Work Instruction
Functional Area: Payroll / Load Kronos Time Data to UC Flex HR
Use this procedure to retrieve Kronos time data from the UC Flex HR directories.
Perform this procedure when it is necessary to retrieve Kronos time data from the UC Flex HR directories.
Menu Path
Transaction Code
Business Process Information
The following outlines bi-weekly time data processing that is to be performed before payroll processing:
  • Kronos Connect (WFCtoSAP Payroll) - Kronos time data is collected and placed in UC Flex HR directories.
  • ZHRPT_KRONOSAPE – Time Data Load - Time data is retrieved from the UC Flex HR directories. The number of files uploaded is the first indication whether the Kronos time data has been interfaced correctly.
  • ZHRPT_KRONOSAPR – Reporting - Allows payroll personnel to view what has been brought over from Kronos for the past 5 pay periods.
  • ZHRPT_KRONOSAPSUB – Processing - Validates the time data as either a “Success” or “Error”. Successful time data is transferred to CATS in eight hour segments and unsuccessful (errors) will be displayed with a Message text to explain the error.
  • ZHRPT_KRONOSAPV – Revalidate - This is the first opportunity to correct errors. Time data values can be changed at this point and reprocessed for transfer into CATS.
  • PT60 -Time evaluation - Comp time generated in the first week is made available for deduction in second week, where applicable.
  • ZHRPT_KRONOSAPV – Revalidate - This is the second opportunity to correct errors. Time data values can be changed at this point and reprocessed for transfer into CATS.
  • CAT6 – Transfer all previously locked records to Payroll.
  • Enter all Time Entry Correction forms in CATS (CAT2, UC_Houlry).
  • PT60 - Time evaluation (errors only) - Accruals generated, wage types created and hours reported to Payroll.
Helpful Hints
  • The R/O/C column in the field description tables below defines whether the field is required (R), optional (O), or conditional (C).
  • On certain screens you may have to scroll to view some data entry fields.
  • Currently there is no menu path to this transaction, but all Kronos interfaces can be accessed by entering ZKRONOS in the Area Menu and selecting the appropriate transaction.

Work Instruction
Functional Area: Payroll / Load Kronos Time Data to UC Flex HR
1. / Start the transaction using the transaction code.
Inbound Interface: Kronos-to-SAP Timedata Load

2. / Review the displayed information.
/ This screen displays the data that is retrieved from the UC Flex directories that are ready to be processed by transaction ZHRPT-KRONOSAPSUB
/ This screen displays the first indication of whether the Kronos time data has been interfaced correctly. Total Lines Uploaded Via Kronos will vary pay period to pay period, but if there is a significant difference, this will indicate a problem with the interface.
3. / Click until you return to the SAP Easy Access screen.
4. / You have completed this transaction.
Ver: / 16_PY_ZHRPT_KRONOSAPE_Load Kron Time Data to UC Flex HR_PY2_0.udc
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Work Instruction
Functional Area: Payroll / Load Kronos Time Data to UC Flex HR
You have retrieved Kronos time data from the UC Flex HR directories.
Ver: / 16_PY_ZHRPT_KRONOSAPE_Load Kron Time Data to UC Flex HR_PY2_0.udc
© University of Cincinnati / 1/3