Curriculum Vitae 2017
Department of Sociology
6303 NW Marine Drive
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6T 1Z1, Canada
Tel: (604) 822-6855
University of British Columbia, Sociology
2008-2015Associate Professor
University of British Columbia, Sociology
2002-2008 Assistant Professor
University of British Columbia, Sociology
2001-2002 Post-Doctoral Fellow
National Institute of Mental Health
University of Illinois, Department of Psychology-Quantitative Methods
2001 Doctor of Philosophy University of Toronto, Sociology
1995 Master of Arts University of Toronto, Sociology
1993 Queen’s UniversityBachelor of Arts (Honors), Sociology
Political Sociology
Race, EthnicityandIndigeneity
Public Opinion (Immigration and Trust)
MediaCoverage of Immigration, Indigenous Resistance,Social Movements
Collective Action/Social Movements (Indigenous Resistance)
Killam award (senior category) – UBC Faculty of Arts (2017)
Martha Foschi award(research and teaching excellence) UBC Department of Sociology (2017)
President-Elect,Canadian Sociological Association (2016-2018)
Editor,Canadian Review of Sociology (2013-2016)
Editorial Board Member, Social Science Research (2017-2019)
Editorial Board Member, Social Forces (2016-2018)
Editorial Board Member,Canadian Review of Sociology (2016-2018)
Editorial Board Member,Social Sciences(2016-2018)
Contributing Editor, Mobilizing Ideas (2012-2015)
Senior Associate Researcher, Higher School of Economics, Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, Russia (2014-present)
UNESCO Scholarship International Sociological Association, (2000)
2017-2020Collaborator “Refugee Youth” (M. Unger PI)
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada $2,500,000
2017-2020Principal Investigator “It’s a Question of Trust: Explaining how Race and Ethnicity Matter”
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada $117,630
2016-2020Co-Investigator“Three Worlds of Trust: A Longitudinal Study ofWelfare States, Life-Course Risks, and Social Trust” (J. Mewes PI)
Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation $1,435,000
2015-2019Collaborator“Social Change in Atlantic Canada” (H. Ramos PI)
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada $418,000
2011-2012 Principal Investigator “The Environmental Correlates of Collective Action”
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada $51,309
2009-2011 Principal Investigator “Picturing Protest”
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada $81,325
2008-2010 Principal Investigator “Climbing the Slippery Pole”
UBC Hampton Fund $34,181
2006 Co-Investigator “Portrayals of Immigration in the Canadian Media: the Representation of Immigrants Through Time, 1970 to the Present” (N. Guppy PI)
Research on Immigration and Integration in the Metropolis $12,300
2005-2007 Principal Investigator “Militants, Mounties, and the Media: Aboriginal People’s Protest in Late Twentieth Century Canada”
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada $110,690
2005-2007Co-Investigator “Understanding the Social Structural Basis of Environmental
Activism and Pro-Environmental Activism and Pro-environmental Behaviour: Regional, Temporal, and Sectoral Comparisons” (D. Tindall PI)
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada $165,000
2005 Co-Investigator “Canadian Attitudes Towards Immigration”
Research on Immigration and Integration in the Metropolis (N. Guppy PI)
2004 Co-Investigator “Mixed Mode Statistics/Survey methods”
Office of the Vice President –Academic Programs, UBC (G. Veenstra PI)
2003Principal Investigator “The Segregation of Aboriginal Peoples”
UBC Humanities and Social Sciences Small Research $4,933
1998, 2000 Principal Investigator “Resisting Domination: Band-level Collective Action, 1981-2000”
Muriel Bissell Foundation $4,500
Op-eds, letters
2016Wu, Cary and Rima Wilkes. “Durable Power and Generalized Trust.”PNAS
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (11)2793-2795.
2016Wilkes, Rima “Retire the Letter of Reference.” Science05 Feb: Vol 351, Issue 6273, pp. 630.
Journal articles
2017Wilkes, Rima, Aaron Duong, Linc Kesler and Howard Ramos. “Canadian University
Acknowledgment of Indigenous Lands, Treaties and Peoples.” Canadian Review of Sociology54(1): 89-120.
Featured on News95.7 (Nova Scotia), Roundhouse Radio (Vancouver)
2017Wu, Cary and Rima Wilkes. “Local-National Political Trust Patterns:Why China is an
Exception.” International Political Science Review 54(1): 89-120.
