Applications close on 4 October 2016
12 midnight Australian Eastern Standard Time
For projects commencing from January 2018
- You must upload this application form as a PDF along with any other essential support material (in the stipulated file format) to the Australia Council’s online system
- Grants Officer may seek clarification of information in applications after the closing date, but new or substantially revised applications will not be accepted.
- When completing this application please ensure that all information is correct and legally applicable. Should your application be successful the information provided will be used to develop the funding agreement.
- In order to apply you must be the organisation managing the project (not the artist) and you must be, or apply through, a registered legal entity (i.e. has an ABN). If your organisation is not a legal entity you must arrange for another legal entity (such as your local or shire council) to auspice your application.
Lodgement details
Applications must be submitted via the Australia Council’s online system by 12 (midnight) AEST on the closing date. Applications can be submitted any time after the grant round is open, up until the closing date. Late applications will not be accepted.
Application Summary
CompanyArt form
1) What are your company’s national regional touring goals for 2018-2020?
2) How do the presenters and proposed presentations listed in the Itinerary Plan address these goals?
3) Briefly outline your company’s national regional touring history
4) Please complete the detail for your last three years of national touring
YearNo. of Productions
Production Title / titles:
State / Number of venues / Number of venues / Number of venues
5) What were your company’s major achievements in your last three years of national touring?
6) What will be your process for selecting which productions are the most appropriate to tour to regional and remote communities throughout 2018-2020?
7) How do your touring plans address audience development and/or meets audience demand?
8) What will be the experience, opportunities and benefits offered to regional and remote communities from your touring plans?
9) What type and level of partnership exists or do you hope to develop with presenters proposed in your three year touring plans?
10) How will you work with presenters to achieve mutual audience objectives over the three years?
11) If you are successful in receiving aNational Touring Status Grant, please list the key steps you will undertake to confirm the production, presenters, itinerary and budget.
Milestone / Process / Completed by12) What company staff resources are dedicated to delivering the touring program, or if work is outsourced what resources are in place? Is this the coordination approachthe company normally uses?
13) How will you leverage the National Touring Status Grant to enhance touring deliverables over the triennium?
14) Please provide notes to explain how you have arrived at the estimated budgets.