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OCTOBER 6, 2014
The Board of Aldermen of the Town of Columbia met in regular session at 7:PM, Monday, October 6, 2014, at the ColumbiaMunicipalBuilding meeting room. Aldermen attending were Mike Crowder, James Cahoon, Mildred Ogletree, Ray Marner and Sandra Owens. Mayor F. Michael Griffin presided.
Mayor Griffin called the meeting to order and asked Alderman Cahoon to offer a prayer for the board. He also welcomed the audience in attendance.
Upon motion of Alderman Ogletree the consent agenda was unanimously approved. This included:
- Minutes of September 2, 2014 Regular Meeting of the Board of Aldermen
- Tax Discoveries –
Carolina Telephone$ 7,648.34
Dominion Resources 3,550.23
Piedmont Natural Gas 378.36
- Water downward adjustments –
Joan Batson$ 129.56
Columbia Rotary Club 52.68
Mayor Griffin announced the public comment period and invited members of the audience to comment on affairs of the town. Mr. Carl Combs asked to be on the agenda to review problems with the Sheriff’s Office. Mayor Griffin pointed out that the town has no control over the Office of the Sheriff, but Mr. Combs persisted that he wanted an alderman to request that he be placed on the agenda of the next meeting.
Alderman Ogletree asked that Mr. Combs be scheduled on the November meeting agenda to discuss law enforcement if it can be handled within 20 minutes. Alderman Cahoon suggested that questions be put into writing for Aldermen to review prior to the meeting.
Mr. James Spencer, Jr., who resides at 301 Cypress Street said his back yard was flooded last Saturday because a ditch to the river is clogged up. It was noted that exceptionally high tides over the weekend resulted in flooding of streets and yards throughout the town.
Town Manager Rhett White was asked to contact NC-DOT once again about cleaning the ditch and canal that runs under Ludington Drive.
Ms. Dianne Bryant of 124 Cemetery Road informed the board that she still has flooding problems at her house that is built on a concrete slab. She said officials from the
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NC Division of Emergency Management visited last week to determine what can be done to correct the problems.
Sheriff Darryl Liverman presented the September Law Enforcement Report. He reported that 278 calls and complaints were answered within the town, including 196 business checks and 15 security checks. He said there were 15 requests for a deputy and 28 charges were made during the month. This included 16 drug related charges of which three were for loitering for the purpose of drug activity. Officers traveled 2,229 miles while on duty within the town.
Sheriff Liverman asked the board to contact NC-DOT to request no parking on the south side of Main Street between Fonsoe Street and Scuppernong Drive. He explained that cars parked on the street create problems with school transportation.
Alderman Ogletree asked if tips were still coming in about suspicious activities. Sheriff Liverman said public cooperation is good. He also said that the Tyrrell County Sheriff’s Office has cooperated with Durham Police in recent drug-related enforcement activities.
Town Attorney Dwight Wheless presented information on a proposed noise ordinance for the town. He shared information on a Beaufort County Appellate courts case and led discussion on what kind of ordinance might be desirable, explaining that giving town officials discretion to exempt certain events is viewed as a problem by the courts.
Alderman Cahoon asked why discretion reasonably exercised is a bad thing?
Mr. Wheless asked the Aldermen and the Mayor to consider what type events should be excluded or exempted from a noise ordinance. He noted that the Edenton and Manteo ordinances are vague and do not establish standards for drafting special event permits.
Cecil Madden, engineer with McDavid Associates, Inc., reviewed the bids received for sewer replacement work under a CDBG-Infrastructure grant. He recommended awarding the contract to Geo. Raper & Son, Inc., in the amount of $518,384.00. Upon motion of Alderman Crowder and unanimous vote the contract award was made to Geo. Raper & Son, Inc., of ElizabethCity, low bidder at $518,384.00, with Mayor Griffin authorized to proceed with signatures.
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Upon motion of Alderman Cahoon a resolution was unanimously approved requesting that NC-DOT modify the process for ranking transportation projects to address the needs of rural areas.
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Mayor Griffin asked for thoughts on the vacancy on the Columbia Planning Board
as the result of the resignation by Chuck Owens. Alderman Ogletree nominated Tim Neilson, operator of Maggie Duke’s Antiques on Main Street. After discussion, Mayor
Griffin asked the Aldermen to bring any additional recommendations with them to the November meeting.
The Aldermen discussed the proposal before the State Commissioner of Insurance for a 25-30% increase in homeowner insurance rates in the coastal area. Mr. Wheless noted that a public hearing is scheduled for October 20th, but the public will not be allowed to speak. After discussion the Manager and Attorney were asked to draft a resolution for submission to the Commissioner of Insurance opposing the rate increase.
The Manager reported that tax payments are beginning to come in. He said Carolina Marine Structures is scheduling work on the finger pier and canoe/kayak launch projects. He said trash and recycling questions are coming in daily with the recent changes in the TyrrellCounty contract with Republic Services.
Mr. White reported that there have been more problems with lights on the town commons and boardwalk damaged or broken off at ground level. He also reported that the town is reminding residents that all residential and business structures should have clearly legible house numbers.
Alderman Crowder said he had received several complaints about speeding on Virginia Avenue and Light Street. He suggested that speed bumps be installed on the streets to slow traffic.
Alderman Cahoon said he had the opportunity to travel throughout TyrrellCounty with NC Commerce Department Secretary Sharon Decker. He said Secretary Decker left with a positive impression of the county and town.
Alderman Ogletree reported that she talked to NC-DOT Secretary Tony Tata who was in town during the Mountains to the Coast Bicycle Ride, about a different surface on the bridge sidewalk. She said he indicated that he thought the money for the work could be found within department discretionary funds. She asked that a follow-up letter to Secretary Tata with a formal request be drafted and sent.
Alderman Ogletree also suggested that the Board take time at a future meeting to review the Columbia Vision 20/20 long-range plan, noting that several goals are being completed.
Alderman Owens asked that NC-DOT be asked to remark the River Neck Road/Sound Side Road intersection. She noted that the markings are badly faded.
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Mayor Griffin announced the 23rd Annual Scuppernong River Festival with the parade at 10:AM, Saturday, October 11th. he also reminded Board members that the Southern Albemarle Association Annual Meeting will be at 10:AM, October 16th.
Upon motion of Alderman Crowder, the vote to adjourn was unanimous. Mayor Griffin adjourned the meeting.
This the 6th day of October, 2014.
F. Michael Griffin, Mayor
Rhett B. White, Clerk