AB7 New Job Program
(For down acting brakes)
1)Push Job key (twice) till the job list comes up.
2)Enter jog number- push “Enter Adv” key
3)Program ram dimension (If you are bending by an angle, leave at no)- push “Enter Adv” key
4)Enter die number- push “Enter Adv” key
5)Enter punch number – push “Enter Adv” key
6)Enter material thickness- push “Enter Adv” key (be sure you mic material)
7)If you want the Hurco to figure the bend allowance, push the “Yes” key
(inside bend = no, outside bend = yes)
8)Push “Enter Adv” key, push “Stat” key
9)Enter what measurement you what backgauge to be- push “Enter Adv” key
10)Enter the angle you want to bend- push “Enter Adv” key
(all angles are inside, so if you want an outside 80 degree, you would program 100 degrees.
Remember 180 degrees minus the outside angle is the inside angle)
11)Push “Enter Adv” key, push “Enter Adv” key.
12)If you want a retract time, enter the seconds you want the gauge to wait before it moves
To the next station (up to 15 seconds). If not, leave at zero. Push “Enter Adv” key
13)If you want a retract dimension, enter that dimension. If not, leave at zero- push “Enter Adv” key
14)Enter ram opening, push “Enter Adv” key
15)Enter ram speed, push “Enter Adv” key
16)If you have another bend, push “New Stat” key, and repeat steps 9 thru 15
17)Push “Stat” key
18)Push “Run” key
To Fix Your Part If It Is Off
If Your Dimension Is Off
1)Push “Stat” key
2)Push “Next” key till the station number you want to fix is at the top of the screen
3)Push “Enter Adv” key (2 times) till the cursor is at Bend Allowance
4)Push the “+” key if you want to make the bend longer. Push the “-“ key if you want
to make the bend shorter
5)Enter the amount you want to change on the dimension
6)Push the “Next” key if there is another station you want to fix (make sure the station
number you want to fix is at the top of the screen), then repeat steps 4 thru 6
7)Push “Stat” key
8)Push “Run” key
If You Angle Is Off
Make sure your material thickness has not changed.
1)Push “Stat” key
2)Push the “Next” key till the station number you want is at the top of the screen
3)Push “Enter Adv” key (3 times) till the cursor is at Angle Adj
4)Push the “+” key if you want the angle to be less (if it is over bending)
Push the “-“ key if you want the angle to be more (if it is under bent)
5)Enter the amount you want it to change
6)Push the “Next” key if there is another station you want to fix (make sure the station
number you want to fix is at the top of the screen) then repeat steps 4 thru 6, if not
go on to step 7
7)Push “Stat” key
8)Push “Run” key
Punch Library
To put a punch in the library and qualify
1)Push “Mode” key, push the number 7, push “Enter Adv” key
2)Look to see where the cursor is!!!!
Use “Arrow “ keys to move the arrows to the punch number you want
3)Push “Enter Adv” key
4)Enter punch radius, push “Enter Adv” key
5)Enter punch height, push “Enter Adv” key
6)Enter punch angle, push “Enter Adv” key
7)If your punch has an offset enter that amount, if not leave at 0, push “Enter Adv” key
8)You must qualify tooling
9)Program a job using the punch you just put in the library
(die should be one that is already in the library and has been qualified)
10)Program a bend that is set for 180 degrees
11)Press “Run” key and cycle brake press. Punch and die should come together
And pinch the material. If it does go to step 15, if not go to step 12
12)A. If it bends the material go back to the punch library and change the punch
Height so it is taller
B) If it does not touch the material go back to the punch library and change
The punch height so it shorter
13)Push “Run” key, cycle the brake press again
14)It should pinch the material. If not go back to steps 12 to 14. If it does go on to step 15
15)You are done, punch is qualified.
Write this information in a book for safe keeping.
Die Library
To put a die in the library and qualify
1)Push “Mode” key, push the number 8, push “Enter Adv” key
2)Look to see where the cursor is!!!
Use the “Arrow” keys to move the arrows next to the die number you want
3)Push “Enter Adv” key
4)Enter the V opening of the die, push “Enter Adv” key
5)Enter the die height, push “Enter Adv” key
6)Enter the die angle, push “Enter Adv” key
7)Enter the die radius, push “Enter Adv” key
8)Enter tool safety, push “Enter Adv” key. This is the distance from the middle of the die
To the backgauge, this is usually is set at ½ the V opening. (backgauge will not
Go past this measurement)
9)You must qualify tooling
10)Program a job using the die you put in the library
( punch should be one that is already in the library that has been qualified)
11)Program a bend that is set for 180 degrees
12)Press “Run” key and cycle the brake press. Punch and die should come together
And pinch the material. If it does go to step 15, if not go to step 13
13)A. If it bends the material go back to the die library and change the die height
So it is taller
B. If it does not touch the material go back to the die library and change the die
Height so it is shorter.
14)Push “Run” key, repeat steps 12 thru 14 till material is pinched between punch
And die. When it does go onto step 15
15)Make a 90 degree bend, push “Stat” key, push “Enter Adv” key, push numbers 90
Die Library Cont.
16)Push “Run” key, cycle the brake press and bend the material, check angle.
If correct go to step 19, if not go to step 17.
17)A. If part is under bent go back to the die library and make the V opening larger
( ten to thirty thousands at a time)
B. If the part is over bent go back to the library and make the V opening smaller
18)Repeat steps 16 thru 18 till the part is correct, when it is go onto step 19
19)To check radius of the die, push “Stat” key, push “Enter Adv” key, enter the number 100
20)Push “Run” key, cycle the brake press, check part, make a note of the results you got
21)Push “Stat” key, push “Enter Adv” key, enter the number 135
22)Push “run” key, cycle the brake press, check part
23)The 100 degree bend and the 135 degree bend should be within 7 to 8 degrees
Of being right., if not go to the die library and adjust the die radius. Then repeat
Steps 21 thru 23.
24)Die is qualified, write it down in a book for safe keeping
To Reference Backgauge
1)Program a one station job
2)Program a dimension of 5 inches
3)Make sure that bend allowance is at “0” (if not, you will be off that much on everything)
4)Bring ram down till it pinches the reference bars between the punch and die
5)Move to the backgauge and loosen the hold downs on the uprights
6)Put the black flat blocks or the fingers on the gauge bar at this time. (whichever ones
You are going to use) Position them where they will touch the reference bars
7)Push the gauge bar up till it comes into contact with the reference bars
8)Tighten down the uprights. After you tighten down the upright look to see that the reference
Bars are still in contact with the gauge bar
9) Move ram up and remove the reference bars