Friday Bulletin

January 15, 2016

Dear St. Ann Families:

One of my favorite Lou Holtz quotes is, “ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” I’m an eternal optimist and I always strive to make the best of every situation; we all need do this, especially during these winter months. The winter months can bring both students and teachers down. It’s hard to stay upbeat and positive when we have indoor recess and are stuck inside. Please remind your son or daughter to stay positive, stay focused, follow directions, and do their best. It’s so important and so powerful when students hear the same message at school and at home. Thank you for all that you do at home to support your children!

Our attitudes and our words deeply affect our behaviors, thus affecting the way we deal with all kinds of situations. As we move through the 3rd quarter in the heart of the winter months, I pray that we remain positive, with an open, trusting attitude as we journey throughout this academic year together and please Holy Spirit, direct my attitude today. Help me to sense your guidance and fill my heart with joy. Amen. We are…St. Ann.

Below, I’ve included some positive things to say to your child. I gave a list of 62 kind words to say to children to faculty last Monday. Please enjoy these few and remember that your words have great power for those that love you. I’m grateful for you. You make me proud. You have great ideas. Your words are meaningful. I love being your parent. You don’t have to be perfect to be great. Your opinions matter. You are important. You are loved. I believe you.

All the best and God Bless,


Have a wonderful long weekend!

Below is the link for enrollment information.

Faith and Discipleship

* Help us represent St. Ann at theTopeka Mass, Lunch & March for Life Rally, Friday,January 22,the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Catholic Mass starts at11:00 amat the Topeka Performing Arts Center Auditorium (TPAC); followed by lunch; suggest bring sack lunches.March from TPAC to south Capitol steps;

12:30 - 12:45 pm. Rally and speakers12:45 - 1:15 pm

For questions contact Carrie McLiney,r Christy Staker,(These two families will be among those representing St. Ann at the March for Life in Washington D.C., so let's give them our prayers and support as they lend their support and voices for the unborn.)

* Nothing can replace the contagious energy, enthusiasm and inspiration of participating in the March for Life in person. However, if you are unable to attend, please consider rallying in the solidarity of prayer:

We will hold a special Hour of Adoration in the St. Ann Chapel on Friday, January 22 from 11:00 a.m. - noon, coinciding with the start of the March for Life Rally in Washington D.C., and the beginning of Mass in Topeka. Please join us for any amount of time!

*Another fun thing to do is participate in the 9 Days For Life novena. It starts tomorrow! You can download the app, sign up for a daily devotion on your text or email. Check it out HERE

“John Maxwell says, ‘Success is all about me, but significance is about other people. Valuing people, believing in people, and unconditionally loving them is the key to significance.’ Want to lead a life of significance? Be a difference maker in other people’s lives. I ask you to think of the people most at risk: the baby in the womb. Be a difference maker for them,their children and their children’s children.” - Natalie Brumfield,

* Please join us for the Women of Rockhurst Retreat

A Lenten Spiritual Retreat for Women

"This is my beloved Son. Listen to Him." - Mark 9:7

Featuring guest speaker, Mrs. KristiDennihan

Saturday, February 20, 2016

8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

McGee Hall at Rockhurst High School

Registration begins at 8:30am, with the Retreat starting at 9:00am.The Retreat concludes with Mass, followed by a delicious and homemade luncheon, including soups, salads and desserts.

The Women of Rockhurst Retreat is a beautiful opportunityfor sharing, reflecting, and deepening your faith during the Lenten season.

There is no cost to attend the Retreat, and women of all faiths are encouraged and welcome to attend.

To register, please clickhere.

Please direct any questions regarding registration to Giovanna Michaelis .

For all other questions, please contact Stephanie Freeman at .

I hope you will join us for some delicious food and fellowship!

* Parents Offering Prayers will meet on Ash Wednesday, February 10, after Mass instead of Feb. 3 due to Near and Dear Day. Please join us in the St. Patrick Room, the OLD Catechesis Room. We will be praying for all St. Ann 5th graders and their teachers!

