September 2006 Slane Area Meeting, Council Chamber, Duleek Civic Offices held on Wednesday 20th September.

An Cathaoirleach Councillor Anne Dillon Gallagher presided.

Members Present:Cllr. Tom Kelly

Cllr. Pat Boshell

Cllr. Dominic Hannigan

Officials in Attendance:Tadhg McDonnell, Area Manager

Adrian Hobbs, Senior Executive Engineer

Aine Keane, Senior Staff Officer

Michelle Whelan, Tourism Marketing Executive

Mary Carey, Housing Investigations Officer

Fiona Hamilton, Assistant Staff Officer

Apologies:Cllr. Jimmy Cudden

Paul Monahan, Area Administrator

Colr. Kelly proposed that his two Notices of Motion deferred from the July monthly meeting be addressed before the other Motions on the Agenda. The Members agreed to this.

1.0Confirmation of Minutes

1.1The Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Wednesday 19th July were confirmed on the proposal of Colr. Kelly and seconded by Colr. Boshell.

1.2The Minutes of the July Monthly Meeting held on Wednesday 19th July 2006 were confirmed on the proposal of Colr. Kelly and seconded by Colr. Boshell.

1.3The Minutes of the Special Meeting held on Wednesday 30th August 2006 were confirmed on the proposal of Colr. Kelly and seconded by Colr. Boshell.

2.0Presentation on the traffic situation at “the Gullet”, Sarsfieldstown, Julianstown on the R132

The Cathaoirleach, Colr. Dillon-Gallagher explained the protocol in relation to such presentation to Mr. Darragh McCullough prior to his presentation. Mr. McCullough, a resident and local worker in the area, then gave his presentation on this matter. In brief, Mr. McCullough highlighted the dangers on this stretch of road and suggested some possible solutions. The Members noted Mr. McCullough’s comments.

3.0Presentation by Housing Investigations Officer

Mary Carey, the recently appointed Housing Investigations Officer, made a presentation on her role in Meath County Council. She gave a brief outline of her duties including:-

  • Updating the tenancy agreement in conjunction with the Council’s legal advisors
  • Compiling a reference check on all new tenants
  • Producing an Anti Social Behaviour Policy booklet

The Members welcomed Mary’s appointment and wished her well in the post.

Mary answered any questions raised by the Members.

4.0Presentaion on Meath Cycling & Walking Routes

The Members received and noted a report on above from Michelle Whelan, Tourism & Marketing Executive, which included a summary of the project, relevant maps and the artwork for signage. Michelle then gave a presentation on above which included the source of funding i.e. €159,869 from Failte Ireland and matched funding from Meath County Council. She outlined the two elements of the scheme i.e. cycling and walking routes in County Meath.

The Members thanked Michelle for the presentation but raised several concerns, particularly regarding the Cycling routes:

  • The dangerous roads in Meath – severity of potholes, traffic travelling too fast along certain roads, subsidence of some roads.
  • Passing by sites of interest e.g. Fourknocks

The Members felt that walking routes were, in general, safer but stressed that both should be encouraged. They also felt that river / coastal / Sli na Slainte walks and the Heritage Walk in Duleek should be incorporated into the scheme.

5.0To consider Diposal of Lands at

5.1Tullyallen, Co. Louth

5.2Mell, Co. Louth

The press and public present were asked to leave at this point and the item was held in committee.

Aine Keane informed the meeting that the land at Mell was land locked and she circulated a valuation report on same.

The Members queried the removal of the art feature at Kilsharvan Bridge.

The Area Manager undertook to meet with the relevant Contractor, who removed the feature, and the Director of Services in Infrastructure in Louth regarding this issue.

Cllr. Kelly, however, requested an update on the art feature for the October meeting.

On the proposal of Cllr. Tom Kelly seconded by Cllr. Pat Boshell the Members agreed to the disposal of lands as above and requested that the matter be referred for consideration to the Full Council.

6.0 Julianstown Traffic Calming Works

The Area Engineer gave a report on same and confirmed that the tenders were sent out on 19th September 2006 and the Council has requested a response back within a week from sending out the tender. Cllr. Dominic Hannigan asked when work was due to commence and the Area Engineer confirmed that work is expected to start by mid October and finish by December 2006.

