LWDB: / Completed by (Name and Title): / Date Completed:
DIRECTIONS: To assist the ESD Monitoring Unit with their PY17 WIOA Program monitoring review, please thoroughly complete the following questions and return to the ESD Workforce Monitoring Mail Box at by ENTER DATE DUE BACK TO US HERE. We appreciate your assistance and look forward to seeing you again ENTER MONITORING DATES HERE.
1. customized training
Customized Training is training designed to meet the special requirements of an employer(s), conducted with a commitment by the employer to employ an individual upon successful completion of the training, and in which the employer pays for a significant cost of the training (20 CFR 680.760). Individuals considered for Customized Training must meet the eligibility requirements for the Adult or Dislocated Worker programs. LWDBs that choose to allow customized training must have a Customized Training policy (ESD WIOA Policy 5616, Rev.1).
1-A. Has your LWDB chosen to implement Customized Training? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Comments: Click here to enter text.
1-B. If yes, do you have a Customized Training policy? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Comments: Click here to enter text.
1-C. If yes, please direct us to your policy or provide a copy.
Comments: Click here to enter text.
References-customized training:
· ESD WIOA Policy 5616, Rev. 1: Individuals considered for customized training must meet eligibility requirements for Adult and Dislocated Worker programs.
· 20 CFR 680.760:
(a) Training designed to meet the special requirements of an employer(s);
(b) Conducted with a *commitment by the employer to employ an individual upon successful completion of the training; and
(c) Employer pays for the significant cost of the training.
· tegl 19-16: Local WDBs must identify policies for determining what constitutes employer’s payment of “a significant portion of the cost of training” taking into account the size of the employer and other factors the LWDB determines appropriate.
· ESD WIOA Policy 5616, Rev. 1: LWDBs that choose to allow customized training must have a customized training policy.
2. incumbent worker training
Incumbent Worker Training is designed to meet the special requirements of an employer(s) to retain a skilled workforce or avert the need to lay off employees by assisting the workers in obtaining the sills necessary to retain employment and conducted with the commitment by the employer to retain or avert the layoffs of the incumbent work(s) trained (20 CFR 680.790). Employers must meet characteristics identified in TEGL 19-16 to be eligible to participant in Incumbent Worker Training and pay the non-Federal share of the cost of the training.
The local area may reserve up to 20% of their combined Adult and Dislocated Worker allocations for Incumbent Worker Training. (20 CFR 680.800; TEGL 19-16)
States and local areas must establish policies and definitions to determine which workers, or group of workers, are eligible for Incumbent Worker services, the non-Federal share of the cost of the IWT, and the documentation of 6-month work history requirement. (20 CFR 680.780; TEGL 19-16)
2-A. Has your LWDB chosen to implement Incumbent Worker Training? ☐ Yes ☐ No
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2-B. If yes, do you have an Incumbent Worker Training policy? ☐ Yes ☐ No
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2-C. If yes, please direct us to your policy or provide a copy.
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2-D. If yes, please describe how you ensure the LWDB does not expend more than 20% of your combined WIOA
Adult and WIOA Dislocated Worker funds:
Click here to enter text.
References-incumbent worker:
· 20 CFR 680.790: Incumbent worker training must increase the competitiveness of the employee or employer.
Incumbent worker training is training:
(a) Designed to meet the special requirements of an employer(s) to retain a skilled workforce or avert the need to lay off employees by assisting the workers in obtaining the skills necessary to retain employment.
(b) Conducted with the commitment by the employer to retain or avert the layoffs of the incumbent worker(s) trained.
· 20 CFR 680.800 and TEGL 19-16: The local area may reserve up to 20% of their combined total of Adult and DW allocations for incumbent worker training. For example, if a Local WDB receives $1.5 million in Adult funds and $1.0 million in DW funds, it may use up to $500,000 (20 percent of the total) for IWT. This 20% can be used for IWT activities that are programmatic in nature, as administrative activities must be paid out of the Board’s administrative funds.
