RM Finance



December 2014

Tel No: 01992 555713

Fax No: 01992 555727

email :

Included in this Bulletin:

RM Finance Upgrade 8.30page 3

Upgrade for Standalone or Master PCpage 6

Upgrade for Serverspage 9

If your server is fully supported by Schools IT Support Service, they will complete the upgrade on your behalf

Please contact the SITSS Support helpdesk.

If you are not fully supported by SITSS and do not have the administrator permissions password, you will need to contact your IT Support Service for the password, before attempting the upgrade.




Financial Systems Helpline

Tel No: 01992 555713

email :

Herts for Learning

01438 845111


These release notes detail enhancements included in RM Finance v8.30 and include a number of previously reported items which have also been corrected.

The most significant change to this version is to the accruals routines which affect the year end accounting. These changes are designed to overcome previous shortcomings in the way accruals were posted to analysis and budget accounts and make accruals within RM Finance more consistent and easier to control.

To supplement these changes we have added a new Accruals Report within Transactions > Reports. This report is designed to help you to manage your accruals at year end. We have also updated some of the terminology and enhanced the screen layouts to help make accruals easier to use.

Additional changes have been made which include:

  • The All Transaction report gross totals now include a Total line.
  • Analysis, Budget and Accounts can be made inactive.
  • Email address can be included on Purchase Order layouts.
  • Report defaults have been adjusted to make them quicker and easier to use, such as the All Transactions report defaulting to ‘Short Format’.
  • Some terminology has been updated to make it more accurate and consistent.
  • A significant number of additional ‘user requested’ fixes have been implemented.

Please read through this document fully before you implement RM Finance version 8.30. Due to the changes made it is vitally important that you do not access the data file with an earlier version of RM Finance once it has been reorganised.

It is safe to go back into previous years OLDDATA files and reorganise the data as requested as this is still upgrading to V8.30

RM Finance Upgrade Version 8.30 – Must be run before rolling from Period 12 into Period 1

It has become necessary to upgrade RM Finance so that schools have the most up to date software. The upgrade file has been placed on the grid.

Please read all of the instructions below before attempting to upgrade your computer.

IMPORTANT – Read before upgrading

When a data file from a previous version of RM Finance is first opened by RM Finance v8.30.00, it will require reorganisation. This process is triggered automatically when the user first logs into the data file.


  1. It is important that prior to upgrading to RM Finance v8.30 you must ensure you have a full working backup of your data files, including your Fund Account.
  1. Once a data file has been reorganised, it must not be used with a previous version of RM Finance. Doing so may cause significant corruption to your data and may result in additional costs to remedy.
  1. It is therefore important to upgrade RM Finance installations on every workstation where the program is loaded to the C Drive.

If you have a stand alone machine theolder version of the program will already be on the C drive of that machine and the upgrade should be completed on that machine.

If the school has a K Drive the upgrade will have to be completed on the master machine or server.

To establish whether you have a Master Machine or Server, contact your technician.

If your data path says

C:\Program Files\RM Management Solutions\RM Finance\Finance.df1

As detailed above, the computer is likely to be a standalone computer.

If you are in any doubt please check this with your IT Technician.

Take a Backup of your Datafile

Safe Backup

On exiting RM Finance the following window will be displayed (if you have the appropriate access privileges)

  • Check to include Last Years data file.
  • Click on Yes to continue. The following screen will appear:
  • Specify the name and location to which the archive will be saved.

(You can save a copy of the backup on your workstation, in a server location or on a memory device such as an external hard drive or a USB memory stick.)

  • Click the Save button.
  • Progress of the Archive will be displayed.

You can also make a manual backup of your data

You can manually copy the RM Finance data file to a secure secondary location. This secure location can be on your workstation, a server, or onto an external memory device such as an external drive or a USB memory stick.

Please ensure that you close RM Finance before you attempt to copy the finance data file. If the file is located on a server ensure that it is not being accessed from any other workstation before attempting to copy the file.

To find out where your data is held, double click on the RM Finance icon and look at the data path shown on the log in screen.

Exit RM Finance and then use Windows explorer to locate the file (depending on your settings the file may or may not have the DF1 extension at the end).

Copy the file (you may wish to include the OLDDATA folder) to another location. This will backup your finance data. Usually all your previous year data files will be located in the OLDDATA folder.

Once copied, ensure that the file size of the copy matches the file size of the original:

If you have problems making a backup of your data, please contact the Helpline.

Do not continue with the RM Finance upgrade until you are confident you have a working backup of your data file.

