ST4-6 Job Description
Name(s) of trainer(s): Dr Bill Bamber
Speciality of placement: General psychiatry(Community + some Inpatient if required)
Other experience available in the placement:
Name of Trust: Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust
Location: Laurel House, 41 Old Dover Road, Canterbury CT1 3HH Tel: 01227 597111
Type of unit (DGH, Psychiatric Hospital etc): Psychiatric hospital & Community Mental Health Centre
Main speciality commitment of trainer(s):General psychiatry
Minor speciality commitment of trainer(s): Interest in Bipolar Affective Disorder & Student Populations
Current research of trainer(s): Undergraduate Mental Health Service
Details of placement and timetable
Job is community based. Quick response to referrals from GPs, other team members and other sources e.g. Police.
- Diagnosis, formulation, management of patients within the community, emphasis on use of community resources. Teaching of SHOs/medical students.
- Special interest in fluid populations; university students and the homeless.
- Support and advise to colleagues within the multidisciplinary team
- Attendance at senior psychiatrists’ meetings
- Regular on-call on the senior rota for Canterbury and Thanet with consultant back-up.
Service provided by trainer: Dr Bamber provides a general adult psychiatric service to Canterbury & Faversham and surrounding countryside as well as the University of Kent. Psychiatric services are provided by an Intake and Enhanced Team who work closely with general practitioners. There is a nursing out-of-hours emergency service and in-patient bed at St Martins Hospital, Canterbury.
The team comprises of two consultant Psychiatrists (Dr Bamber and Dr Pisaca). There is an experienced Multidisciplinary team involving Community Psychiatric Nurses, Occupational Therapy and Social Worker input. The SpR will also work with the GPVTS (SHO) providing clinical advice, teaching and audit.
Service the trainee provides: The trainee participates in whatever aspect of the service he or she needs for training purposes. This might include one or other community team, input to wards or other aspects of general psychiatry. The trainee is on the senior on-call rota for psychiatry in Canterbury & Thanet with consultant back-up. There is the possibility for the Trainee to spend one day a week in St. Martin’s Hospital in a General Adult Psychiatry ward. Other features of the job include Mood Clinic seeing patients with Bipolar Affective Disorder and Unipolar Depressive Disorder. Other interests of the trainee such as experience of managing psychotic illness and medical education can be accommodated depending on trainee requirements. For example the previous trainee developed an interest in community management of forensic patients with supervision provided by the Forensic Psychiatry service at Trevor Gibbens Unit.
Trainee’s timetable(can be negotiated depending on Trainee requirements):
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayAM / Special Interest / Teaching SHOs and medical students @ St Martin’s / Team meeting
Supervision / Academic Programme / Inpatient
PM / Special Interest / Clinic / Clinic / Emergency Clinic / Inpatient