· TEGL 19-16: The LWDB must determine an employer’s eligibility for participating in IWT based on the following factors which help to evaluate whether training would increase the competiveness of the employees or both the employees and the employer:
o The characteristics of the individuals in the program (e.g. individuals with barriers to employment);
o Whether the training improves the labor market competitiveness of the employees or both the employees and the employer; and
o Other factors the LWDB may consider appropriate, including:
§ The number of employees participating in the training;
§ Wage and benefit levels of those employees (both pre-and post-training earnings);
§ The existence of other training and advancement opportunities provided by the employer;
§ Credentials and skills gained as a result of the training;
§ Layoffs averted as a result of the training;
§ Utilization as part of a larger sector and/or career pathway strategy; or
§ Employer size.
o Generally, IWT should be provided to private sector employers; however, there may be instances where nonprofit and local government entities may be the recipients of IWT funds.
· 20 CFR 680.780:
o States and local areas must establish policies and definitions to determine which workers, or group of workers, are eligible for incumbent worker services.
· TEGL 19-16:
o WIOA sec. 134(d)(4)(D) requires Local WDBs to establish policies regarding the non-federal share of the cost of IWT.
o State and Local WDBs must develop a process for documenting the 6-month work-history requirement for IWT recipients with the employer.
o The contract between the Local WDB and the employer must include this as a term of the contract.
3. training services for Adults and Dislocated workers
3-A. Please describe how an Adult and Dislocated Worker Program participant is determined to meet all of the following training criteria and how it is documented: (20 CFR 680.210)
· Unable to obtain or retain employment that leads to economic self-sufficiency or wages comparable to or higher than wages from previous employment through career services:
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· In need of training services to obtain or retain employment leading to economic self-sufficiency or wages comparable to or higher than wages from previous employment through career services:
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· Have the skills and qualifications to participate successfully in training services:
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3-B. Please describe how training is determined to be in-demand in the local area or in another area to which the individuals are willing to commute or relocate and how it is documented: (20 CFR 680.210)
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3-C. Please describe how the participant demonstrates they are unable to obtain grant assistance from other sources to pay the costs of training (including such sources as State-funded training funds, TAA, and Federal Pell Grants), or require WIOA assistance in addition to other sources of grant assistance, including Pell Grants. Please also describe how this is documented: (20 CFR 680.210)
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3-D. Please describe how the selection of training service is: (TEGL 19-16)
· Conducted in a manner that maximizes customer choice:
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· Is linked to in-demand occupations:
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· Is informed by the performance of relevant training providers:
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· Is coordinated to the extent possible with other sources of assistance, including Pell Grants:
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3-E. Please describe the local area’s policy and procedures for documenting participants’ satisfactory progress in
training: (ESD Policy 5601, Rev. 1)
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3-F. When the LWDB conducts monitoring of Adult and Dislocated Worker participant files, describe how the following training requirements are validated: (20 CFR 680.220)
· A determination of need for training services was verified through an interview, evaluation, or assessment, and career planning:
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· Local labor market information and training provider performance information was provided to the participant to ensure informed choice:
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· If applicable, the circumstances that justified the provision of training without first providing career services:
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References-training services for adults & dw:
· 20 CFR 680.210:
(a) Training services may be made available to employed and unemployed adults who a one-stop center or one-stop partner determines, after an interview, evaluation or assessment, and career planning, are:
1) Unlikely or unable to obtain or retain employment that leads to economic self-sufficiency or wages comparable to or higher than wages from previous employment through career services;
2) In need of training services to obtain or retain employment leading to economic self-sufficiency or wages comparable to or higher than wages from previous employment through career services;
3) Have the skills and qualifications to participate successfully in training services;
(b) Select a program of training services that is directly linked to the employment opportunities in the local area or the planning region, or in another area to which the individuals are willing to commute or relocate;
(c) Are unable to obtain grant assistance from other sources to pay the costs of such training, including such sources as State-funded training funds, TAA, and Federal Pell Grants, or require WIOA assistance in addition to other sources of grant assistance, including Pell Grants;
(d) If training services are provided through the adult funding stream, are determined eligible in accordance with the State and local priority system in effect for adults under WIOA sec. 134(c)(3)(E) and 680.600.