Christian Leader of the Week

Mrs. King’s class had many great nominations for Christian Leader of the week. The two children who were chosen by their classmates for this honor are Rachel Condon and Nathan LeBourveau.

Rachel’s classmates said she was encouraging and cheerful. She is respectful, kind and includes everyone when playing.

They said that Nathan does his best, is respectful, and plays fair. He includes people and cheers them up when they are sad.

A pair of Tommy Hilfiger ladies sunglasses was left in the office, probably left by a mom. Please let us know if they are yours!

The St. Ann Knights of Columbus will be hosting their annual basketball free—throw contest in the St. Ann gym on January 24th from 12-3pm. Boys and girls ages 9-14 may participate. Prizes will be given out and winners will progress to the District contest that will be held at St. Ann on February 14th from 12-3pm.

Catholic Schools Week 2016

January 31st – February 5th

Sunday: Kicking off Catholic Schools Week!

  • 9:00 a.m. Mass
  • CHRIS CAKES to follow in the cafeteria (Pre-order forms were sent home in backpack mail today!)
  • St. Ann Open House 10-12 (Come check out your child’s artwork, writing pieces in the hallways and the science fair projects displayed in the Parish Hall!)


  • All School Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayer over the intercom
  • Students can wear favorite sports team jersey/t-shirt with uniform bottoms to get in the “mood” for our teacher/student volleyball game in the afternoon 
  • Penny drive begins to raise money for our sister school—Resurrection (girls vs. boys!!)
  • Food- drive begins (See weekly messages leading up to CSW & flyer sent home)
  • 2:00 p.m. Pep rally to kick off Catholic Schools Week, teacher-student volleyball game, and a visit from the Bishop Miege choir!


  • Crazy hat day (with uniform)
  • Faith Family activity 8:15-8:45


  • Grades K-6 dress in uniforms, 7&8th graders dress in “dress attire”
  • 8:05 All School Mass
  • “Near and Dear” Day following mass at 9:00 with a light brunch in the parish hall. Near and Dear visitors (Grandparents, parents, special friend, etc.) are welcome to visit classrooms until 9:45!


  • Crazy sock day (with uniform)
  • If you donatea pair of socks to Catholic Charities, youcan weara pair of “crazy” socks.
  • Sister school activity with the 8th graders- students from Resurrection will be visiting our 8th graders and spending time exploring St. Ann!


  • Spirit day wear (Show our St. Ann pride for Catholic Schools Week!)
  • St. James band in the gym at 8:30 a.m.
  • Talent Show at 1:00 p.m.
  • Announce winner of Coin Drive!!

Many thanks to all the parents who attended the very successful Panera Bread Fundraising Night! This was the second most profitable Spirit Night this year! Go TIGERS!!!

Field Rental

Applications for the use of the practice fields are now being accepted for the spring / summer season. Please forward your request to using the field request form found on the church web site. Questions regarding the schedule process, contact: Mike Orrick at (913) -208-4081

Please help the Boy Scouts of St. Ann and St. Agnes Parishes who are selling tickets to earn money for summer camp. Come join us on January 24th at the St. Ann cafeteria from 7:30am to 12:30pm and enjoy delicious pancakes.

St. Ann Family Bingo Night

Friday, January 29, 2016

School Cafeteria

6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.


Pajama challenge is coming soon – the kids love it! Keep those SCRIP orders coming!If you have questions or Scrip needs please contact Sarah Emerson at 913-850-0327, Meg McDonald at 913-485-7137, Liz Schroeder at 816-674-4930 or Maggie Doolittle at 913-909-4419.

***Congratulations to 8th grader Jack Weiford on winning the Spelling

Bee---Well done!***

Bishop Miege will host a “Family Night” on February, February 5th and would like to invite you to attend. Please see the flyer attached.

Dodge It If You Can!

2016 St Ann Mother/Son Dodgeball Tournament Auction Item Reminder

Sunday, January 24th, 3:00-4:30 in the gym.

Only 10 spots left. First come first serve.

Contact Genevieve Healy 913-424-9897