The South African Plant Variety Journal is quarterly compiled by:



National Department of Agriculture

Private Bag X973



Publication of information in the South African Plant Variety Journal is intended to satisfy the requirements of the International Union for the Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV) and to facilitate the activities of other interested parties.

Any objections must be submitted in writing to the Registrar of Plant Breeders’ Rights within THREE months with reference to denominations, and within SIX months with reference to applications and grants from the date of publication of this issue, accompanied by the appropriate fees.



(July-Sept 2011)



Kind of plant: Arachis L. (Groundnut)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date received
PT 6480 / ARC-OPAL 1 / ARC-GCI (254) / ZA / ARC-GCI Potch. (254) / 2011-09-23
PT 6481 / Kanosel / ARC-GCI (254) / ZA / ARC-GCI Potch. (254) / 2011-09-23

Kind of plant: Glycine max (L.) Merrill (Soya bean)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6386 / PAN 1800 / Pannar Seed (1412) / ZA / Pannar Seed (1412) / 2011-08-12
PT 6453 / NED 11-91 / AgBorn Genetics (1524) / US / Adams & Adams (65) / 2011-07-29

Kind of plant: Glycine max (L.) Merrill (Soya bean) GMO

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6485 / AGC 64107 R / Asociados Don Mario (1281) / AR / Agriocare (1076) / 2011-09-28
PT 6484 / AGC58007 R / Asociados Don Mario (1281) / AR / Agriocare (1076) / 2011-09-28
PT 6387 / LS 6256 R / Link Seed (484) / ZA / Link Seed (484) / 2011-08-08

Kind of plant: Lolium perenne L. (Perennial Ryegrass)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6325 / AberMagic / Germinal Holdings (1503) / N Ire / Agricol (1) / 2011-07-14

Kind of plant: Nicotiana tabacum L. (Tobacco)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6372 / BS 3 / ARC – ICC (254) / ZA / ARC – IIC (254) / 2011-07-01

Kind of plant: Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Dry bean)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6378 / PAN 148 PLUS / Pannar Seed (1412) / ZA / Pannar Seed (1412) / 2011-07-19
PT 6379 / PAN 9216 / Pannar Seed (1412) / ZA / Pannar Seed (1412) / 2011-07-19

Kind of plant: Saccharum officinarum L. (Sugar cane)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date received
PT 6482 / N52 / SA Sugar Assoc. (941) / ZA / SA Sugar Assoc. (941) / 2011-09-23
PT 6483 / N53 / SA Sugar Assoc. (941) / ZA / SA Sugar Assoc. (941) / 2011-09-23

Kind of plant: Sorghum bicolour (L.) Moench (Grain sorghum)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date received
PT 6400 / Premium 4065 ST / Gonzalo Luna Pinto (1525) / AR / Agricol (1) / 2011-09-08

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. (White maize) CONVENTIONAL

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date received
PT 6411 / Nelsons Choice QPM / Nelson Genetics CC (871) / ZA / Nelson Genetics CC (871) / 2011-08-30

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. (Yellow grain maize) CONVENTIONAL

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Coun-try / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6402 / P1615 / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6422 / Nelsons Choice Yellow / Nelson Genetics CC (871) / ZA / Nelson Genetics CC (871) / 2011-08-30
PT 6396 / PHB 32D78 / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6419 / PHB 33P82 / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6388 / PHB 3X18B773 / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6418 / PHB 3X23B150 / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. (Yellow grain maize) GMO

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Coun-try / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6470 / DKC 61-94 BR / Monsanto USA (1338) / US / Monsanto SA (80) / 2011-09-08
PT 6404 / P 1395R R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6403 / P 1395YR BR / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6427 / P1184Y B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6412 / P1615YR BR / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6432 / P2048Y B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6421 / P2048YR BR / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6431 / PHB 31D22 BR / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6395 / PHB 32D77 R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6433 / PHB 32T86 B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-30
PT 6451 / PHB 33P81 R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6409 / PHB 3SA42703939 BR / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6389 / PHB 3X13B676Y B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6417 / PHB 3X18A311YR BR / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6393 / PHB 3X18B774Y B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6405 / PHB 3X18B776Y B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6394 / PHB 3X23A017Y B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6416 / PHB 3X23B146R R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6407 / PHB 3X23B148R R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6430 / PHB 3X7F761T B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6450 / PR33W82 / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. (White grain maize) GMO

