ESDGC Adult Community Learning Self Evaluation Tool – Guidance Example

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Opportunities for improvement

Commitment & Leadership / Do managers and tutors have a good understanding of ESDGC – do they know what it means? / ESDGC perceived as another initiative / Some staff are aware of ESDGC and how it links to their topic area. / The majority of staff are aware of ESDGC and how it fits into certain topic areas. / ESDGC forms are core part of the ACL centre philosophy and practice.
Is there a named person responsible for ESDGC within the centre? / No clear ownership of ESDGC. / Some tutors take responsibility for ESDGC on an adhoc basis. / There is a dedicated person for ESDGC. / There is a dedicated person for ESDGC who coordinates delivery with all tutors and managers.
Does the centre have an effective policy and vision for ESDGC? / There is no policy in place for ESDGC. / Certain policies refer to ESDGC. / Development plans and policies refer to ESDGC. / The centre has an ESDGC policy, which has been implemented and is reviewed on a regular basis.
The ACL development plan refers to ESDGC.
Do performance management structures reflect ESDGC training priorities? / There is no reference to ESDGC in the performance management structure. / ESDGC is currently being incorporated into the continuing professional development programme. / ESDGC is evaluated as part of the staff training evaluation. / ESDGC is incorporated into the performance review process.
Does the staff-training programme include ESDGC training sessions? / There are no ESDGC training opportunities. / ESDGC training is offered to certain staff members. / ESDGC training is offered to all staff. / A clear and consistent lead is given with appropriate training for all staff.
Is there a budget and adequate resources for ESDGC? / There is no budget allocated for ESDGC. / There are limited resources for ESDGC. / There is a dedicated budget and adequate resources for ESDGC. / Specific ESDGC resources and responsibilities are allocated in budgets.
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Opportunities for improvement

Teaching & Learning / Is ESDGC being incorporated into all subject areas? / Environmental issues take prominence over SD & GC.
ESDGC incorporated into limited subject areas. / ESDGC explicitly expressed in certain subject areas. / ESDGC included in a wide variety of subject areas. / ESDGC incorporated into all subject areas.
Is ESDGC being delivered through the ACL Network? / There is no reference to ESDGC in the ACL network. / ESDGC is referred to on an ad hoc basis. / ESDGC is included / ESDGC is an agenda item on all network meetings.
Are learners given opportunities to develop awareness of global issues? / There is no opportunity for learners to develop awareness of global issues. / Developing participation of learners.
Awareness of diversity and local global connections.
Limited to certain subject areas. / Learner participation including decision-making forms an ongoing part of the college.
Ability to relate local issues to global concerns. / Learners make regular suggestions for and take initiatives in SD & GC.
Outcomes for learners are monitored.
Are tutors supported to include ESDGC into their topic area? / There is no support available for tutors to include ESDGC in their topic area. / There is limited support available for tutors. / Support is included in the staff-training programme. / Guidance and support are available for all staff.
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/ Opportunities for improvement
Centre Management / Is the centre managed sustainably and contributing to global citizenship? / Recycling initiatives may be promoted.
Water usage may be monitored. / Some explicit attention to sustainable energy practice.
Review of food procurement/ vending policy. / Senior management provide leadership on ESDGC.
Food locally produced and sustainably procured. / Ethical purchasing and banking policy.
BREEAM standards applied to any new/ additional buildings.
Centre buildings and grounds integral to local and global community.
Are students actively involved in decisions taken by the centre? / No involvement in decision-making. / Developing participation in learners. / Learner participation in decision-making forms on-going part of centre life. / Learners make regular suggestions for and take initiatives in ESDGC.
Does the centre consider ESDGC when purchasing? (e.g.: local produce, Fairtrade, energy saving products, recycled products). / No sustainable procurement in place. / Some items purchased from a sustainable source. / Food locally produced and sustainably procured. / Ethical purchasing policy in place.
Does the centre support healthy lifestyles? / There is no evident awareness of healthy lifestyles. / Healthy lifestyles promoted through certain areas of the centre. / Healthy lifestyles promoted throughout the centre and through teaching and learning. / Healthy lifestyles incorporated into the ethos of the centre.
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Opportunities for improvement

Partnerships & Community / Has the centre developed inks with internal and external organisations? / Awareness of schemes and initiatives that encompass ESDGC. / Involvement in schemes. Partnerships with local organisations. / Partnerships developed with local and national organisations. Participation in various schemes (Fairtrade, recycling, energy efficiency etc).
Coherent links in place with relevant LEA officers. / All staff members working together and in partnership with local authority and external partners.
Opportunities for shared learning.
Has the centre developed links with local community? / Links developed with local community. / Strong links developed with members of the local community.
Local community involved in decision-making process.
Is the centre part of a network that supports ESDGC? / No, there is no support network for ESDGC. / The centre supports the ACL network when possible on ESDGC related matters. / The ACL network includes a focus on ESDGC. / ESDGC is supported through the ACL Network.
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Opportunities for improvement

Research & Monitoring / Are opportunities for ESDGC consistently reviewed and applied across the whole curriculum? / Designated member of staff carries out audit but this is not shared with others. / Whole staff aware of ESDGC requirements. / Regular monitoring and self-assessment. / Portfolio of development and continued good practice.
Are good practice examples of ESDGC shared with other centres? / Good practice examples are not shared. / Some good practice examples are shared on an ad hoc basis. / Good practice shared with tutors. / Good practice shared throughout centre and with other centres.
Does the centre and its staff practice what they preach regarding ESDGC? / No, staff members do not practice what they preach. / Staff members are aware of sustainable development and how it fits into every day life. / Staff practice what they preach whenever possible. / Staff members are committed to sustainable development.