ENVS 151 Due: Tues. Nov. 7

Fall 2006 Don’t forget to vote!

Name: ______

Expanded Annotated List of Sources


1)To help you make progress on L&L paper.

2)To give you feedback on L&L sources to help you write a stronger paper.

3)To revisit and engage in the information skills and resources you were exposed to earlier in the semester.

Three Part Structure:

1)Matching column for library databases (on this sheet below).

2)“What makes for a good source?” 3 specially annotated sources (see instructions on back)

3)Annotated bibliography (as per L&L assignment handout)

Part I. Matching Column for Library Databases!

(Hint: ENVS 151 Class Guide website has a great list & description of environmentally related websites – much broader than the subject list on the library website!)

Place the matching letter for each data base next to it.

______1) LexisNexis

______2) Expanded Academic

______3) Alternative Press Index

______4) Web of Science

______5) Environment Abstracts

  1. a multidisciplinary index to journal and magazine articles which includes abstracts and some full text articles
  2. abstracts of environmentally-related research & journal articles, conference papers, government reports, book chapters and some other materials
  3. searchable database that provides citations for published material on labor, media, the environment, women's studies, and multiculturalism; no full text papers
  4. a large multidisciplinary index with abstracts that allows searching by topic; contains science, social science and arts & humanities citation indices
  5. a database providing full-text access to a wide range of news, business, legal, and reference sources, including foreign language newspapers

(Parts II & III on reverse side)

Part II. What makes for a good source? Give 3 diverse examples …

Select one example of a good source for yourL&L Paper from each of the following types of written sources (for a total of 3 sources):

1) a web site

2) a peer-reviewed journal article

3) a popular or substantive article or book

On a separate sheet of paper, for each source type up:

(1)Complete citation in correct APA format (same as on your annotated source list)

(2)Why you think it is a high quality source

Hint: look at characteristics of a scholarly vs non-scholarly journal and ways to evaluate a website (e.g. I believe there are links to these on the ENVS 151 Class Guide website prepared by Laurie Kutner for ENVS 151.

Part III. Annotated List of Sources

Type up the rest of your list of sources to date using correct bibliographic citation (preferably APA). I will be looking at citation format, completeness, and quality of sources in commenting on and grading this assignment.

Please list personal contacts separately from published and/or web sources. Style manuals vary in how interviews should be cited in published works. Due to the objectives of this assignment, follow my guidelines. Submit an “Annotated List of Sources” in two separate sections:

1). Personal Contacts – list names, job titles, affiliations, and date you have already interviewed or have scheduled to interview the person. Include also, any people you are contacting via email, phone or mail and the dates of correspondence.

e.g. Knight, Robert, Program Officer for Central America and the Caribbean, World Wildlife Fund. Washington, D.C.. Telephone interview on Oct. 30, 2006.

Douglas, Jim, Governor of Vermont. Montpelier, VT. In-person interview on October 23, 2006.

2) References – list all books, articles, websites, brochures, etc. that you are consulting for your paper. Annotate these references, by briefly describing them and indicating what each one can contribute to your career exploration. Two-three sentences should be enough. Sentence fragments or bullet points are acceptable as long as the meaning is clear.

Note: For websites the APA format is :

Authorlastname, A.A> or <Institutional author>. (<year>). <Title of paper/webpage >. Retrieved on <month day, year> from <complete URL>.

For example:

National Wildlife Federation. (2005).Campus ecology. Retrieved on February 7, 2005 from
