Minutes of the meeting of Chivelstone Parish Council held in the Chivelstone Parish Community Hall on Thursday 2nd December, 2004 at 7.30pm.

Present: Mrs. Marilyn Tucker (Clerk), Cllr Roger Tucker (Chairman), Cllrs. Mrs. J Trinick, Mr. W. Harwood, Mr. A. House, Mr. D Hampden-Smith, Mr. Stephen Tucker, and Mr. J. Brazil (who arrived at 8.50pm after attending another Parish Council meeting). There was one member of the public present.

1.  Apologies for Absence – Cllr. Owen Masters who is in Kosavo. The Parish Council accepted this apology.

2.  Declarations of Interest – Councilors are invited to declare any interests they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. Cllr. Brazil declared a personal interest in item 12a as Mr. Webb is a member of the Pigs Nose Darts team for which Cllr Brazil is the captain.

3.  Minutes - to approve as a correct record and authorise the Chairman to sign the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on Thursday 21st October, 2004. The Chairman thanked Cllr. Mrs. Trinick for taking the last meeting. It was proposed by Cllr. House and seconded by Cllr. Harwood that the minutes were a true record. All were in favour and the Chairman and Clerk duly signed the minutes.

4.  Matters arising from the minutes of the above meeting:

a)  Land at Higher Park – update on who will maintain the area. The Clerk explained that Mr. Stephen’s felt that the area was too big a job for him to take on. She had therefore contacted Mrs. Caswell who lives in number 9 Higher Park and she was willing to maintain the area if the Parish Council could arrange to have the area cleared and fenced off. Councillor House offered to look and decide what sort of fence would be in keeping with the area and report to the next meeting.

b)  Devon In Touch Roadshow – report on visit made 11.11.04 and to arrange a future date for another visit if required. Cllrs. Harwood and Hampden-Smith reported that 12 parishioners had attended the vehicle but the Roadshow staff were pleased with the response. The Devon In Touch Roadshow would like to come again when there are more people around. It was suggested to book a visit sometime during the Easter School holidays in 2005.

c)  Wreath for Remembrance Sunday – to discuss the possibility of the Parish Council purchasing a wreath for the War Memorial. Cllr. Mrs. Trinick informed Councillors that the cost would be £18. Cllr. Roger Tucker proposed that the wreath be purchased for future years and Cllr. Mrs. Trinick should be reimbursed for the current year. Cllr. Harwood seconded the proposal and all agreed.

d)  Camping Policy in Saltstone Ward – The Chairman reported that he had spoken to Stephen Munday to find out if any progress had been made with regard to a policy being developed. Mr. Munday was in the process of arranging a meeting at SHDC between the Development Group and the Prosperity Group to which the Chairman would be invited. The Chairman proposed that the Clerk writes to Stephen Munday to chase the letter which was sent by the Parish Council in June.

5.  Parish Maintenance – to discuss which areas in the Parish the Council wishes to maintain and Mr. Stephen’s responsibilities. The Chairman circulated a list of current ‘jobs’ which are required in the Parish. The Chairman had contacted Joe Stephens to find out what duties he was happy carrying out and these were listed. Mr. Stephens had reported that the mower is going OK but the strimmer is not sufficient for the work required. The Chairman asked him to obtain prices for a suitable machine. The Chairman had also spoken to Des Bickle who was happy to carry out ‘odd jobs’ within the Parish. The charge would be £10 per hour but he would use his own machines. The Chairman had also listed the work which should be carried out by the DCC lengthsman and SHDC sweeper. The clerk pointed out that she was waiting to hear from DCC when they appoint a new lengthsman and would pass the list on. Councillors were asked to think about the list and come back to the next meeting where the purchase of a new strimmer will also be discussed.

6.  Matters for the Chairman’s discretion – see Item 13 Saltstone Group Agenda

7.  Cllr. J. Brazil (S.H.D.C.) – item held until after item 11.

8.  Public Participation A comment was made on how good the pond looks and thanks were given to Cllr. Brazil who has been clearing the weed on a regular basis. The Chairman then closed Public Participation.

9.  Planning:

a)  Application 10/2232/04/F Extension to Dwelling, Woodcombe Point, Chivelstone. Applicant Dr. & Mrs. M. James. Cllr. House proposed that the application be supported and this was seconded by Cllr. Mrs. Trinick. All agreed.

b)  Planning Permission Granted Application 10/1937/04/F Installation of new window in former opening, 3 Higher Borough, East Prawle. Mr. P Fletcher. The two conditions were read out by the Clerk, which were noted.

c)  Copy of appeal decision re: Hazelgrove, South Allington. The Clerk read out the decision summary explaining that Mr. Carden has four months to remove the flue from the property.

