Employment and Skills delivery
2014 – 2020
Discussion document
The Department for Education and Skills is currently developing astrategic approach to the delivery of employment and skills support for both individuals and businesses which will provide a basis for future utilisation of European Structural Funds.
The following document presents the high level approach being considered, which takes account of a number of key priorities and policy drivers that are influencing our thinking. These include:
- The commitments to support skills and the economic recovery as set out in the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government;
- The Structural Funds Operational Framework that has recently been consulted on, and the recommendations from the Guilford Review of the implementation arrangements for the 2014-2020 round of European funding; and
- The impact of wider policy developments such as the UK government’s welfare reforms.
Officials have already received feedback from a number of colleagues and stakeholders that have helped to shape our thinking thus far. This feedback has focussed our attention on three key areas:
- The need for a more simplified and streamlined model of delivery that will avoid the issues of duplication and competition experienced across the current programme landscape;
- Articulation of a ‘footprint’ for delivery that takes account of national, regional and local needs and which sets clear strategic direction for those involved in the delivery of employment and skills support to adults;
- The need for a more integrated assessment and referral service for businesses and individuals wishing to access support for their skills needs, where possible through a single access point.
The purpose of this document is to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to be further informed about our intended approach and to allow input to the further design of this new approach over the coming months.
If you have any comments regarding the document and/or wish to register an interest in participating in further discussions as the approach evolves, please forward details the end of July 2013. Annex A provides contact details for the team working in DfES to develop the new delivery model.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Cath Jenkins
Deputy Director
Employment and Skills
Employment and Skills delivery approach 2014-2020
DfES is currently developing a new approach to employment and skills support which will deliver a more integrated employment and skills offer from 2014 onwards. DfES will focus on providing leadership and direction, adopting more of a strategic commissioning role as opposed to a direct delivery role, with a view to creating a more coherent and integrated portfolio of programmes at national, regional and local level.
The recent Guilford Review of the implementation arrangements for the 2014 round of European funding clearly indicates the value of a more locally focussed approach to identifying and responding to needs set within the context of an Economic Prioritisation Framework. Building on the outcomes from this Review, we are working with WEFO to inform the emerging Economic Prioritisation Framework, and to develop a clear footprint for delivery at national, regional and local level. This will provide the platform for an integrated portfolio of employment and skills activity and a clear basis for utilisation of DfES programme funds as match funding within both DfES-led and externally-led projects.
Proposed approach
In line with the above, co-ordination of employment and skills delivery will be undertaken through an integrated portfolio of projects that respond to clearly identified and evidenced need and operate at a combination of national, regional and local levels.
DfES will set the national strategic priorities which, through joint working with other Welsh Government departments, will also reflect the need for contribution to wider potential outcomes in areas such as regeneration, economic development and tackling poverty through employment and skills interventions.
Welsh Government will develop a single engagement, assessment and referral system (working title: Skills Gateway) that will provide a seamless service for businesses and individuals seeking support. The Skills Gateway will assist clients in determining need and will refer them to the most appropriate source of support as outlined below to meet that need.
Key to the successful delivery of employment and skills support is a clearly defined provision landscape that ensures sufficient coverage and avoids duplication and competition whilst taking account of local and regional as well as national requirements. Provision will be defined within a three tier approach and will comprise a portfolio of project delivery that combines national, regional and local schemes:
National Tier: DfES will define strategic priorities at a national level, including quality expectations, and will act as lead sponsor for a small number of large, strategic pan-Wales programmes. This is likely to include activities such as a national apprenticeship scheme and Jobs Growth Wales as well as a new single engagement, assessment and referral service for individuals and employers wishing to access skills support. This will ensure that there is a consistent approach across Wales to delivering strategic, national-level priorities in line withkey Welsh Government policies. It is anticipated that there may also be a need to commission other (non Welsh Government-led) national activity, such as a pan-Wales approach to intensive engagement support for those individuals who are furthest from the labour market and/or specific support for graduate employment.
Regional Tier: Based on evidence of regional skills and employment needs, provision will be commissioned that complements the national schemes as outlined above. This is likely to include a range of workforce up-skilling provision and support for entry into, and progression within the workplace, responding to specific regional economic conditions and priorities. It is also likely to include regionally-focused youth engagement activities.
Local Tier: This will effectively be a gap filling provision at a very local level. This is likely to be niche provision i.e. specific targeting of hardest to help and most disadvantaged.
Next Steps
To end of August: Welsh Government will work with partners and stakeholders to discuss the options for future delivery and agree a way forward for project development at a regional and local level as outlined above.
By end of September: Once discussions have concluded a more detailed footprint document will be produced that will articulate the integrated portfolio of interventions and delivery options.
In October: Welsh Government will continue to work with stakeholders to inform project development for key activities post 2014.
Department for Education and Skills
Annex A
Contact details
Lisa Pugh / Head of ESF Policy Branch / / 01792 765850Phil Tristram
Lead for: / Senior Manager ESF Project Development
- South West and MidWalesArea
-South West & Mid FE/NTfW
- South West and Mid SET / / 01792 765817
Nick McNeill
Lead for: / Senior Manager – Employment and Skills
- East Wales Area
- South WalesHE/Employers / / 01443 663704
Sian Roberts
Lead for: / Senior Manager ESF Project Development
- North WalesArea
- North WalesHE/Employers
- Careers Wales
- SET / / 0300 0625342
Rae Cornish
Lead for: / Senior Manager – Employment and Skills
- Current E&S Programmes
- 3rd Sector / Voluntary Groups / / 01443 663959
Chris Perrin
Lead for: / Senior ESF Manager
- South East Wales
- South East WalesSET / / 01443 663719
Department for Education and Skills