2017Wu, Cary and Rima Wilkes. “International Student Migration and the Search for Home”
Geoforum80: 123-132.
2017Panesar, Nilum, Pottie-Sherman, Yolande and Rima Wilkes. “The Komagata Through a Media Lens:Racial, Economic, and Political Threat in Newspaper Coverage of the 1914 Komagata Maru Affair” Canadian Ethnic Studies49:85-101.
2016Pottie-Sherman, Yolande and Rima Wilkes. “Visual Media and the Construction of the Benign Canadian border on National Geographic's Border Security.” Social & Cultural Geography17: 81-100.
Featured on Fairchild Radio, CBC Radio, Roundhouse Radio, MingPao News, University Herald, State of Mind
2016Wilkes, Rima. “Political Conflict Photographs and Their Keywords Texts.” Journalism
Studies 16: 703-729.
2015Wilkes, Rima. “We Trust in Government, Just not in Yours: Race, Partisanship and Political Trust 1958-2012.” Social Science Research49: 356-371.
Featured in Washington Post, Oct 30, 2014; HipHopRepublican Nov 15, 2014; The Black Conservative, Nov 14, 2014
2015 Pottie-Sherman, Yolande and Rima Wilkes “Does Size Really Matter? On the
Relationship Between Immigrant Group Size and Anti-Immigrant Prejudice.” International Migration Review51: 218-250.DOI:10.1111/imre.12191
2014Wilkes, Rima and Micheal Kehl. “Nationalism and Iconic Imagery: Face to Face and the Siege at Kanehsatà:ke.” Nations and Nationalism 20:481-502.
Featured on CTV news: ; CBC Radio:Unreserved: Radio Indigenous Sept 19,2015
2014 Wilkes Rima. “Trust in Government: A Micro-Macro Approach.” Journal of Trust
Research 4: 113-131.
2014 Corrigall-Brown, Catherine and Rima Wilkes. “Media Exposure and the Engaged Citizen: How the Media Shape Political Participation.” Social Science Journal51: 408-421.
2014Pottie-Sherman, Yolande and Rima Wilkes. “Good Code Bad Code: Exploring the Immigration-Nation Dialectic Through Media Coverage of the Hérouxville ‘Code of Life’ Document.” Migration Studies 2:189-211.
2012Corrigall-Brown, Catherine and Rima Wilkes. “Picturing Protest: The Visual Framing of Collective Action by First Nations in Canada.” American Behavioral Scientist 56: 223-243.
2011 Wilkes, Rima. “Re-thinking the Decline in Trust: A Comparison of Black and White Americans.” Social Science Research 40: 1596-1610.
2011 Wilkes, Rima and Catherine Corrigall-Brown. “Explaining Time Trends in Public Opinion: Attitudes Towards Immigration and Immigrants.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 52: 79-99.
2010 Wilkes, Rima, Corrigall-Brown, Catherine and Danielle Ricard. “Nationalism and Media Coverage of Indigenous People’s Collective Action in Canada.” American Indian Culture and Research Journal 34: 41-59.
2010 Wilkes, Rima, Corrigall-Brown, Catherine and Daniel Myers. “Packaging Protest: Media Coverage of Indigenous People’s Collective Action.” Canadian Review of Sociology 47: 349-379.
2008 Okamoto, Dina and Rima Wilkes. “Fight or Flight: Understanding Ethnic Group
Migration and Rebellion.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 34: 347-369.
2008Wilkes, Rima, Guppy, Neil and Lily Farris. “No Thanks We’re Full: Individual
Characteristics, National Context, and Changing Attitudes Toward Immigration.” International Migration Review 42: 302-329.
2008Magee, William, Fong, Eric and Rima Wilkes. “Neighborhood Ethnic Concentration and Discrimination.” Journal of Social Policy 37:37-61.
2008 Fong, Eric, Matsuo, Tracy and Rima Wilkes. “Disentangling the Residential Clustering of New Immigrant Groups in Suburbia.” Journal of Population Studies 35: 37-74.
2007Wilkes, Rima, Guppy, Neil and Lily Farris. “Right Wing Parties and Anti-foreigner Sentiment in Europe.” Comment on Semyonov et al. American Sociological Review 72: 831-840.
2007 Wilkes, Rima and Danielle Ricard. “How Does Newspaper Coverage of Collective Action Vary? Protest by Aboriginal People in Canada.” The Social Science Journal 44: 231-251.
