2012 Sport Climbing Competition

Climber’s Handbook ver1.0

This handbook is provided for the information of competitors wishing to participate in the CAWA2012 Sport Climbing Competition

1. Competition Venue’s:

Rockface Indoor Rock Climbing Centre
9 John Street
Ph: 08 9328 5998

/ City Summit Perth’s Rock Climbing Centre
2/26 Harris Road
Ph: 08 9248 7035

2. Competition Dates :

The competition will be held with four Heatson the following dates and venue’s;

  • HEAT 1 – Pumpfest / Boulder : Saturday 28th July - Rockface
  • HEAT 2 – Clipfest / Lead : Saturday 11th August - Rockface
  • HEAT 3 – Pumpfest / Boulder : Saturday18th August - City Summit
  • HEAT 4 – Clipfest / Lead : Saturday 15thSeptember - City Summit

3. Registration :

  • We request that all competitors pre-register and pay fees prior to Heats – this is to enable faster check-in on competition days, and avoid delays.
  • ‘Early Bird’ registration is recommended. Late Fees will apply if booking within 48 hours of any Heat.
  • Due to time constraints numbers for all categories may be limited.
  • Entries on the day will be accepted during registration times until the maximum numbers are reached, to avoid disappointment please pre-register.
  • Registration is available on-line on this REGISTER NOW link or on CAWA web.
  • Or, registration forms can be found at the end of this document. Please complete in full and email to one week prior to your chosen Heat.
  • Please ensure you have completed the CAWA Competition registration form, and Gym waiver forms, required for entry to the Competition.

4. Categories for Entries :

There will be Male and Female categories for Boulder & Lead heats, including;

Youth (Under 18’s)

Open A (Gun’s...19-39, onsight grades 24+)

Open B (More Gun’s...19-39, onsight upto grade 23)

Masters (Legends... 40+ - born 1971and before)

For the Open A/B categories anhonest self-assessment of onsight grading is requested to allow an equal opportunity for all lead competitors.

5. Entry Fees :

  • Entry fee is $20 per competitor for each Pumpfest (Boulder) Heat, and $40 per competitor for each Clipfest (Lead) Heat. Entry fees are per heat entered.
  • Fees are discounted if you are current CAWA Member ($15 for Boulder Heats, $35 for Lead Heats).
  • Discounts apply for multiple entries - $100 for entry in all four heats, please ensure you registration forms are completed in full.
  • Multiple entries not accepted for single Heats

6. The Competition :

There are four (4) Heats for the overall competition.

Two Pumpfests, and two Clipfests

6.1 Lead Climbing Heats :

  • Lead heats include a qualifying round, followed by a finals round in each category
  • To qualify, competitors will attempt a number of marked set routes, gaining points for each attempt
  • Qualifying & Finals routes will be Zoned. Each Zone of controlled accomplishment will receive a score.
  • Higher graded climbs will receive a higher score
  • Each route will be scored where there is no weighing or resting on the rope. Only marked holds are usable. Features will be marked included or excluded.
  • Climbers can attempt the climbs in any order, however a harder rated/numbered climb will only count on the successful completion of the preceding climb/grade i.e. a climber must complete a rated climb before the higher rated/scoring climb can be counted towards their qualifying score.
  • In the event a penalty occurs, the climb is deemed incomplete and scoring will only be allowed to the last controlled zone if a previous “CLEAN” route was completed.
  • The Judges decision is final and no discussion or appeals will be considered.
  • There will be no isolation requirement until the Finals round.
  • Winners will be decided by placing in the onsight final for each category.
  • Count-back to the heatswill be used in the result of a tie in the final.


  • The U18, Open A, Open B and Masters categories will be split into Male / Female. Climbers will be invited to climb, upto 4 climbers simultaneously, on the marked qualifying routes. The score from each competitor’stwo highest attempts will be added and the top 5 scores will progress to the final round. All climbers tied in places up to 5 will be included in the final.


  • Climbers will be kept in isolation to warm up before their climb. There will be a 5 minuteallocation for climbers to visualize and complete their route. Each climber will be announced prior to their finals attempt.


  • Climbers in all categories willlead climb in qualifying and finals rounds.
  • Categories are grouped as follows;

Group / Category
1 / U18 – Girls
2 / U18 – Boys
3 / Masters – Womens
4 / Master - Mens
5 / Open B - Womens
6 / Open B - Mens
7 / Open A - Womens
8 / Open A - Mens

Interim Timetable:

  • The following timetable is a guide, and is subject to change. Climbers are expected to be present, and ready to climb at all times.