· TEGL 19-16: The selection of training services should be conducted in a manner that maximizes customer choice, is linked to in-demand occupations, is informed by the performance of relevant training providers, and is coordinated to the extent possible with other sources of assistance, including Pell Grants.
· ESD Policy 5601, Rev. 1: LWDBs must require that participants demonstrate satisfactory progress in training, except for good cause (See ESD Policy 5601, Rev. 1 for definition of “good cause”), to access payment through their ITAs; satisfactory progress should be defined by LWDB policy
· 20 CFR 680.220:
(b) The case file must contain a determination of need for training services as determined through the interview, evaluation, or assessment, and career planning informed by local labor market information and training provider performance information, or through any other career service received. There is no requirement that career services be provided as a condition to receive training services; however, if career services are not provided before training, the Local WDB must document the circumstances that justified its determination to provide training without first providing the services described in paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) There is no Federally required minimum time period for participation in career services before receiving training services.
4. follow-up services for Adults and Dislocated workers
LWDBs must establish and implement local follow-up services policies within 90 days of the issuance of the ESD Policy 5620 WIOA Follow-up Services for Adult and DW Exiters (released 7-14-17). The policy must define appropriate follow-up services and when to provide follow-up services (excluding supportive services) to system-exited participants (ESD Policy 5620; TEGL 19-16).
4-A. Please direct us to your Follow-up Policy for Adults and Dislocated Workers or provide a copy.
Comments: Click here to enter text.
4-B. If your Follow-up Policy for Adults and Dislocated Workers is not yet complete, please indicate when the policy will be implemented: Click here to enter text.
References-follow-up services for adults & dw:
· TEGL 19-16: States and local areas must establish policies that define what are considered to be appropriate follow-up services, as well as policies for identifying when to provide follow-up services to participants.
· ESD Policy 5620: LWDBs must establish and implement local follow-up services policies within 90 days of issuance of this policy (new policies must be developed and implemented by October 2017). Those policies must define appropriate follow-up services (excluding any supportive services) and when to provide those services to system-exited Adult and DW participants. LWDBs may choose to incorporate additional services, as appropriate, in establishing or updating their local policies.
5. wioa youth 14 PROGRAM ELEMENTS
For each of the WIOA Youth 14 Elements listed below:
5-A. Describe how the LWDB ensures the element is made available to youth participants: (20 CFR 681.460)
5-B. If the element is not funded with WIOA Youth funds, describe the agreement in place with the partner organization that ensures the program element will be offered: (20 CFR 681.470)
5-C. Please also describe how the LWDB ensures the program element is closely connected and coordinated
with the WIOA Youth program: (20 CFR 681.470)
14 PROGRAM ELEMENTS: (20 CFR 681.460)
Local programs must make each of the following 14 services available to youth participants:
(1) Tutoring, study skills training, instruction and evidence-based dropout prevention and recovery strategies that lead to completion of the requirements for a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent (including a recognized certificate of attendance or similar document for individuals with disabilities) or for a recognized postsecondary credential:
Please respond to 5A, 5B and 5C here: Click here to enter text.
(2) Alternative secondary school services, or dropout recovery services, as appropriate:
Please respond to 5A, 5B and 5C here: Click here to enter text.
(3) Paid and unpaid work experiences that have academic and occupational education as a component of the work experience, which may include the following types of work experiences: (i) Summer employment opportunities and other employment opportunities available throughout the school year; (ii) Pre-apprenticeship programs; (iii) Internships and job shadowing; and (iv) On-the-job training opportunities: