Local Delivery Plan 2013/14
The Local Delivery Plan is submitted for Board approval
Strategic Context
The Local Delivery Plan (LDP) is the key agreement between the NHS Board and the Scottish Government. It describes and demonstrates how the Board will deliver improvement against key national targets and includes a five year financial plan.
Performance against the Local Delivery Plan (LDP) commitments is reviewed monthly and features as a key topic at the Annual Review.
The draft LDP was presented to the Board at its seminar on 26th February. Since then a small number of changes have been made following discussion with Scottish Government, with the final plan submitted on 15th March 2013.
A summary of the changes made since the LDP was presented at the Board seminar are as follows:
Risk Management Plans and Delivery Trajectories
Requirements for these sections are similar to previous years with a short risk based narrative and improvement trajectory required for most measures. Only one small amendment was requested by Scottish Government to provide greater clarity in the successful smoking cessation narrative. All other narratives and trajectories are unchanged from the version presented at the Board seminar.
Since the submission of the draft plan the HEAT standard relating to time spent within Accident and Emergency departments has been reintroduced to the LDP following pressure on delivery over the winter period throughout Scotland.
Summary of main workforce issues
This section provides information on key workforce challenges in the short term but also towards 2020. No amendments were requested to this section.
Financial Narrative and Templates
Senior Finance staff from NHS Grampian met with the Director of Finance of the Scottish Government Health Department to review the financial narrative and templates. There were no significant changes required to the revenue section of the Financial Plans. A number of changes have been made to the capital planning assumptions that were contained in the draft LDP. These largely improve the projected capital position for NHS Grampian.
NHS Boards Contributions to Community Planning Partnerships
This section replaces the section in previous years which asked for an example for each CHP of contributions made to delivery Single Outcome Agreements. Each Board is asked to indicate how they will improve their partnership approach during 2013/14, specifically focusing on how they will contribute to better outcomes through collaborative gain. This section is being produced by each CHP and is due for submission in draft by 2nd April 2013 and in final form at the end of June 2013.
Island Partnership Agreements
This section provides information on the various partnership agreements for non clinical services in place or planned between NHS Grampian and NHS Orkney and NHS Shetland. No amendments were requested to this section although it has been updated.
Risk 851 (medium): Delivery Strategies are not aligned to meet the future health needs of the population.
Risk 1134 (medium): Sustainable workforce
The Board is asked to approve the Local Delivery Plan 2013/14
Executive Lead
Alan Gray: Director of Finance
Name of Person submitting paper
Anne K Ross
Head of Performance and Quality Improvement
15thMarch 2013