Time / Activity
08:00am / Registration, competitor identification
08:45am / Competitor briefing
08:55am / Warm-up opens
09:10am / Groups 1-4 to commence qualifying round
11:40am / Lunch Intermission
12:10pm / Qualifying results announced for Groups 1-4
12:15pm / Isolation commence for Groups 1-4
12:15pm / Finals for Groups 1-4
1:45pm / Competitor briefing - Open A/B (Groups 5-8)
1:50pm / Warm-up opens
2:05pm / Groups 5-8 to commence qualifying round
5:35pm / Break
5:55pm / Qualifying results announced for Groups 5-8
6:00pm / Isolation commence for Groups 5&6
6:00pm / Finals for Groups 5&6
6:50pm / Isolation commence for Groups 7&8
6:50pm / Finals for Groups 7&8
8:00pm / Ceremony for all categories
  • Climbers who are colour-blind need to notify the routesetters via CAWA at least one week prior to the event.

6.2 Bouldering Heats :

  • The Pumpfest heats will run for 3 hours.
  • Competitors are required to nominate their entry category in the Pumpfest.
  • Each competitor will attempt as many problems as possible.
  • The hardest 8 problems will be tallied for each competitor’s final result. If you flash any problem you will be awarded an extra point towards that climb, you will have to indicate it was a flash in the flash column on the scoresheet.
  • Scoring in the Pumpfest is a self-scoring honour-system.
  • In event of a tie it will go to the competitor with the highest graded problem.
  • Places will be awarded based on points for place getters. Open A competitors will move to the finals round.

Interim Timetable:

  • The following timetable is a draft and subject to change.
  • Times are approximate and will vary depending on the running of the event. All climbers are advised to be at the event and ready to climb at all times.

Proposed Timetable
Registration / 0900 – 1000
Briefing / 1030 – 1045
Pumpfest / 1045 – 1345
Results posted / 1345 - 1415
Open A Finals / 1430 – 1600
Presentations / 1600 – 1630

Open A Finals:

  • Top 5 male & female climbers in the Open A category will compete in a boulder final.
  • Competitors will be given 5 problems to work, and 5 minutes on each problem to get as high as possible.
  • Scores from all attempts will be used for a final result.

7. Prizes :

  • Prizes are awarded for each Heat in the 1st-2nd-3rd places of each Male and Female category - Youth, Open A/B and Masters.
  • Special prizes will also be awarded to the persons who score the most across all 4 Heats.
  • Spot prizes and door prizes will be awarded on the day.

2012 Sport Climbing Competition

Pumpfest & Clipfest


Name______Date of Birth______




Category - Please Circle:Male/FemaleCAWA Members No.#______

U18/Open A/Open B/Masters

Competition Date:

28th July/11th August/18th August/15th September

Competition Fee:

General Entry:$20.00 per Pumpfest heat

$40.00per Clipfest heat

CAWA Members:$15.00 per Pumpfest heat

$35.00 per Clipfest heat

Series Entry:$100.00 (series of 4 heats, one category selection for the Series)

Please pay fees by the ‘Register Now’ service available at the CAWA website.

WARNING: Climbing is a physically demanding sport and requires training and fitness. It is a recreational activity that involves a significant risk of impairment of a participant's physical condition or injury and even death from various causes.

DECLARATION, WAIVER AND RELEASE: In consideration of, and as a condition of acceptance of my entry in the “CAWA Climbing Competition” (The term "Climbing Competition" used herein refers to the 2012CAWA Climbing Competition), I declare and agree that:

1. I am physically fit and capable of completing theClimbing Competition. I am not aware of any medical condition, impairment, disease, illness or any other reason why I should not participate in the Climbing Competitionand that I have not been advised by a qualified medical practitioner not to participate. Where I become aware of any medical condition or impairment, or am otherwise sick or injured prior to or during the event, I will withdraw from or discontinue my participation in the Climbing Competition.

2. My participation in the Climbing Competitionis at my own risk and I acknowledge the above risk warning.

3. I release Climbers Association of Western Australia, its officers, coaches, agents, representatives, members and sponsors, from and against any claims of any kind (whether at tort, contract or statute) including personal injury, death or property damage, however caused (including negligence) and arising out of my participating in the Climbing Competition.

4. I understand and acknowledge that Climbers Association of Western Australia do not make any warranty (implied or express) that Climbing Competitionservices will be provided with due care and skill.

5. I indemnify theClimbers Association of Western Australia, its officers, coaches, agents, representatives, members and sponsors, from and against any claims made against them arising from personal injury, death or property damage caused to another person by me in the course of my participation in the Climbing Competition.

6. My name, likeness and image may be recorded and used by Climbers Association of Western Australia(in any form of media) for activities associated with or incidental to this course, including the promotion of the course, without my permission and without any form of compensation to me.

7. I consent to receiving treatment from a qualified medical practitioner during or immediately after climbingif unable to provide consent at the time such treatment is deemed to be required.

8. This agreement is governed by the laws of Western Australia. If any part of this agreement is held to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable then that part will be deemed to be severed without affecting the enforceability of the remainder of this agreement.

Name in Caps & Signature:______Signed on this the______day of ______2012

Signature…………………………………………...... PARENT OR GUARDIAN, if climber is under 18 years old)