2006Wilkes, Rima. “The Protest Actions of Indigenous Peoples: A Canada-US Comparison of Social Movement Emergence.” American Behavioral Scientist 50: 510-525.
2006 Iceland, John and Rima Wilkes. “Does Socioeconomic Status Matter? Race, Class and Segregation.” Social Problems 53: 248-273.
2004 Wilkes, Rima. “First Nation Politics: Deprivation, Resources and Participation in
Collective Action.” Sociological Inquiry 74: 570-589.
2004 Wilkes, Rima and John Iceland. “Hypersegregation in the Twenty-First Century.”
Demography 41: 23-36.
2004 Wilkes, Rima. “A Systematic Approach to Studying Indigenous Politics: Band–Level Mobilization in Canada, 1981-2000.” The Social Science Journal 41: 447-457.
2003 Wilkes, Rima. “The Residential Segregation of Native-Americans in U.S. Metropolitan Areas.” Sociological Focus 36: 127-141.
2003 Fong, Eric and Rima Wilkes. “Racial and Ethnic Residential Patterns in Canada.” Sociological Forum 18: 577-602.
2002 Wilkes, Rima and Dina Okamoto. “Competition and Mobilization by Minorities at Risk.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 8: 1-23.
1999 Fong, Eric and Rima Wilkes. 1999. “The Spatial Assimilation Model Reexamined: An Assessment by Canadian Data.” International Migration Review 33: 594-620.
Book Chapters, Encyclopedia Entries and Reports
2017Wilkes Rima and Cary Wu. “Trust and Minority Groups.” In Eric Uslaner (ed.) Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust(forthcoming).
2015Wilkes, Rima. “Indigenous Resistance in Comparative Perspective: an Overview with an Autobiographical Research Critique.” Pp 111-128 inElaine Coburn (ed.). 'More Will Sing Their Way to Freedom': Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence.Fernwood Press.
2013 Wilkes, Rima and Tamara Ibrahim. “Timber: Direct Action over Forestry and Beyond.” Pp 74-88 in D. Tindall, Ronald Trosper and P.Perrault (eds). First Nations and Forestry. Vancouver: UBC Press.
2012Pottie-Sherman, Yolande and Rima Wilkes. “Anti-Immigrant Sentiment in Canada.” Pp.275-290 in Mónica Verea (ed). Anti-immigrant Sentiments, Actions and Policies. Mexico City: CISAN-UNAM.
2012Wilkes, Rima, Corrigall-Brown Catherine and Daniel Myers. “Packaging Protest: Media Coverage of Indigenous People’s Collective Action.” Canadian Review of Sociology. 47: 349-379. Pp. 374-380 in in L. Tepperman and A. Kalyta (eds) Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Oxford University Press. (reprint)
2012 Wilkes, Rima. “First Nations Sovereignty Movements in Canada.” In David A. Snow, Donatella Della Porta, Bert Klandermans, and Doug McAdam (eds). The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. Blackwell.
2010 Wilkes, Rima. “Indigenous Peoples.” Pp 313-329 in Barry Edmonston and Eric Fong (eds).The Changing Canadian Population. Montreal: McGill Queen’s University Press.
2008 Wilkes, Rima and John Iceland. “Hypersegregation.” Pp 463-466 in Encyclopedia of Social Problems.Vincent Parrillo (ed). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.
2006Wilkes, Rima and Michelle Jacob. “Indigenous Peoples- Canada and United States Perspectives.” American Behavioral Scientist. Volume 50, Number 4. (co-editors)
2003 Wilkes Rima. “Individual First Nation Characteristics in Canada – Results from Census Data.” 7 Volumes sent to Assembly of First Nations. Individual provincial volumes also sent to Federation of Saskatchewan Indians, Indian Association of Alberta, Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Union of BC Indian Chiefs, Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nation Chiefs, The Chiefs of Ontario. All volumes total 600pp.
2001 Fong Eric, Wellman Barry, Kew, Melissa and Rima Wilkes. 2001. “Correlates of the Digital Divide: Individual, Household, and Spatial Variation.” Report to Office of Learning Technologies. Human Resources and Development Canada, June, 84 pp.
