October – European month of Ergonomics (FEES) and now also the International Month of Ergonomics (IEA)

European Month of Ergonomics was arranged for the first time in October 2007. The idea was to encourage all of the FEES member societies arrange different kind of activities in October in order to make ergonomic better known in their countries. The EME offers a good reason for the national societies to public information and activities, contacts to media, etc.

This year and next year the theme of the European Ergonomic Month, October, is Ergonomics inoccupational health and safety risk assessmentaccording to the theme the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (in Bilbao) has chosen for years 2008 and 2009, Healthy Workplaces - Good for you, Good for business (Good for Europe) - A European campaign on Risk Assessment. National ergonomics societies have good experiences of co-operation with the national OHS authorities and the connection of the EME to the European Occupational Health Week in October gives us possibilities for co-operation.

C&P Committee has worked out a PowerPoint presentation about Ergonomics inhealth and safety risk assessment as supporting material for the ergonomics societies. The idea of EME is a possibility for the national ergonomics societies, a good reason to arrange activities and promote ergonomics.

The FEES C&P committee made a list of ideas for EME (EME-tools). It depends on the each national ergonomics society how to put the target and use their resources.

  • Media contacts
  • Ergonomics societies offer lecturers
  • Articles and back ground material for articles
  • News from the area of ergonomics (e.g. the winner of ergonomics prize, new research results)
  • Information to target groups (e.g. teachers, parents)
  • Promotional material
  • new, ergonomic, point of views to the “Bilbao” topic
  • “Political” discussions about the common felt problems
  • Taking part in the public discussion (media)
  • Competition about good ergonomics solutions
  • Party, happening
  • Ergonomics information available for instance on the home pages (national ergonomics societies, FEES)
  • Flyers about ergonomic issues (all over the country distributed)
  • E-mail
  • Encourage our sustaining members to activities
  • Statements by the chairs of companies/ politicians/ well known persons about advantages of ergonomics as advertisement
  • Advertising (Sponsored!)
  • Seminars/ conferences

And do remember to inform of all of the national activities on the FEES web site ().

FEES C&P Committee collects statistics and experiences about the EME activities. So we ask you kindly report of the national EME activities to C&P Committee () during November 2008.

Best regards

Kristiina Juvas

and the C&P Committee

Lena Grundell Swedish Ergonomics Society

Maria Montoliu Spanish Ergonomics Society

Magnus Sköldbäck Swedish ergonomics Society

Wilmien Slaghuis Dutch ergonomics Society