Institute Management Team Meeting
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Attending: Brian Anderson, Jacque Dalzell (representing Mike Demissie), Tom Emerson, Manohar Kulkarni, Don McKay, Gary Miller, Bill Shilts, Steve Wald, Angie Wisehart
1. Vice Chancellor for Research
Bill reported that he ran into Vice Chancellor Schiffer who confirmed that he plans to continue to hold regular meetings with Bill.
Bill instructed the Directors to send any him any information that they would like to share with Vice Chancellor Schiffer.
2. Revise Statute Language
Bill reported that he and Gary will be meeting with Kappy Laing (Executive Director, Governmental Relations) to discuss revising the Institute mandates. The Survey names are not identified consistently, and ISAS is not included.
3. Unified Communications (UC) Billing
Gary reported that he spoke with Lauren Stokes (Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research) regarding charges for UC. The Institute requested that the UC charges appear monthly, but none of the Surveys have been billed yet.
4. Spurlock Museum Advisory Board
Bill reported that he has been asked to serve on Spurlock’s Advisory Board. Bill has agreed to serve, adding that this is a potential association for the Institute’s collections issues.
5. ISGS Update
Don reported that Rob Finley thinks that someone from his area will be able to give a lightning talk at the Mini-Symposium on September 20. Don confirmed with Gary that this talk will be in addition to the two that are requested from each Survey. Don has also solicited posters from his staff, and he has people working on ideas for the ISGS display table at the symposium.
Don reported that he is staying on top of staff that have not yet completed the Sexual Harassment training. Gary added that there are several people in the Institute who have not completed the training yet, and that most of those people appear to be off-campus.
Don reported that the Illinois Geologic Mapping Advisory Committee (IGMAC) will be meeting on September 6. Angie confirmed that it is on Bill’s calendar.
6. INHS Update
Brian reported that he is beginning to work on the INHS State of the Survey address. Angie confirmed that it is on Bill’s calendar.
Brian reported that the safety initiative with Rich Cahill is still continuing. They have made a lot of progress, and have cleaned out a lot of labs. They are offering free items to staff, and anything that doesn’t get taken will be offered to the rest of the Institute staff.
7. Prairie Lightning Mini-Symposium
Steve reminded the group that the symposium is on September 20 at 9:30 in the Illini Union. Posters and speakers are still being solicited. The directors should submit the names of their speakers as soon as possible. The deadline for posters is August 31.
Brian reported that Sam Heads and Joe Spencer will be the speakers for INHS.
Gary added that as of today there are ~20 poster proposals. Beth Luber (ISTC) is working on the room layout and should be able to provide Gary an estimate of the number of posters that can be accommodated.
8. Fall Lecture Series
Steve reported that he is still working on a background piece for publicity for Andrew Revkin’s lecture in October. As a reminder, the lecture is on October 24 at 4:00.
9. Fracking Inquiry
Steve reported that he received an inquiry from Wesley Methodist Church regarding fracking. Pius Weibel (ISGS) has agreed to meet with the group in late September or early October.
10. Space Utilization Survey
Gary reported that Bill received an email from Facilities & Services indicating it is time to conduct a space survey for the Institute. This year, a representative from F&S will physically do a walk-through of the facilities. Gary asked that each Survey have one contact name so that when F&S is ready to do the walk-through they can contact the Survey directly. Gary has shared the memo with Jacque Dalzell (ISWS), Sue Key (INHS), and Mona Knight (ISGS). He will forward it to the Directors as well.
11. Research Technology Initiative
Gary is scheduling a meeting with EDC and Mark Yacucci (ISGS) as a follow-up from the CyberGIS Conference to work on drafting a proposal for this initiative. Gary is aiming for the end of August. Gary thinks it might be worth it to have Mark attend a future management team meeting to describe his vision for this initiative.
12. ISAS Update
Tom reported that the Sexual Harassment training at the Wood River location is slow because only one staff member can use the internet at a time.
Tom reported that excavation continues in East St. Louis and will be wrapped up by the end of the year. There is a lot of future work from IDOT.
13. ISTC Update
Manohar reported that the Governor’s Office would like to add a program to the Governor’s Sustainability Awards to include Campus Sustainability Awards. As a reminder, the awards ceremony will be held on November 9 at Hamburger University in Oak Brook.
Manohar reported that they are running into space issues for offices at ISTC.
Manohar reported that Lt. Governor Simon will be on campus October 16 for the Illinois River Coordinating Council meeting. Manohar will work with her office to see if she can arrive earlier for a tour and a talk. Asian Carp, Invasive Species, and Sedimentation issues in Musketon Bay will be on the agenda.
Manohar reported that he is encouraging staff to submit poster proposals for the Mini-Symposium. Paul Francisco will be one of the speakers. He’s not sure who the second speaker will be at this time.
14. ISWS Update
Jacque reported that Jim Angel and George Roadcap will be the ISWS speakers for the Mini-Symposium.
Jacque reported that the Governor’s Drought Committee continues to have regular meetings.
Jacque reported that the Dispatch wants to do an article on the heating/air conditioning project that took place at the Water Survey. This project will reduce the utilities for the entire complex by half.