Name: Number: Class: Mark:


  1. Who is thesender of thisinvitationcard?

a) Joe b) Rose

c) Jim d) Her cousin

2. What kind of a party is it?

a) Birthday b) Graduation

c) Fancy Dress d) Halloween

3. Aşağıdakisorulardanhangisinincevabıdavetiyedeyoktur?

a) When is the party? b) What time is the party?

c) Where is the party? d) Will Joe come to the party?

4) A broken mirror……………..

a) brings bad luck

b) protects from evi l eye

c) brings good luck

d) is a horoscope name

5) What do you need for a birthday party?

a) costume, beverages and food b) cake, candles

c) Christmas tree, presents d) pyjamas, pillow

6) Tina: We are having a party for Ted on Saturday evening . ……………………..….?

Joe: Yes, I’d be happy to.

a) Why don’t you join us b) I’m sorry, I can’t c) Would you drink anything d) Where is it

7) A: Would you like to come to my party?

B: Thanks for …………… I’m sorry, I can’t

a) joining c) inviting

b) sending d) preparing

8)My sister is very ______. She always shares her money and toys.

a) generous b) rude

c) stingy d) optimistic

9)It is a mammal. It lives in water. It has got sharp teeth It’s dangerous and has got fins. It is a……………….

a)hippo b) crocodile c)shark d) lizard

10)Arda: Would you like some lemonade?

Tuna: Yes, ______please.

a) many b) just a few

c) one or two d) just a little

11)It usually starts at 19:00. We learn about the daily events and political events in our country. What is this TV programme?

a) Documentaries b) Series

c) Quiz show d) News

12) I’m very hungry but I don’t have …….. food at home.

a) a lot of b) some

c) many d) any

13) I was in Adana ______but I am in Mersin______.

a) two days ago/ tomorrow b) yesterday/ today

c) today/now d) tomorrow/ yesterday

14)Selin: We are going on a picnic tomorrow. Why don’t you come with us?

Merve: _____. What time are you going to leave home?


a) Why not b) I’d love to

c) Sure d) I’m sorry

15) It is a………………..

a) palm reading b) coffee reading

c) magic ball d) tarot cards


“ 23 Mart 2016”

a)The twenty second of March, two thousand sixteen

b) The twenty third of March, two thousand and sixteen

c) Twentieth of March, twenty and sixteen

d) The third of May , two hundred sixteen

17)Fortune Teller: You will have some money problems.

You should ……………………………………… .

a) be careful about shopping b) spend much money

c) go to a fortune teller d) not save money

18)Ali: Hasan’s birthday is tomorrow.

...... buy a new MP3 player for him.

Batuhan: It is a great idea.

a) Why don't we b) Should

c) Let's d) How about

19)Aşağıda eşanlameşleştirmelerindenhangisiyanlıştır?

a) drinks- beverages b) gift- invitation

c)games and music- entertainment d) guests -visitors

20) Tom and Linda are getting married today . Their ______is at Robert’s Café. Let’s congratulate them.

a) birthday party b) new year party

c) graduation d) wedding ceremony

Mustafa DÖNGEL 23/03/2017

Teacher of ENGLISH