In progress:
Louie Patricia and Rima Wilkes “Race and Skin Tone in Medical Texbooks” (under review)
Wilkes, Rima and Cary Wu “Ethnicity and Trust” (R and R)
Wu, Cary and Rima Wilkes “A Response Pattern Model of Political Trust” (under review)
Wilkes, Rima and Cary Wu “Discrimination and Trust” (under review)
Howe, Adam and Rima Wilkes “Discourse and Speeches from the Throne”
2017“Does Discrimination Matter Equally for All Groups? Explaining Ethno-Racial Differences in Trust. Xi’an Jiaotong University Workshop on Migration Studies, Xi’an, China. (with C. Wu and R. Carpiano)
2016“Public Opinion on Immigration: Some Reasons We’re Great, Some Why We are Not” Liu Institute, Vancouver, B.C.
2016“Political Conflict Photographs and Their Texts.” Department of Sociology, Umea Universitat, Umea, Sweden.
2015“Barriers to Belonging: Are we doing enough to help newcomers integrate?” Invited Moderator for Action Canada Dialogue Featuring Geoff Meggs (Vancouver City Councilor), Desmond Cole (Toronto Activist and Journalist) and Katelin Mitchel (Immigrant Services Manager, Kelowna Community Resources). Vancouver, British Columbia.
2015“Political Conflict Photographs.” School of Social Science, East China University of Science andTechnology, Shanghai, China.
2015“Political Conflict Photographs and Their Keyword Texts.” Department of Anthropology, Sociology and Social Work, Seattle University, Seattle, U.S.A.
2015“Political Trust: Specific vs. Diffuse.” Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia. Cary Wu and Rima Wilkes.
2014“Political Conflict Photographs and Their Keyword Texts.” Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada.
2014“We Trust in Government, Just not in Yours, Race, Partisanship and Political Trust, 1958-2012.” Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia.
2014“Trust: Definitions, Origins and Importance” Liu Institute for Global Issues, Vancouver B.C.
2013“Cross-Sectional Data Doesn’t Cut it: On using Repeated Cross Sectional Data” Research
Methods workshop organized by Canadian Sociological Association, Canadian Sociological Association Conference, St. Catherines, ON.
2013“Canada-US differences in attitudes towards immigration” Invited Commentator.
Canadianizing the U.S. Symposium, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
2013“Does Size Really Matter? On the Relationship Between Immigrant group size and anti-
immigrant sentiment” Department of Political Science and Center for Diversity in Citizenship, Concordia University, Montreal, Que. Wilkes, Rima and Yolande Pottie-Sherman.
2013“Does Size Really Matter? On the relationship between Immigrant group size and anti-
immigrant sentiment” Department of Sociology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. Wilkes, Rima and Yolande Pottie-Sherman.
2013“A Knowledge-based Model of Political Trust.” Department of Political Science, University of British Columbia. Vancouver BC.
2012“Who Trust Government? A New Approach to the Study of Opinion Trends.” Population Research Group and Department of Sociology. University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C.
2012“Diffusing Face to Face: How a Single Image of Collective Action Came to Define a
Nation.”Social Movements Societies Workshop. Ottawa, Ontario. Wilkes, Rima and Michael Kehl.
2012“Attitudes Towards Immigration in Canada.” Center for the Study of North America. Mexico City, Mexico. Wilkes, Rima and Yolande Pottie-Sherman.
2011“Race, Partisanship and Political Trust.” Center for Public Opinion and Party Research. Simon Fraser University Harbor Center, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
2011“Race and Trust.” Invited panelist. UBC Weyman Lecture. Killam Trust. University of British Columbia. Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
2010“Canadian Attitudes Towards Immigration: Continuities and Changes.” Affiliation of Multicultural Societies and Service Agencies. Simon Fraser University Harbor Center. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Wilkes, Rima and Yolande Pottie-Sherman.
2010“Explaining Time Trends in Public Opinion: Canadian Attitudes Towards Immigration.” Juan March Institute. Madrid, Spain.
2006 “No Thanks We’re Full: What Causes Attitudes Towards Immigration in Canada?” University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Wilkes, Rima, Lily Farris and Neil Guppy.
2004“Fight or Flee? Understanding Ethnic Group Migration and Rebellion.” IGCC International Relations Junior Colloquium, San Diego, CA, U.S.A. Okamoto, Dina and Rima Wilkes
2003“Sociology and Education.” Blueprint for the Future Conference. Aboriginal Achievement Foundation. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
2002“Unemployed and Organized?: Two Decades of Indigenous Politics in Canada.”State University of Illinois, Bloomington, IL, U.S.A.
