Art III- Art Studio
Ms. Messick
Telephone: 945-6933 ext. 161
Schedule: 1st hour-Prep
2nd hour-9:18- 10:03-Grade 7, American History
3rd hour-10:06-10:51-Senior High; Art I, Art II, Art III
4th hour-10:54-11:39-Junior High, Art
5th hour-12:09-12:54- Senior High; Art I, Art II, Art III
6th hour-12:57-1:42 – Junior High, Art
7th hour- 1:45- 2:30 –Study Hall
8th hour- 2:33- 3:18- Elementary Art
Prerequisite: Art I, Art II and a A- average in Art II
Course Description: In this class a student will be responsible for creating two quality projects for each quarter. The student will be responsible for managing and using all class time to work on projects, assist other art students or special project requests from outside of the classroom. Each student will also be responsible for creating a lesson for an elementary class and setting up a time and place to give the lesson in an elementary classroom.
Required Course Materials: Notebook, Pencil, other project materials will be supplied
Course Requirements:Course assignments include daily work, writing assignments, group activities, tests, class participation in discussion, projects, and a final exam
Students’ progress in the course will be evaluated based upon formal and informal assessment techniques as discussed under course requirements and grading. Students will also receive daily participation points.
Instructional Strategies:
Instructional strategies include; lecture and notes, class discussion, small group activities, and a research assignment.
Student Responsibilities:
It is your responsibility to be: punctual, prepared, productive, respectful and safe
If you choose to break a rule...
1.Warning from teacher
2.Meeting with teacher outside of class
3.Detention referral
4.Meeting with Principal and Teacher, call to Parents
*Classroom disruptions- student removed immediately from class
Accountability for Assignments:
All assignments must be turnedin on time, unless previous arrangements have been made with the instructor. Deductions will be given for late work
-Three days late- project grade drops one letter grade, tests drop ½ credit
-Four days late - No credit
-Cheating will not be tolerated-Automatic zero
-Cheating includes but is not limited to copying others’ work, exchanging answers, using the teacher’s key, plagiarism, or using a cheat sheet. Any of these will result in a loss of credit.
-Make-up work
-If you are absent, it is your responsibility to pick up any make-up work.. It is also your responsibility to turn in your make-up work within 2 days.
-All tests must be made up within 2 weeks.
Grading System:
A+ = 97-100B+ =87-89C+ =77-79D+ =67-69
A = 93-96B =83-86 C=73-76 D=63-66
A- =90-92B- =80-82 C- =70- 72 D- = 60-62
Grades will be determined on a total points system which will include projects and tests/quizzes.
If You Have A Disability:Any accommodations or modifications will be coordinated with the special education case manager.
Class Schedule (Subject to Change):
Week / -One lesson plan taught in elementary per semesterWeek 1 / Project 1- upload schedule on Google
Week 2 / Project 1- Upload rubric for 1st project
Week 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 / Project 1- Working on projects, mid project critique (1st & 2nd projects), Rubric turned in before beginning 2nd project, Artist statements for Project 1 & Project 2, Images uploaded of Project 1 & 2
Week 9 / Project 2, Artist Statement and Critique, Art Portfolio
Week 10 / Project 1- upload schedule on Google
Week 11 / Project 1- Upload rubric for 1st project
Week 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 / Project 1- Working on projects, mid project critique (1st & 2nd projects), Rubric turned in before beginning 2nd project, Artist statements for Project 1 & Project 2, Images uploaded of Project 1 & 2
Grade Breakdown for each Project
20pts- (one time at beginning of semester) Add personal due dates to Google Calendar
20pts Rubric Project 1- handed in before project is begun
20pts Sketch and Project proposal
15pts Midcritique Project 1
15 pts Image or video of completed Project
25 pts Artist Statement
100 pts Completed Artwork
Upload Schedule - Guidelines and Rubric- As an independent student (future independent artist) it is important you develop time management skills. For this segment you will plan out your strategy for completing the assignments successfully using Google Calendar- Art III.
