May, 2015

Dear Sisters,

Spring is painting everything with a fresh coat of color! May you be experiencing the beauty of this vibrant season!

Each year we are asked to discuss our needs within our local communities and then to prepare and submit an annual projected budget to the Office of Finance Services for the upcoming year. We recognize that this is not an easy task as we all attempt to stretch each dollar just a little bit more in order to cover increases in everyday expenses. At a local level it can also be challenging as each of us views finances from our own personal experience and perception. Isn’t that when we realize ever more keenly God’s grace working within our midst! Thank you in advance for taking the time to have that “thick” conversation around finances at the local level.

During the Stewardship presentation on Shared Leadership Day last November, we highlighted what the income and expenses presently are for the Congregation and how dependent we are upon the investment income for payment of expenses. Surplus funds from the local communities sent to the Finance Office are extremely valuable and necessary. May we suggest that reduction of expenses and sharing surplus funds—be part of your local community’s house discussion in preparing the house budget.

Another topic for discussion might be transportation needs. A very large expense for each local community and for the congregation is transportation, especially auto rental. Your sacrifice in order to pay the requested $350 per car each month is greatly appreciated.

To assist you in preparing your local house budget we have attached guidelines and the final projected income/expense budget report for the year October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2016. The budget cycle has been changed to October 1 to September 30 so that all 12 months are budgeted using one stipend amount ($1,760.) It would be extremely helpful to the Finance Office if each local community would return the budget form by June 1, 2015.

Again, thank you for your participation in this budgeting process. We are very grateful for your efforts to balance congregational needs with local community needs. Please feel free to call if you need any assistance in preparing budgets for next year.

Peace and joy,

Pat Linda

Patricia Koehler, OP Linda Hincken

Councilor for Stewardship/Treasurer Chief Financial Officer