Intel® Teach Program

Essentials Course

Unit Plan Template

Unit Author
First and Last Name / Becky Krahn
School District / GRACE
School Name / Resurrection
School City, State / Green Bay, WI, 54110
Unit Overview
Unit Title
Monster swap
Unit Summary
Elementary students create monsters no one has ever seen before. After students draw their monsters, they write descriptive paragraphs about their creations. The descriptive paragraphs are swapped with a partner class cyber pals try to duplicate the monsters, basing their interpretations on the written descriptions. Kids get to see how powerful language can be. Along the way, students learn descriptive writing skills and find common ground in the universal appeal of ugly monsters.
Subject Area
Technology and language arts
Grade Level
4th Grade
Approximate Time Needed
8 ½ class periods
Unit Foundation
Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks
Common Core-Production and distribution of Writing
4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.
6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single sitting.
Knowledge of Language (4.3)
Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
a. Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely.*
b. Choose punctuation for effect.*
Production of Writing (4.4)
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
Use digital-imaging technology to modify or create works of art for use in a digital presentation. (1,2,6)
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes
Curriculum-Framing Questions
Essential Question / How can I communicate so others will understand?
Unit Questions / How can words be used to paint a picture?
How do we interpret things differently?
Why don’t you see it the way I see it?
Content Questions / What is an adjective?
What descriptive words does the author use to help you picture the character?
What should be included in a descriptive paragraph?
Assessment Plan
Assessment Timeline
Before project work begins / Students work on projects and complete tasks / After project work is completed
Questioning / Anecdotal Notes / Peer Feedback / MonsterSwap Rubric
Conferences / Writing Rubric / Student Rubric
Assessment Summary
Unit Details
Prerequisite Skills
Paint Program, Word processing for describtions
Instructional Procedures
DAY 1 and 2 Students will use a drawing program to design a monster, students need to create a detailed monster.
DAY 3 and 4 Students will write a descriptive paragraph
DAY 5 Sending files to e-pals
Day 6 and 7 Receive files from Partner class- Draw from their decriptions
Day 8 Upload our 2 drawings for comparison class
Day 9 Skype with class to meet our monster partners
Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction
Special Needs Students
Nonnative Speakers
Gifted/Talented Students
Materials and Resources Required For Unit

Technology – Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed)

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Intel® Teach Program

Essentials Course

Digital Camera
DVD Player
Internet Connection / Laser Disk
Projection System
Television / VCR
Video Camera
Video Conferencing Equip.
Technology – Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)
Desktop Publishing
E-mail Software
Encyclopedia on CD-ROM / Image Processing
Internet Web Browser
Multimedia / Web Page Development
Word Processing

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Intel® Teach Program

Essentials Course

Printed Materials / Monster Swap Rubric
Supplies /
Internet Resources / Glogster to publish results – embed to website or wiki
Other Resources /

Programs of the Intel® Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation.

Copyright © 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative,and Intel Teach Program are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.*Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

Monster Swap Student Rubric

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Description / I describe everything about my monster. I explain how he looks, sounds, smells, and feels.
The reader can easily picture my monster.
I use many different kinds of vibrant words to describe my monster to the reader. / I describe many things about my monster.
The reader can picture my monster.
I use different kinds of vibrant words to describe my monster to the reader. / I describe some things about my monster.
The reader can sort of picture my monster.
I describe my monster to the reader, but I use the same kinds of words. / I describe very few things about my monster.
The reader has a hard time picturing my monster.
I need the teacher’s help to pick vibrant words to describe my monster to the reader.
Comparison / I find and describe all of the differences between the two monster drawings. / I find and describe many of the differences between the two monster drawings. / I find and describe a few of the differences between the two monster drawings. / I need help to find and describe any differences between the two monster drawings.
Conclusion / I explain and can give examples of how choosing the right words can make a story better.
I explain and can give examples of how words can be used to paint a picture.
I use examples to explain and answer the question, How can I communicate so others will understand? / I explain how choosing the right words can make a story better.
I explain how words can be used to paint a picture.
I explain and answer the question, How can I communicate so others will understand? / I somewhat explain how choosing the right words can make a story better.
I somewhat explain how words can be used to paint a picture.
I answer the question, How can I communicate so others will understand? / I need help to explain how choosing the right words can make a story better.
I need help to explain how words can be used to paint a picture.
I need help to answer the question, How can I communicate so others will understand?
Mechanics / I carefully checked my work. My slides have no errors. / I checked my work. My slides have only one or two errors. / I may not have checked my work. My slides have three or more errors. / I did not check my work. My slides have many errors.

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