Mr. Lam and Norder have a good relationship with them in Netherlands and they will contact them.
Braun is OK for the workshop and a booth.
Datascope is interested by the European market.
Fresenius has been contacted at the national level
Hamilton, Intersurgical are OK.
Olympus has been contacted for the workshop , but no real reply at the moment.
Spacelab will take a booth.
Smith and Advent are OK.
Mr. Boden is expecting to have better replies after the Medica exhibition and in the year 2005.
Mr. Lam has expressed the difficulties due to a European rule asking the Pharmaceutical companies to provide pharmacologic information to the sole physicians and only the technical and practical information to nurses, which influence the few interest of pharmaceutical companies in nursing congresses despite a better attendance of the nurses.
Mr. Boden says that he is also looking for sponsoring for workshops and sponsored sessions.
The second announcement is planned for January. At this time the definitive cost for the Congress venue at Beaulieu should be known. Mr. Boden says that the ideal would be to have a main sponsor for the announcements. The companies are asking for a full page of advertisement in the second announcement, but such agreement would increase the number of pages and the weight. The second announcement will be printed in 3 languages with about 10 pages for each language, for the cost of 15.000 SFr. for about 7000 issues.
For reducing the costs , the Announcement for the American congresses will be printed in the USA. The others will be mailed within Europe.
It is reminded to ask to the country members for sponsoring some speakers.
Scientific program:
Mr. Boden started to look at the Scientific program day by day:
Day III: Plennary session for the IFNA. There are 3 lessons for 50’ each.
President’s report, Executive Director’s report. The other lesson will be prepared and arranged by the IFNA officers.
Neurology: Most of the speakers are known. There is an alternate proposal for the second speech but after discussion Mr. Ouellete has been selected.
Education: As the education session is organized by the IFNA Education Committee it is asked to contact Mrs. Riesen for some details about one of the speakers;
Day IV: The plenary session will consist on a presentation of the IFNA Foundation and the first report on the research granted by the Foundation.
Pain: It will be asked to France to provide more details about the 2 expected speakers.: Nurse anesthetists workforce in pain management and Paediatric pain management.
10:15 – 10:30 Coffe break.
Day V: management. For the plenary session, Mr. Rod says that Mrs. Judith Oulton from ICN has provided 2 names for addressing the Nursing shortage of nurses and the impact on health services. The 2 persons will be contacted.
The Netherlands association is proposing to take in charge the second topic on “alternative after nurse anesthesia practice”. Switzerland will take care of the error reporting.
New techniques and New drugs: It is expected to have most of the topics sponsored by companies having some new products to promote.
Mr. Norder proposed to add a presentation on a new Myorelaxant reversal that is not yet on the market. The Dutch physician in charge of the research will be contacted.
For the missing speakers, a letter will be sent to all the CNR requesting for some proposals.
Mr. Boden raises the problem for obtaining mannequins for the Spinal/Epidural workshop.
It has been proposed to offer a Free Gala Dinner to the volunteers serving for the workshops.
It is reminded that each speaker sponsored by the Congress will be offered 2 Hotel nights and a round trip flight ticket, with the registration fee waived.
Opening Ceremony:
Mr. Rod says that Dr. Jong Lee , General Director of the WHO has been contacted and seems to be interested, but since there is no full agreement and a request for being contacted closer to the congress dates for a final agreement , it has been asked to look for an alternative keynote speaker.
The budget has been then presented.
Mr. Rod says that the part paid by the IFNA for the PCO Lausanne Tourisme services should appear in the budget. It is agreed that the IFNA will submit a bill to the congress treasurer , when it will be possible to pay back the amount from the Congress account. The amount will appear in the budget at this moment.
Mr. Boden says that the SIGA ( Swiss association) has loaned a grant of 50.000 SFr. in order to support the Congress financement for the year 2005. It will pay the Congress venue Beaulieu advance.
Mrs. Sora ask if a lunch ticket will be provided. Mr. Boden says that there will be catering services proposed but at the charge of each participant. Mr. Lam says that only light lunches should be proposed in order to avoid “weak” participation of the attendees for the afternoon sessions. It is decide that this problem for including a lunch “ticket” or opportunity in the registration fee , will be examined later if the budget can afford it.
The question of a registration fee for the exhibitors is raised. The cost proposed by the Lausanne Tourisme is 35 SFr. It is proposed to increase it up to 50 Sfr.
The question of introducing a line for expected benefits from the congress was then raised. It is not clear in the CPC manual , but as it is one of the objectives of the World congress is would be maybe wise to include it in the budget. This will be discussed at the next CPC meeting.
Break for lunch 13:00 to 14:00
14:00 -15:00 Visit of the The HagueCongressCenter , venue for the next world congress. Everyone is satisfied with the space and the opportunities for concurrent sessions.
15:00 Continuing of the meeting.
The question of the involvement of the hosting association in the organization and the financing of the congress is raised by Mr. Boden. There is no clear answer in the CPC manual. Mr. Rod says that the bid for hosting the congress is made by the IFNA country member association and that the Chairperson and the local organizing and scientific committees have to be appointed by the hosting association. The benefits will be shared with the hosting association. It appears to Mr. Rod that it is fair that the hosting association participates also in the pre-financing of the congress founds, and not only the IFNA. It is also reminded that every contract for the world congress have to be signed by both the IFNA executive Director and the Congress chairperson , that has not been respected for 2 contracts for Lausanne, signed only by the IFNA Executive Director. This procedure will have to be respected in the future.
By consequence it is proposed to prepare a clear procedure for the financing of the congress based on the following recommendations:
The Prefinancing of the congress is divided in 6 years, 2 years for the preparation and the promotion prior the current congress and 4 years as the current congress.
The financing shall be based on loans with no interest fees.
The hosting association grants the 2 years pre-congress
The IFNA grants the 4 following years.
Both the hosting association and the IFNA will be reimbursed as soon as possible by the Congress funds and before the closing of congress accounts.
The IFNA shall put as a reserve some founds ( mainly coming from the world congress benefits) in order to finance the congress budget ( a mean of 40.000 SFr. Per year is proposed).
Congress 2010:
Mr. Lam says that there is no new information at the moment. The Hosting association will assist the congress organization without any problems. He says that it is very instructing to be with Mr. Norder members of the CPC and by the way to be aware of the different difficulties or challenges met in the organization of a world congress.
Mr. Lam proposes to have a Closing Ceremony or at least a closing address at the congress venue, at the end of the sessions for the people that cannot afford the gala banquet. Mr. Boden will look how to organize it already for Lausanne.
Geneva meeting for PCO:
Mrs. Sora reports on the meeting in Geneva, last June, organized by the European convention Bureau Association for congress organizers where she has been invited by the director of The Hague convention bureau. She reported that she has got very productive interviews with professionals.
Dates next CPC:
The next CPC meeting will be hold in Lausanne on May 11th and 12th 2004. The Afternoon of the 12th will be dedicated to the visit of the BeaulieuCongressCenter with all the members of the IFNA Executive Committee.
As submitted by Mr. Pascal Rod IFNA Executive Director.