Conclusion of Effectiveness Review
In November 2014 the Board identified the following areas as priorities to be addressed urgently and the notes below presented to Board in September 2015 indicates progress to date:
a)The mechanism for the involvement of the Board in developing the successor strategy to Raising the Bar.
The Board considered the work from the Vice Chancellor and his team from December to April when the final version of Strategic Plan 2015-2020 was approved, with detailed debate during both Board meetings and at the Away Day in January, with close exploration of the key messages, desired outputs and measures.
b)The mechanism for the involvement of the Board in the ‘project pipeline’ and prioritization of new business, areas for academic development, and implementation choices for strategy.
Board and senior team focus on the implementation of the various work streams and completion of key milestone actions to achieve the Waterside Project has taken the main attention of the Board. As the market place for higher education changes focus on new business lines and strategic responses may require more Board attention.
c)How the Board can be assured that ‘future issues’ are identified early and appropriate responses formulated (examples over 2013/14, WNDC, HEFCE etc.).
Focus on future proofing has been through the Waterside project and limited other work on this topic during 2014-15.
d)The involvement of Board members in the advancement strategy, the development of Court, philanthropy and in supporting the VC and Chair in their ambassadorial role.
Work undertaken within the Awayday and in case for support preparation butprogress on this topic during 2014-15 limited by absence of Director level staff to support implementation.
e)The extent to which the Board is involved in selecting members of the Senior Management Team, in ensuring that a sufficient pool of talent is available for the team and in succession planning.
Some interaction with respect to Director of Corporate Affairs during 2014-15.
f)How Board members can become more closely involved with staff to gain assurance that ‘hearts and minds’ are engaged in the strategy and implementation.
Meeting with JCNC members and 3 meetings with staff undertaken with Waterside focus during 2014-15. Some governor attendance at events, but more undertaken by Chair and Deputy Chair.
g)How members of the Board can become more involved in University events and thus both interact with and support staff and students.
Opportunities taken at Court and Awayday to engage with wider range of senior staff. Some governor attendance at events, but more undertaken by Chair and Deputy Chair.