7.0 Status Report on the Road Works Programme

The Members received and noted a report on the above and raised the following:

  • Wall to be raised on the right hand side facing Donacarney School – will be investigated
  • R132 – no hard shoulder and therefore, no safe walking, cycling space and also a hard surface requested at bus stop. Also road markings need to be addressed for trucks etc. pulling into petrol pumps on this stretch of road – possibility of owners of petrol pumps making a financial contribution to road realignment – to be investigated
  • Subsidence on R132 and localised failed sections of carriageway – will be dealt with as part of the Julianstown Remedial works
  • Lack of signage at Tower Cross, Mornington, Rudder and Bellewstown – to be investigated
  • M1 sign at Donore as you are heading from Newgrange into Donore village – Area Engineer suggested meeting with Cllr. Hannigan in Donore village to address this matter
  • The possible introduction of speed reduction measures on the road from Donore to the Interpretive Centre – introduction of white lines to be investigated
  • Kerbing on Navan Road, Slane at the traffic lights blocking traffic – to be investigated
  • Funding required for major carriageway renewal works in Slane Village especially the stretch from the Credit Union to the Church of Ireland – to be investigated

The works carried out by the Council on the Narroways and Donacarney Roads were commended.

8.0 Status Report on Capital Projects

The Members received and noted a report on the above and raised the following issues:


  • Donacarney Housing Part 8. The Members stated that they did not approve any further housing in Donacarney but the Area Manager wanted it noted that the Director of Services for Housing stated that Meath County Council has an obligation to provide housing – new plans to be brought to the Members for October Meeting
  • The Members asked if any progress had been made on the Remedial Works Scheme for Alverno, Laytown and whether funding could be lost if there was any further delay in progressing the scheme. – The Area Manager stated that it is unlikely that the Council will have a submission ready this year and there is the possibility that funding may be lost. He also suggested that further liaison should take place with the residents and that the Tenant Liaison Officer should be the point of contact and should arrange further consultation.
  • Narroways, Bettystown Housing Part 8 – awaiting update from the Planners to be available for the October Meeting
  • Donore Housing Part 8 – Area Manager stated that the Part 8 should be ready by October


  • The Members requested a start date for Site Investigation Works on the N2 Slane By-Pass and a commitment from the NRA that the necessary funding would be released to enable this vital infrastructural project go ahead as soon as possible – to be investigated.


  • The effectiveness of the East Meath Water Conservation Project and the rate of water loss. The meeting noted that there are a lot of boreholes being drilled. The Members also requested that a comprehensive budget be submitted at estimates time for water conservation and water provision in the Slane Area – the Area Manager stated that he would seek an update from John Joe O’Reilly regarding water conservation and also explained when the Budget Meeting will be held.


  • The budget for the Extension of Drogheda Wastewater Treatment Plant – the Department is to contact the Area Manager on this issue.
  • Sewerage Treatment for the Gormanston, Stamullen and Mosney Area and the composition , membership, role and interaction with local Councillors of the proposed sub-committee – this is to be clarified at the October Meeting


Pedestrian Bridge Laytown

The Members requested a commencement date for the Pedestrian Bridge at Laytown and clarification on how some car parking spaces lost as a result of the scheme would be made good – Finn Humphreys is to give the Contractor the start date and the Contractor will address the matter of the car parking.

The registration of the land at Ninch, Laytown, site of the proposed playground. Cllr. Hannigan requested an update for the October Meeting – our legal team are currently working on this issue and the Council cannot expedite this any further

The members requested an update on the old landfill dump at Laytown. The Area Engineer stated that he had received a report from the EPA and further works are now necessary. A meeting is to take place soon with the EPA and the Area Manager.

Boyne Walk Stackallen-Oldbridge

The members queried if the Bru na Boinne Consultative Committee had disbanded. – Cllr. Tom Kelly proposed and the Members agreed that the Committee meet before the November Meeting and that an update be given then. The Area Manager is to request the Heritage Officer to provide a report on the Boyne Canal Action Group.

Duleek Park/Forge Junction

The Members commended the works carried out on the above project

9.0 Report on matters raised at the July Meeting

The Members received and noted a report on the above.

Nothing raised.

10.0Notice of Question

10.1Cllr. D. Hannigan

Can the Manager explain why construction of a footpath in Stamullen has not yet commenced, despite an assurance given by the Area Engineer to local residents and can he advise as to when construction is scheduled to commence?

Both the Area Manager and the Area Engineer addressed this matter – Area Engineer to have discussions with the two relevant landowners to get their permission to proceed with this project.

