Minutes of Loretto RC Parent Council meeting – 30th October 2012
Su Boyle (Chair), Anne Shaw (vice-Chair), Bill Gleeson (Secretary), John Lally (Treasurer) , Simon Broadhurst, Kate Courtney, Lynn O’Brien, Patricia Scott, Sharon Hurley, Canon McMullan,Kai Clark, Cllr. Andy Forrest, Stephen Meek, Cllr. Stuart Currie, Karen Porteous, Jacqueline Campbell, David Scott
Apologies received:
Anne Burke, Wullie Mulgrew, Audrey Peter, Karen MacRae, Karen Hart, Helen Nettleship, Moyra Hall, Julie Roberts
Welcome and Introductions:
Su welcomed all present and noted apologies. A particular welcome was extended to first time attendee Jacqueline Campbell.
Matters Arising:
- Advertising Parent Council/Playground Signs – Su/Bill/all – Facebook page up and running, Edubuzz is still unavailable, but scheduled to be back in November. Suggestion to incorporate a notice board to the rear of new playground signs has been passed on.
- Write to Thompson’s – Bill – complete, no response as yet
- Planters/Strimmer –Cllr. MacNeill –c/f
- Arrange Meeting with Wallyford PC – Su/Bill – c/f
- Playground update – Bill reported that a draft plan for outdoor equipment in the wooded area had been drawn up. It was agreed to remove any shelter structures from the plan as this may encourage anti-social behaviour. Grant application to be continued on this basis
The Minutes were proposed by John and seconded by Sharon
School Update:
Anne Burke was unable to attend, and Su provided a school update on her behalf. Key points being
- A supply Support for Learning teacher is being recruited
- Length of absence of PT is as yet unknown, which makes planning and substitutions difficult
- Staff participation in PC meetings was discussed at last staff meeting and am awaiting feedback on future dates
- School Nativity will be a whole school event, to be held on 18th December
- Miss Murphy has taken on teaching French
- A note of thanks to Lynn and Karen MacRae on their work with the new school diairies
David Scott noted that the school has come a long way and various factors are pointing to a positive inspection, with the process being continued for another year to monitor and evaluate progress. He expects that the report will be available in the coming few weeks.
A question was raised as to whether internal resources could be leveraged to support the management work required. DS noted that the level of support given by ELC needs to be requested by the school.
Treasurer’s report
£227.10 has been collected from Dress Down Days. Balance at hand is £3307.30. A donation will be made to the Jordan Houston Trust.
The curriculum group is being formed. Main activity to date has been the organisation of the new School Diaries and Motto – the children have designed covers for the diaries, eight have been chosen to be included in the final version, which is going to print shortly. All entries to the competition are being kept in a special folder in the School Library.
Christmas Fair: Sub Committee of John, Su, Lynn, Karen P and Sharon in place. Notice for donations and volunteers to be sent out. Cllr Currie offered a pair of race tickets as a raffle prize.
- Simon asked on behalf of the P7 leavers for a donation to their leaving disco. An amount of £80, as per previous years, was approved to be donated.
- Cllr. Currie suggested that the Parent Council advertise events on
- Update webpage with events - Bill
- Planters/Strimmer –Cllr. MacNeill
- Arrange Meeting with Wallyford PC – Su/Bill
- Christmas Fair notices - Su
- Advertise Christmas fair on - Bill
Next Meeting
Wednesday 28th November at 1830.