Course Syllabus – Business Law
Teacher: Thomas Norwood
Ronald Wilson Reagan High School
Business and Information Technology Education
Business Law
The coursework is based on the North Carolina Common Core Essential Standards.It willintroduce youto the world of business law. You will studytrue situations that show you how business and personal law impacts not only business but your life as well. This introductory learning course will help you achieve an understanding of legal principles that you will use throughout your life and how business lawimpacts your lifeon a daily basis. The projects for this class will focus onextended coverage of how to analyze legal situations, how to read case citations, how to analyze ethical situations, and legal advice.Additional focus will be on the ever immerging global economy with regards to business law and the impact it hason the 21st Century. This is a fast paced course which will challenge students by combiningbusiness law and ethics.
Classroom Expectations - Rules and Regulations
1. Check white board for essential question, learning objectives, project due dates, quiz and test dates. The white board will clearly list the day’s activities. Also, please check your class website and Edmodo for assignments and due dates. Please bring your notebook and textbook to class each day. In addition, bring all needed materials such as journal entries and flash drives etc.
2. Enter room quietly and on time. Put all personal belongings such as book bags, coats etc. under the tables.
3. You will need your journal everyday to register notes and keep a record of completed classroom cooperative learning assignments. The journals are working documents to assist you with a record of your daily class work. If you lose your journal, it will be your responsibility to recreate the lost work. I will evaluate the journal entries weekly as part of your participation grade.
4. Keep all homework assignments in your notebook. You will receive credit for homework assignments and all assignments are due by the given date.
Make-Up Work: There is a steady work schedule to enable you to learn, understand, and relate the concepts to your work, which is why it is important for you to be present every day possible. Your daily attendance is crucial to your learning, understanding, and application of learned content. “Make- up work may be specific material missed by the student during the absence and/or it may be of an enrichment or reinforcement nature.” Make-up assignments, quizzes, tests, etc. must be scheduled with me immediately following your absence. Failure to request and/or make-up missed assignments will result in the grade of “0” in accordance to School Board Policy. In the event of a pre-arranged absence, please make every effort to turn in assignments early to avoid your assignments to be considered late. For extended illnesses, family emergencies, or extenuating circumstances, make-up work will be discussed and appropriate arrangements will be made to accommodate the needs of the student and teacher. Additionally, you may request assignments and work through the Student Services Department given lengthy absences. Please remember that make-up work is your responsibility at all times, therefore you must ensure all work is completed and turned in on time for a grade. It would be rare not to have work to make up on any given class day, so be sure to find out what assignments you missed during an absence and make the work up in accordance to the school board policy. Homework, reading, and class work are due within three days of your absence. Independent computer lab work must be made up at school with your teacher. Any work that was assigned prior to an absence is due at the beginning of class on the day you return. You will need to schedule with me the time to make-up computer work/tests within three days following your absence. Failure to make-up work in the time allotted will result in a zero. Zeroes may not be made up. You will need to see me other than class time to get your assignments if they are not readily available at the beginning or end of class.
5. When you log onto the computer save your work on your students shared drive. Be sure to save the file to your master folder under your first and last name.
6. When the daily bell action work is completed, you may begin the comprehensive assignment listed on the monitor screen. The bell action work and comprehensive assignment should only take approximately 20-30 minutes.
7. Stay updated on important dates for class projects, quizzes, and tests by checking the class website, Edmodo, and the white board.
8. Class participation is essential for daily lectures, projects and cooperative learning. Please do your best to stay focused and involved. We will cover a great deal of material and the assignments will be fun and educational.
9. Check the whiteboard for homework assignments before you leave each day.
10. Each Student will be assigned a textbook and is responsible for the return of the book at the end of the semester.
11. When class is completed, please exit quietly and respectfully.
12. Please adhere to all school policies and comply with the Reagan High School established dress code guidelines. No cell phones in class. Refer to the student’s handbook for details.
13. Please do not eat or drink in class. No gum or candy will be allowed in class. You will find tissues and hand sanitizer available on the window by the front door.
14. Tardy Policies: The disciplinary procedures and tardy procedures are explained in detail in the Student Handbook. Students should be very familiar with them. Being unprepared for class, disruptive, excessively tardy, off-task, sleeping and talking incessantly is not only disruptive, but will result in a student’s inability to be successful in class.
15. Attendance Policy and Procedures: The student is responsible for obtaining material distributed on class days when he/she was absent. This can be done through contacting a classmate who was present or by contacting the instructor during office hours or other times. Missed or late quizzes can be made up—student must make arrangements to make-up missed work outside regular class periods. That means before or after regular school hours. Three days will be given to make-up assignments and tests. If the scheduled time is missed, a zero will be recorded. For additional information please refer to the student handbook.
16. Please ask to leave the room for restroom breaks.
17. Please be respectful at all times to your fellow classmates, myself, and other teachers.
18. Extra credit is a privilege, not a right. It cannot be used for 0’s and is only given at teacher discretion.
19. Consequences for not adhering to the class rules will result in lack of privileges, call home to parents, removal from class to the office, and D1. Academic Conduct: See student handbook for appropriate academic conduct and the honor system. Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and will not be tolerated! If you have a physical, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may influence your ability to carry out assigned course work, you are encouraged to let me know as soon as possible in a private manner. For this class, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussions of computing techniques. General advice and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her own solutions to the assigned projects, assignments, and tasks. In other words, students may not "work together" on graded assignments unless it is a group assignment.
Course Overview
This course will explore the foundations of business law, while introducing personal law topics that interest students. The textbook utilized will be "LAW FOR BUSINESS AND PERSONAL USE". This textcombines strong content with interactive technology and videos to maintain student interest and support active learning. Coverage includes contracts, criminal law, consumer protection, wills and estates, marriage and divorce, property law, agency, employment contracts, unions, commercial paper, and credit obligations.
Course Objectives
· Basics of the Law
· Contract Law
· Basic Business Law
· Introduction to Personal Law
Course Evaluation Criteria Mark Scale
Tests 20% A = 93-100
Quizzes 20% B = 85-92
Projects 40% C = 77-84
Homework 5% D = 70-76
Class Work 10% F = 0 – 69
Participation 5%
Student Supplies
3-Ring Binder Notebook
#2 Pencils
Box of Tissues
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