11.0Notices of Motion

11.1Cllr. T. Kelly – deferred from July monthly meeting

That Meath County Council put a 3 tonnes weight restriction on the following roads:

(a)Mill Road, road no. L16114-0

(b)Julianstown Road, road no. R132

(c)Mounthanover Road, rd. no. L16112-0

(d)Kilsharvan Road, rd no. L16112-0

(a) Mill Road, road no. L16114-0 – on the proposal of Cllr. Kelly seconded by Cllr.

Hannigan the Members agreed with this Notice of Motion and requested that it be

referred for consideration to the October meeting of the Full Council.

The Members agreed to discuss items (b) to (d) at a future Meeting.

11.2Cllr. T. Kelly – deferred from July monthly meeting

That the legal advice sought by Slane Area Council ref. LAP North and LAP South of the East Meath Plan be made available.

On the proposal of Cllr. T. Kelly seconded by Clrr. D. Hannigan the Members agreed with this Notice of Motion. The Area Manager undertook to liase with the Planning Staff on this matter.

11.3Cllr. D. Hannigan

The Slane Area Councillors hereby instruct the Manager to undertake the following actions (and where necessary to prepare by-laws) as a matter of urgency to address traffic problems at Laytown school:

(a)Install LED flashing speed limit signs on both approaches to Laytown School

(b)Introduce at 30 kph speed limit outside Laytown school under Section 9 (9) of the 2004 Road Traffic Act

(c)Paint a Yellow Box at the junction with Beach Park

(d)Introduce double yellow lines opposite the school

(e)Introduce double yellow lines from the Garda station in Beach Park down to the junction

(f)Provide funding for a traffic warden for Laytown school and commence the employment and training of said warden as soon as possible

(g)Progress the completion of the footpath between Highfield and Inse Bay

The Members agreed that items b, c, d and e were being dealt with and the Area Manager gave an assurance that item g would be done and that he would investigate the possibility of doing item a.

In relation to item f it was noted that the Council is not responsible for the provision of a school warden where the school numbers do not support the provision of one. Cllr. T. Kelly proposed that the Council writes to the Department of Education and Science and the Department of Transport to enquire if funding is available for the employment of a school warden at Laytown School. The Area Manager suggested that a Junior School Warden may be put in place. It was also suggested that the Parents Association of the School may have cover under their insurance policy to employ a school warden and this could possibly be followed up.

11.4Cllr. D. Hannigan

The green areas within Phase 1 and 2 of the Ledwidge Hall, Slane, are currently zoned as “residential”. The Slane Area Councillors hereby instruct the Manager to prepare a plan to allow these green areas to be rezoned as Open Space.

The Area Manager undertook to seek advice from the Senior Planner for the October Meeting.

12.0Items/Correspondence raised by the Area Manager

The following were circulated / noted / discussed:

12.1Letter from Sergeant Jim Flanagan, Sergeant’s Office, Garda Siochana, Duleek with apologies that he could not make the September meeting of the Slane Area but would attend a future meeting. – this was noted.

12.2Letter from Mary Plunkett, Administrative Officer, Office of Community & Enterprise re. Meath County Council Pride of Place Urban Tree Planting Programme and application received from Julianstown & District Residents Association. The Members welcomed Julianstown’s participation in the scheme.

12.3Letter from Thomas Lynch, Committee Secretary, Duleek 1916-81 Monument Committee seeking the Council’s help to find a location in the vicinity of Duleek village to erect a monument in memory of all those who died during the 1916 rising and hunger strikes of 1981 in long kesh jail – it was unanimously agreed by the Members that any such monument should include all the dead and should not be exclusive to those mentioned above - The Area Manager undertook to ask the Council’s Protocol Committee to contact the Taoiseach’s office to establish the correct protocol in this matter and then to advise the Members.

12.4A letter was submitted prior to the meeting from Meath Partnership. Cllr. Kelly proposed and the Members agreed that it be deferred to the October Meeting to give the Members time to read same.

13.0 Matters raised with the permission of the Cathaoirleach

The following issues were raised:

  • The upgrading of public toilets in Laytown as part of the Pedestrian Bridge Works and the provision of toilets at Laytown Railway Station – to be investigated.
  • The taking in charge of the Cloisters, Bettystown – to be investigated.

14.0 To discuss Planning Items in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocol


The area Members discussed any matters in accordance with the recommendations of the Protocol committee.

The Meeting then ended.