Dates entered
/All 6 dates for both projects (12 total) written on calendar with initials, includes teaching date
/10 dates for both projects written on calendar with initials, includes teaching date
/9 dates for both projects written on calendar with initials, includes teaching date
/7 or fewer dates for both projects written on calendar with initials, includes teaching date
Time management
Writing, Soft Skills /Turned in on time clear and easy to read, asked questions at appropriate time
/Late, mostly clear and easy to read, mostly asked question at appropriate time
/Late, obvious typos and not always easy to read, sometimes asked question at appropriate time
/Late, many writing errors (awkward writing, spelling errors, etc, incorrect mediums, techniques), did not ask questions at appropriate time
Project Rubric --Guidelines and Rubric A rubric is a chart or form by which your project will be judged successful. The rubric needs to be completed and uploaded onto Moodle before you begin your project. For your project you will need to create a rubric that is altered to fit the medium and techniques you have selected. The rubric should also make sure high standards are expected in the creation of the artwork.
High standards in expectation of project
/Lists many specific high standards for quality of use of medium(s) and technique(s) for project
/Lists some specific high standards for quality of use of medium(s) and technique(s) for project
/Lists few specific high standards for quality of use of medium(s) and technique(s) for project
/Lists 2 specific high standards for quality of use of medium(s) and technique(s) for project
Rubric addresses several criteria for project
/Rubric uses 4 relevant categories for evaluating project success
/Rubric uses 3 relevant categories for evaluating project success
/Rubric uses 3 categories for evaluating project success but not all seem relevant
/Rubric uses 3 categories for evaluating project success most do not appear relevant
Time management
Writing, Soft Skills /Turned in on time and before project is begun, clear and easy to read
/Late, but befor project is done. mostly clear and easy to read
/Late, project started before turned in obvious typos and not always easy to read
/Late, many writing errors (awkward writing, spelling errors, etc, incorrect mediums, techniques),
Sketches and Proposal- Guidelines and Rubric For this section you will use the Forum on Moodle. Upload a sketch or image you will use as a part of your plan for your project. Include a brief explanation of how this image relates to your project and a synopsis of what you will be creating for your Artwork.
/A clear image is included and clear and concise explanation is provided clearly relating image to project
/An image is included explanation is provided mostly relating image to project
/An image is included explanation is provided somewhat relating image to project
/No image little explanation is given
/Clear and concise explanation of plan for project- (under 100 words)
/Mostly clear and concise explanation of plan for project- (under 100 words)
/Sometimes clear and concise explanation of plan for project- (under 100 words)
/unclear and poorly detailed explanation of plan for project- (under 100 words)
Time management
Writing, Soft Skills /Turned in on time, clear and easy to read
/Late, mostly clear and easy to read
/Late, obvious typos and not always easy to read
/Late, many writing errors (awkward writing, spelling errors, etc, incorrect mediums, techniques),
Mid CritiqueFor this activity you will have several options. For all options you need to present a prepared statement describing your project, how your plan is progressing and what you are doing to make the project successful.
OPTION 1: You initiate a meeting with me during class and present the information to me, record highlights on forum.
OPTION 2: You join a class critique and present the info to me and to other students, record highlights on forum
OPTION 3: Record your mid critique report and upload onto Forum
/Confident, clear and concise prepared presentation of information- no umms,” or “I don’t know what to say”
/Mostly confident, clear and concise prepared presentation of information- a few “umms,” or “I don’t know what to say”
/presentation of information, doesn’t appear prepared- several umms,” or “I don’t know what to say”
/Presents info, not fully prepared- many “umms” or has to be directed as to what he or she needs to do
/Updated Forum with appropriate info (type of critique and explained how it went)
/Updated Forum with most of appropriate info (type of critique and explained how it went)
/Updated Forum with some appropriate info (type of critique and explained how it went)
/Updated Forum with little appropriate info (type of critique and explained how it went)words)
Time management
Writing, Soft Skills /Followed planned calendar, initiated the critique process
/Followed the calendar, had to be reminded to start the critique process
/Did critique but only after reminders
/Had to be directed to get in front of the room do critique assignment
Academic Honesty
Cheating will not be tolerated-Automatic zero
-Cheating includes but is not limited to copying others’ work, exchanging answers, using the teacher’s key, plagiarism, or using a cheat sheet. Any of these will result in a loss of credit.