10.  Finance:

a)  Accounts as per last statements The Clerk reported the following balances No. 1 account £285.21 as at 30th November,2004 and Business Instant Access Account £8,323.29.as at 12th November, 2004. The Clerk explained that £2,940.68 was Parish Council funds, £1,669.62 was Car Parking and Play Area funds, £935.26 was the Group Parish Plan funds and £855 was the DCC P3 scheme fund.

b)  Village Green Honesty Boxes – to note the amount collected on 25.11.04. The clerk reported that £0.66 had been collected from the Shop Box and £24.02 from the Bus Shelter box.

c)  Invoices to be considered for payment:

i) Clerk’s salary and expenses for July to September £422.42. Cllr Hampden-Smith proposed and Cllr Harwood seconded that the account be paid. All agreed. It was noted that the salary element of the invoice was from July to December 31st 2004.

ii) Joe Stephens for Parish maintenance £299.45. Cllr Mrs. Trinick proposed that the account be paid. Cllr Stephen Tucker seconded the proposal and all agreed.

d)  To consider the half yearly budget monitoring report, the proposed 2005/2006 budget (Appendix A) and set the Parish Precept for 2005/2006 The clerk explained the variations between the current years budget and the actual expenditure. The matter of the newsletter was discussed. The clerk explained that it costs approximately £30 to have a newsletter copied. Cllr Hampden-Smith offered to collate information and try to produce a draft. He may be able to print the final copy himself. After further discussion of the budget in general Cllr. Stephen Tucker proposed that the Chivelstone Parish Council set their precept at £3,000 for the year 2005/2006. The proposal was seconded by Cllr. House and all agreed. All Councillors agreed that the DAPC subscription should be deducted by SHDC and sent direct before the precept is received by the Parish Council.

11.  Waste Management – to discuss a letter received from SHDC re the new Waste management scheme and what it will mean for the parishioners of Chivelstone. A copy of the letter was circulated to each Councillor. The Clerk highlighted the following changes:

·  All households, who can accommodate them, will be issued with two wheelie bins, one grey for non-compostable/non-recyclable materials and one brown for food waste (organic waste collection)

·  The wheelie bins will be collected on alternate weeks.

·  Each household will be also be issued with two recycling sacks to sort paper and cardboard and plastics and cans/tins into. These will be collected fortnightly.

·  All containers will have to be placed at the boundary to the properties. There will be no ‘Back Door’ collection.

Cllr Hampden-Smith suggested the Parish Council looking into the possibility of setting up a community composting system. The clerk said she would contact SHDC and establish the details. The clerk was also asked to contact SHDC to find out what second home owners are supposed to do under the new system bearing in mind that they do not always arrive or depart on a ‘bin’ day.

7. Cllr. J. Brazil (S.H.D.C.) – Cllr. Brazil explained that SHDC are working on the budget for 2005/2006 at the present time. None of the cuts proposed will affect the Parish directly apart from the car parking charges. He went on to explain that the Gara Rock Planning Application will go to committee in December. The Officers are to recommend approval and National Trust has lessened their objections so permission will probably be granted.

12.  Correspondence:

a)  Letter from Richard Webb Gardening Services. The letter was read by Chairman. The Clerk had told Mr. Webb that she would put one of his flyers in Piglet Stores in the summer and had informed him of ‘The Link’. It was decided that the clerk should write to thank Mr. Webb for offering his services and that the Parish Council will keep in him in mind for future use.

b)  Standards Board Guidance Notes re: Code of Conduct. These were circulated to the councillors.

c)  Letter from SHDC asking if a copy of the Register of Electors is required by the Parish Council. Cllr Harwood proposed that the clerk applies for a copy and this was seconded by Cllr. Roger Tucker. All agreed.

d)  Letter from DCC re: Self Help Emergency Planning. This was passed to Cllr. House who is in the process of updating the old plan.

e)  Devon Local Transport Plan 2006-2011 consultation document. Cllr Roger Tucker had read the document but felt that there was nothing much affecting this parish.

f)  Rights of Way Improvement Plan consultation document – already passed to Cllr. House. He informed the Council that he will read respond by 14th February.

13.  Matters at the Chairman’s discretion, or to be put to the next meeting

14.  Date of next meeting – Thursday 20th January, 2005. This was confirmed.

The Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 21.07 hours.

…………………………………………Chairman ………………………………………Clerk
