Ystalyfera Community Council
Minutes of the Meeting held at the Community Centre, Ystalyfera, on Thursday 19thNovember, 2015
Present: CouncillorE W Williams (Chair), CouncillorsW L Rewston,
A Randall, R Llewelyn, SProtheroe, N James, A Lewis,
G Williams, B Lewis, J Burgess, A Llewelyn and R Davies.
Declaration of Interests
Councillors R Davies and A Llewelyn filled in a Declaration of Interest form with respect to Planning Matters at the commencement of themeeting and would leave the room during the discussions.
Public Questions
There were no members of the public present.
3805Apologies for Absence
C Vaughan, S Grounds and W Jones.
3806Minutes of the Previous Meeting
Resolved that the minutes of the previous meetingwere confirmed as a true record of the proceedings.
3807Tiddlywinks Report
Report received from Liz Cole of Tiddlywinks on the open access playscheme run in partnership with the Council. The scheme had been successful and was proposed to continue during the next year with a similar level of funding from the Community Council.
(i)Letter from the City and County of Swansea confirming the hire of the Christmas sleigh for Friday 18th December.
(ii)Letters from Neath Port Talbot Council notifying the Councilof
(a)the proposed Diversion of Footpath 237 at Gnoll Road.
(b) a “Working for Nature” project under the Rural Development Plan Leader funding stream.
(iii)Letter from Councillor A Randall tendering his resignation from the leisure committee.
Resolved that this be accepted.
(iv)The clerk reported the findings of Peter Beynon who had looked at the possibility of placing Christmas decorations on the tree at the park at Pen yrallt.
The tree was deemed unsuitable due to its location near play equipment and its low lying structure and the cost of providing a safe electricity supply was prohibitive.
3809Planning Matters
The clerk reported that an application had been made by Ystalyfera Wind Energy Ltdfor the erection of 4No. Wind turbines with associated works at Varteg Wind Farm, land south of Ystalyfera.
The representatives of the developer have been invited to attend the meeting of 21st January 2016 to discuss the application in more detail before the Council prepares its response to the application.
3810Leisure Matters
Councillor A Llewelyn reported on the Project Group meeting held recently.
Current actions included:
Open Access play in partnership with Tiddlywinks.
The Future of the Youth Club.
Flower planting, which had been very successful and proposed to be extended in 2016.
Projects awaiting action included:
Wern Road seating area for the miners’ memorial would be investigated further as Neath Port Talbot Council do not have title to the land.
Art work at Commercial Street.
Open air fitness/Free running.
Small business promotion.
Future of the Tennis Courts.
The next meeting of the Project Group would be at 6.00pm on 1stDecember at the Trust Office after which a progress report would be presented to the Council.
3811Financial Matters
Interim Financial Report
The clerk presented the Interim Financial Report as at 1st November 2015 showing the current position of the Council’s finances, with a projection as to the balances at the year end. This would help the Council set its budget for the next financial year.
Resolved to accept the Financial Report.
Ystalyfera Community Car Scheme
A meeting was held on the 4th November to discuss the future of the car scheme. It was proposed that a grant of up to £2000 be made available for one year only provided the two cars be made available under the scheme for the residents of Ystalyfera and Godre’rgraig.
Resolved to ratify the terms of the grant.
703770 NPT Homes Ltd100.00
703771D G Morganphone rental146.54
703773NPTCBC trade refuse130.23
703774B G Evans235.00
703775L A Alarms 78.00
703776Crynant Landscapes Ltd622.80
703777A Thomaswages462.48
703778D G Morgansalary and exp.786.32
703779Ystalyfera Development Trust 57.20
The minutes of Council meetings can be accessed on the Council’s website