You will also need to make a backup of your Fund Account datafile

It is important to make sure that you are logged into the PC using the password with full administrator rights.The new version is available from the grid.

To establish whether you have administrator rights on your password, contact your technician.

Create a folder named RM Upgrade 2014

Upgrade Instructions - Standalone and Master Machines

Open the Hertfordshire Grid for Learning

School Admin > Financial Services for Schools

Click on Bulletins, Manuals, Software

Click on RM Systems

Click on Software and Upgrades

Right click on the file RMF830

Save Target As

Save this file to the new folderRM Upgrade 2014

Once the download is complete, click on Close

Remove the old version of RM Finance

Click on Start

Click on Settings

Click on Control Panel

Click on Add Remove Programs

Scroll down and locate RM Finance program

Click on Change/Remove button

Click on Remove

Click on Next

Click on ok

The program will be removed

Click on Finish

Open the folder RM Upgrade 2014 folder

Double click on the file compressed file RMF 830

The upgrade files will automatically extract, this will take a few moments.

Follow the Setup Wizard

Click on Next

Click on Yes

Click on Next

The screen shows that the program will be loaded to the C Drive.

Do not change the path.

Finally the InstallShield Wizard shows that the process is complete.

Click on OK

Click on Finish

Log In

When you log into the new version of RM Finance for the first time you will see the Change Datafile Screen

Check the path and make sure you select the one appropriate to your school.

Standalone path will be C Drive

Shared path will be K Drive etc.

Select the datafile Finance.df1

Click on Open

Click Yes to the message.

There may be a delay before you see the log in screen, the system will make some changes.

You will then see the log in screen, showing the new Version 8.30

You may now log in.

Upgrade Instructions - Server

It is important to make sure that you are logged onto the server using the password with full administrator rights.

If your server is fully supported by Schools IT Support Service, they will complete the upgrade on your behalf

Please contact the SITSS Support helpdesk.

If you are not fully supported by SITSS and do not have the administrator permissions password, you will need to contact your IT Support Service for the password, before attempting the upgrade.

Create Folder RM Upgrade 2014

Open the Hertfordshire Grid for Learning.

Schools AdminFinancial Services for Schools.

Click on Upgrades

Open the Hertfordshire Grid for Learning

School Admin > Financial Services for Schools

Click on Bulletins, Manuals, Software

Click on RM Systems

Click on Software and Upgrades

Right click on the file RMF830

Save Target As

Save this file to the new folder RM Upgrade 2014

Once the download is complete, click on Close

Remove the old version of RM Finance

Click on Start

Click on Settings

Click on Control Panel

Click on Add Remove Programs

Scroll down and locate RM Finance program

Click on Change/Remove button

Click on Remove

Click on Next

Click on OK

The program will be removed

Click on Finish

The server may hold the programs in the D Drive and the Finance Root or it may be in another location.

The upgrade files will automatically extract, this will take a few moments

Follow the Wizard

The next screen shows that the program will be loaded to the C Drive, this must be changed

Click on Browse

Search for D:\Financeroot

(This is the usual location, but please confirm with your IT Technician)

Click on OK

Click on Next

Finally the InstallShield Wizard shows that the process is complete.

Click on OK

Click on Finish

To check the install/upgrade has been effective, the version number and local authority (activate) version can be checked on the RM Finance login screen (as seen below).

If either the version number or the local authority version you have installed is incorrect then it is important that you do not continue to use the software.

Please contact your local IT support.

Change to Accruals Functionality


RM Finance 8.30 implements a number of enhancements to the accruals system over previous versions to make them more consistent, easier to control, and brings them into line with traditional accruals practice.

To manage this we have made a number of changes to the interface and reports, and introduced a new Accruals Report.

Changes to terminology

Receipts in Advance

Previous versions of RM Finance used the term accruals to signify both the accruals system and also the ‘Receipt in Advance’ type of accrual. This mixed use of terminology caused confusion when working with the system. This has now been corrected.

Where the term ‘Accruals’ was used to solely refer to the ‘Receipts in Advance’, this text is now changed to say ‘Receipts in Advance’. This makes the screens and navigation in RM Finance 8.30 consistent.

Version 8.20.00Version 8.30.00

NOTE: Receipts in Advance still uses the transaction type ACR (all transaction types remain the same)

Pending and Processed Accruals types

Accruals now have a status that describes the processing state of that accrual. This new accruals status is either:

  • Pending – an accrual entered in Period 12 that is waiting to be reversed through the year end.
  • Processed – an accrual that is the reversal of a pending accrual.Accruals will show as processed in period 1.