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Coun-try / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6472 / DKC 77-89 BR / Monsanto SA (80) / ZA / Monsanto SA (80) / 2011-09-08
PT 6473 / DKC 78-17 B / Monsanto SA (80) / ZA / Monsanto SA (80) / 2011-09-08
PT 6471 / DKC 78-79 BR / Monsanto SA (80) / ZA / Monsanto SA (80) / 2011-09-08
PT 6474 / DKC 78-87 B / Monsanto SA (80) / ZA / Monsanto SA (80) / 2011-09-08
PT 6401 / P2369WY B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6424 / P2823WR R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6426 / PHB 3SA20581700 R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6429 / PHB 3SA28342657 R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6428 / PHB 3SA30108507 BR / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6423 / PHB 3SA30108509 BR / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6392 / PHB 3SA42130899 BR / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6425 / PHB 3SA42130911 BR / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6420 / PHB 3X18A305WR R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6406 / PHB 3X18B761WY B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6413 / PHB 3X23A012WY B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6414 / PHB 3X23B138W / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6391 / PHB 3X23B140WY B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6390 / PHB 3X23B143WY B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6408 / PHB 3X23B144WY B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6399 / PHB 3X28A056WY B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6410 / PHB 3X28B174WY B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6415 / PHB 3X35A164WR R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6398 / PHB 3X35A165WR R / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15
PT 6397 / PHB 3X35A165WY B / Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. Inc. (133) / US / Pioneer Hi-Bred RSA (411) / 2011-08-15

Kind of plant: Zea mays L. var. saccharata Bailey. (Sweetcorn)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6380 / Legacy / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / ZA / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / 2011-07-20
PT 6383 / SC 5184 / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / ZA / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / 2011-07-01
PT 6486 / SHY6RH1036 / Monsanto Holland (1534) / US / Monsanto SA (80) / 2011-09-29
PT 6371 / STAR 7720 / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / ZA / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / 2011-07-01


Kind of plant: Cucurbita maxima Duchesne. (Pumpkin)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6372 / Greyt White / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / ZA / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / 2011-07-01

Kind of plant: Cucurbita pepo L. (Baby marrow/Squash/Scallop)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6377 / Asteroid / Hygrotech Seed (173) / ZA / Hygrotech Seed (173) / 2011-07-12
PT 6381 / Cartwheel / Pannar (Pty) Ltd / ZA / Pannar (Pty) Ltd / 2011-07-22
PT 6382 / Mira / Pannar (Pty) Ltd / ZA / Pannar (Pty) Ltd / 2011-07-22

Kind of plant: Solanum lycopersicum L. (Tomato)

Application number / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date received
PT 6375 / Atai / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / ZA / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / 2011-07-07
PT 6385 / Durene / Sakata Vegenetics (1356) / ZA / Sakata Seed (1356) / 2011-07-14
PT 6384 / Esty / Sakata Vegenetics (1356) / ZA / Sakata Seed (1356) / 2011-07-14
PT 6376 / Goldilocks / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / ZA / Pannar (Pty) Ltd (33) / 2011-07-07
PT 6384 / Esty / Sakata Vegenetics (1356) / ZA / Sakata Seed (1356) / 2011-07-14
PT 6385 / Durene / Sakata Vegenetics (1356) / ZA / Sakata Seed (1356) / 2011-07-14


Kind of plant: Argyranthemum Webb ex Sch. Bip.(Argyranthemum)

Application No. / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6355 / Supa532 / Nuflora (1021) / AU / PSD (82) / 2011-06-30
PT 6434 / Supa 1087 / Nuflora (1021) / AU / PSD (82) / 2011-07-22

Kind of plant: Bulbine Wolf. (All/Alle spp.)

Application No. / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6449 / Andwil / CA De Wet (1023) / ZA / Malanseuns (82) / 2011-08-22

Kind of plant: Calibrachoa Llave & Lex

Application No. / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6458 / Balcabchim / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12
PT 6457 / Balcabello / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12

Kind of plant: Cordyline Comm. ex Juss. (Cordyline)

Application No. / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6442 / Tana / ED Lloyd (1518) / NZ / PSD (82) / 2011-08-22

Kind of plant: Dianella Lam. (Flax Lilly)

Application No. / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6435 / DC 150 / Craig Waters (1515) / Au / PSD (82) / 2011-07-22

Kind of plant: Diasca Link. et Otto (Diasca)

Application No. / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6467 / Balromal / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12
PT 6466 / Balromed / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12
PT 6465 / Balromor / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12
PT 6464 / Balromink / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12
PT 6463 / Bajulpiney / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12
PT 6461 / Baljulor / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12
PT 6460 / Baljulite / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12
PT 6462 / Baljuled / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12
PT 6459 / Baljuliink / Ball Horticulture (676) / US / Ball Straathof (108) / 2011-09-12

Kind of plant: Gazania Gaertn (Gazania)

Application No. / Proposed denomination / Applicant / Country / Agent / Date accepted
PT 6356 / G414 / Nuflora (1021) / AU / PSD (82) / 2011-06-30
PT 6354 / Sugajale / Nuflora (1021) / AU / PSD (82) / 2011-06-30
PT 6445 / Suga 407 / Nuflora (1021) / AU / PSD (82) / 2011-08-22
PT 6444 / Suga 602 / Nuflora (1021) / AU / PSD (82) / 2011-08-22

Kind of plant: Heuchera L. (Coral Bells)