Argument Writing Rubric—High School

6 / Proficient
5 / Approaching
4 / Progressing
3 / Developing
2 / Beginning
/ A precise and knowledgeable claim is effectively stated.
Counterclaims are anticipated and addressed effectively.
All evidence is compelling, from reliable sources, and effectively defends the claim. / A precise and knowledgeable claim is appropriately stated.
Counterclaims are appropriately anticipated and addressed.
Most evidence is relevant, from reliable sources, and appropriately defends the claim. / A claim is adequately stated but is not completely precise or knowledgeable.
Counterclaims are adequately anticipated or addressed.
Some evidence is relevant, from reliable sources, and adequately defends the claim. / A claim is present, but it is unclear or confusing.
Counterclaims are not anticipated or are not addressed.
Evidence is somewhat relevant, from reliable sources and attempts to defend the claim. / The claim is unclear or not relevant.
Counterclaims are not addressed.
Evidence isunrelated and unreliable. / The claim is not stated.
Evidence is not provided.
/ The writing effectively sequences claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence through a strong introduction, body, and conclusion.
Clear and unique transitions effectively clarify the relationships between the claim, counterclaims, reasons, and supporting evidence. / The writing appropriately sequences claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence through a strong introduction, body, and conclusion.
Most transitions appropriately clarify the relationships between the claim, counterclaim, reasons, and supporting evidence. / The writing adequately sequences claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence through an introduction, body, and conclusion.
Transitions adequately clarify the relationships between the claim, counterclaim, reasons, and supporting evidence. / The writing sometimes logically sequences claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence through an introduction, body, and conclusion.
Transitions are not appropriate or effective.
Counterclaims are not addressed effectively. / The introduction, body, or conclusion is weak or missing.
The writing is rarely organized with claims, counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
Transitions are not used.
Counterclaims are not addressed. / No introduction, body or conclusion is evident.
Transitions are not used.
The writing is not organized and is confusing.
Counterclaim is lacking.
/ Language is exact and concise.
Domain specific vocabulary is used effectively and explained.
All nouns and verbs are effectively clear and precise.
Modifiers are carefully selected. / Most language is exact and concise.
Domain specific vocabulary is used appropriately and usually explained.
Most nouns and verbs are appropriately clear and precise.
Most modifiers are carefully selected. / Some language is exact.
Domain specific vocabulary is used adequately but is not explained.
Most nouns and verbs are adequately used.
Modifiers are satisfactory. / Language is basic and limited.
Domain specific vocabulary may be used incorrectly.
Some nouns and verbs lack clarity and precision.
Modifiers may be weak. / Some language used incorrectly or repetitively.
Domain specific vocabulary is used incorrectly.
Nouns and verbs are vague and unclear.
Modifiers may be missing. / Language is confusing.
Domain specific vocabulary is not used.
Nouns and verbs are confusing.
Modifiers are not included at all.
6 / Proficient
5 / Approaching
4 / Progressing
3 / Developing
2 / Beginning
/ The text flows cohesively and is effortlessly read aloud with inflection.
The sentences effectively vary in length and structure.
Almost all sentences begin differently. / Most of the text flows cohesively and is easy to read aloud with inflection.
Most of the sentences appropriately vary in length and structure.
Most of the sentences begin differently. / Parts of the text flow cohesively and can be read aloud with inflection.
Sentence length and structure vary adequately.
Some sentence beginnings are repeated. / The flow of the text is uneven and difficult to read aloud with inflection.
Many sentences are the same length or begin the same way. / The flow of the text is interrupted due to choppy or rambling sentence structure.
Most sentences are the same length and have the same beginnings. / The text does not flow cohesively.
Sentences are incomplete or incorrect.
/ The writer’s voice is effective for the purpose and audience.
The tone is effective for an argument, respectful and consistent. / The writer’s voice is appropriate for the purpose and audience most of the time.
The tone is appropriate for an argument and is respectful. / The writer’s voice is adequate for the purpose and audience.
The tone is adequate for an argument, but may be too informal in some places. / The writer’s voice is somewhat appropriate for the purpose or audience.
The tone is inconsistent and shows some sense of audience. / The writer’s voice is not appropriate.
The tone is too informal and shows little sense of audience. / The writer’s voice is very weak or absent.
The tone is not established.
There is no sense of audience.
/ The writing has been effectively edited with few or no mistakes.
Grammar, usage, and mechanics are correct. / The writing has been adequately edited and has some mistakes, but the meaning is clear.
Grammar, usage, and mechanics are mostly correct. / The writing has been appropriately edited with a few mistakes.
Grammar, usage, and mechanics are adequately demonstrated. / The writing contains several mistakes, but the meaning is mostly clear.
Grammar, usage, and mechanics are sometimes correct. / The writing contains several mistakes, causing the meaning to be unclear and confusing in some places.
Grammar, usage, and mechanics are incorrect most of the time. / The writing has so many mistakes the meaning is very unclear.
An understanding of standard grammar, usage, and mechanics is not demonstrated.