Changes to record screens

To accommodate the new types of accruals, the following screens have been updated to reflect the new (Pending) status of the accruals:

Records > Budget Records > Budget Accounts:

Records > Analysis Records > Income and Expenditure Analysis:

Drilling down on the Nett Current Year Total will show all the transactions (including all accruals) which have been posted to that Budget Account for the current year.

The transaction report total has also been updated to reflect the change of name for Receipts in Advance and adds a TOTAL line which adds up all the transaction types based on the report selection criteria:

Update to the enquiries screen

A description of the Accrual types can now be seen in the Enquiries screen .

Accrual adjustments & Corrections

If you need to make a correction to a previously posted accrual, this can be done through the Transactions > Adjustments & Correction > Accruals facility.

This will display the current period in both the ‘From’ and ‘To’. You can no longer change these period values as accrual reversals now only work in Period 12 on Pending type accruals (i.e. accruals posted into the current period).

Accruals Report (new)

To supplement the new accrual types a new accruals report has been created.

This can be accessed from the Reports > Transactions > Accruals Reports menu.

The report options allow you specify your transaction criteria, including restrictions on budget range, transaction posting period range, and accrual date range. Output will revert to your default report destination.

The processed accruals are the result of reversals from the previous year.

The accruals report also has a totals section:

This shows the key to the accrual type along with the totals for each type. When using the period 12 selection, the ‘Pending’ transactions will be shown in the report (Receipts in Advance, Prepayments, Debtors, and Creditors).

Other Functionality

Adjustment to All Transaction report totals section

Transaction based reports show a totals section at the end of the report. The totals values summarise the values of the individual types of transactions shown on the report. A typical example is shown below:

Changes made to this are as follows:

‘Total Income’ has been changed to ‘Income’

‘Expenditure against Budget’ has been changed to ‘Expenditure’

‘Accruals’ has been changed to ‘Receipts in Advance’ in line with the new accruals routines.

‘Budget Amendments’ has been changed to ‘Budgets’

A TOTAL line has been added which is calculated from all the transaction types listed above. This gives you an ‘at a glance’ position of the accounts based on the transaction criteria for the report being viewed. This total is also useful should the report being viewed be the result of the ‘drill down’ selection.

The Budgets value has been moved under the TOTAL line as this value isn’t included in the TOTAL calculation.

School email address appears on purchase orders

Purchase orders can display either the schools fax number or the schools email address.

The email address can now be entered through System Manager > Organisation Details:


In System Manager> Documents

If no Purchase Order Style is selected your Purchase Order Style will be ORDER Plain

To show the schools email address on the purchase order, select a suitable Purchase Order Style (see the list below for compatible Purchase Order layouts). Select the ‘Include School Email on Order’ option to change the purchase order so that the email address is shown. When this option is unselected the fax number will display (as before).

Compatible Purchase Order Styles that can show the schools email address:




ORDER Plain Cnd

ORDER PrePrint1

ORDER PrePrint2

ORDER PrePrint3

The school email address will display the Purchase Order layout based on the Style selected. An example can be seen below using the ‘ORDER Plain’ layout:

Inactive tick box on Budget, Analysis and Supplier records

Budget Accounts, Income / Expenditure Analysis Accounts, and Income / Supplier Accounts can now be made inactive.

Once accounts have been used (i.e. they have a transaction posted to them) these types of accounts cannot be deleted from the system.

The option to make accounts inactive prevents them from being used and removes them from pick lists (tabbed lists from transaction entry screens). Entering the short name of an inactive account is also prevented.

Previously entered transactions or purchase / express orders are not affected and will remain in the system.

To change an account to be ‘Inactive’, locate the record:

Select ‘Edit Record’ from the Controls panel and then select the ‘Inactive’ toggle. The following message will be displayed:

Click on Yes

Selecting ‘Yes’ will confirm the Inactive setting, then select OK to save the record, and the account will no longer be selectable throughout RM Finance.

The inactive flag is also on the Income / Expenditure Analysis records:

The inactive flag is available on the Income Source / Suppliers Accounts:

Please note that you cannot make a default account ‘Inactive’.

Reports ‘Exclude Inactive Records’ option (set by default)

To complement the new ‘Inactive’ flag against the Budget, Analysis, and Account records, a new option to ‘Exclude Inactive Records’ has been added to all the ‘Records’ reports.

This new option is selected by default, so all accounts that are flagged inactive will not appear on any records reports unless the ‘exclude Inactive Records’ option is deselected before the report is run.