2002“Ethnic Density and Discrimination Against Chinese Immigrants.” University of Toronto. Toronto, ON, Canada. Magee, William, Fong, Eric and Rima Wilkes.
2001“Competition or Colonialism: Band-Level Collective Action in Canada, 1981-2000.” University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.
2001 “Multiple Imputation: A Guide for Social Scientists.” University of Illinois in Urbana-Champagne. Champaign, IL, U.S.A.
2000“First Nations Collective Action: Methodological Issues.” International Sociological Association Research Laboratory, Onati, Spain.
Thesis supervision and committees
Kelsea Perry“TBD”(M.A. supervisor)
Rosemary Andersen “Abuse of trust” (M.A. committee)
Cary Wu “Trust in China” (Ph.D. supervisor)
Adam Howe “TBD“(Ph.D. supervisor)
Maggie Low “Great Bear Rainforest” (Ph.D. committee)
Edward Hadden “Class and Inequality” (Ph.D. committee)
Mabel Ho “Immigration and Organization” (Ph.D. committee)
Ngaio Hotte “Trust and Indigenous Nations” (Ph.D. committee)
Leah Kegan “Native American Education” (Ph.D. committee)
Jennifer Adkins “Race and inter-racial relationships”(Ph.D. committee)
Nicole Malette “Education and Mental Health” (Ph.D. committee)
Sarah Fessenden. 2017. “Food not Bombs” (Ph.D. committee)
Maria Jose Torrejon. 2017. “Experiences of Aging and the Role of Personal Relationships in Chilean Society: Personal Communities, Social Capital and Policy Context.” (Ph.D. committee)
Devon Deckant. 2014. “BC wilderness preservation” (M.A., committee)
Rheana Hetherington. 2014. “Media and journalistic newsgathering” (M.A. committee)
Michaela Montaner. 2014. “Media and drug reporting” (M.A., committee)
Lily Ivanova. 2014. “Museums and memory” (M.A. committee)
Junrong Du. 2014. “Pearl River Delta, China” (Ph.D. committee)
Adam Easterbrook.2013. “Masculinity, sexuality and the experiences of adolescent American men” (Ph.D. supervisor)
Monica Hwang.2013. “In Canada we trust: understanding social and political trust” (Ph.D. committee)
Yolande Pottie-Sherman.2013. “Vancouver’s night markets” intercultural encounter in
urban and suburban Chinatowns” (Ph.D. committee)
Evan Duggen. 2011. “Framing Protest: the Globe and Mail and the G8-G20: when protest becomes a riot story.” (M.A. committee)
Joanna Robinson. 2011. “Contested Water: the Struggle against Water Privatization in the United States and Canada" (Ph.D committee)
Todd Malineck. 2009. “Activist participation, mobilization and movement-media interactions: three studies of the British Columbia environmental movement” (Ph.D committee )
Charlene Warrington. 2008. “Education attitudes in Vancouver schools” (M.A.
co-supervisor, with Neil Guppy),
Emily Marshall. 2007. “The healthcare needs of adolescents” (Ph.D. committee)
Lian Bai. 2007 “Open hearts and open access for immigrant professionals: Chinese immigrant engineers” (Ph.D. committee)
Feng Zhang. 2007. “Attitudes in Chinese villages” (Ph.D. committee)
Benjamin Cushing. 2007. “Dreaming we walk: CIPO-Van and the search for resistance and creation” (M.A. committee)
Lily Farris. 2007. “Attitudes toward immigration in three nations” (M.A. co-supervisor, with N. Guppy)
Elliey Hobouti-Fard. 2006. “Citizenship, nation, and identity: a study of the framing of the Maher Arar case in Canada’s two national newspapers, 2002-2004” (M.A. supervisor)
Jerilee Valenzuela. 2005. “The gender of job applicants: different standards for lack of competence?” (M.A. committee)
Thea Berretta. 2004. “Media and activism at the Woodwards site” (M.A. committee)
Jay Fiddler. 2003. “Factors affecting blood donation” (M.A. committee)
Emily Chan. 2016. “Educational participation” (B.A. Honours supervisor)
Emily Truong. 2014. “Educational Inequality.” (B.A. Honours supervisor)
Patricia Louie. 2012. “Race and Medical Textbooks”(B.A. Honours supervisor)