Indiana AHEAD
2017 Annual Conference
Thursday, March 30 & Friday, March 31, 2017
University of Indianapolis
1400 East Hanna Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46227
Note: Indianapolis is on Eastern Standard Time!
Table of Contents
Letter of Invitation from the President / ……………………… / 2Indiana AHEAD Officers / ……………………… / 2
Conference Agenda / ……………………… / 3
Session Descriptions & Speaker Biographies / ……………………… / 4 & 5
Silent Auction / Dining / Hotel Information / ……………………… / 6
Campus Directions / ……………………… / 6
Campus Map / ……………………… / 7
Registration Form / ……………………… / 8
Letter of Invitation from the President
Dear Colleague,
I am thrilled to invite you to the 2017 Indiana-AHEAD Conference on March 30 and 31st on the University of Indianapolis campus. There are many things to appreciate about Spring – warmer days, gentle breezes, the first signs of renewal with the flowering daffodils and tulips, and of course, our annual Indiana AHEAD conference. Our conference serves as an opportunity to connect with colleagues across Indiana who support the needs of students with disabilities at our higher educational institutions.
At this conference, we have invited five fantastic speakers who will cover topics that inform, educate, and hopefully improve our effectiveness as disability support coordinators. We are delighted that Wendy Harbour from our national AHEAD office will share her expertise on Universal Design. We are so fortunate to welcome Cathy Pratt from the Indiana Resource Center for Autism who will offer important information about our students on the Spectrum. Two of our own Indiana AHEAD colleagues, Patty Eaton and Larry Markle, will share exciting initiatives happening at their institutions. Lastly, one of the founders of Indiana AHEAD will provide a Keynote Address during Thursday’s luncheon. I hope you will find their topics informative and encouraging to your work with students. Session descriptions and speaker biographies are provided in this conference packet.
I invite you to share this information with your colleagues. If you have any questions or concerns before the conference, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. I hope you will join us in Indianapolis for our Annual Conference of the Indiana AHEAD; I look forward to welcoming you to UIndy.
Best Regards,
Debbie Spinney
2015-2016 IN-AHEAD President
Phone: 317-788-2140
Indiana-AHEAD Officers:
Debbie Spinney – President
Keri Turrell – President-Elect
Donna Keesling – Treasurer/Treasurer-Elect
Angela Szczepanik-Sanchez – Secretary/Silent Auction Coordinator
Danyelle Foley- Web Master
Kayla Carlson – Immediate Past President
Conference Agenda
Based on Eastern Standard Time!
Thursday, March 30
Time based on EST! / Event / Location11:00 am / Registration / UIndy Hall B/C
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm / Welcome & Lunch / UIndy Hall B/C
12:15 pm to 1:00 pm / Keynote Address: Thriving, Not Just Surviving In Our Vital DS Work / UIndy Hall B/C
1:00 pm / Break and Silent Auction bidding opens / UIndy Hall B/C
1:15 pm to 4:15 pm / Session One: UDL and Disability Services / UIndy Hall A
4:15 pm to 4:30 pm / Break and Silent Auction bidding continues / UIndy Hall B/C
4:30 pm to 5:00 pm / Business Meeting & Elections / UIndy Hall A
7:00 pm / Optional dinner with group at Uno Pizzerria (close to the hotel)
Friday, March 31
Time based on EST! / Event / Location8:00 am / Registration / UIndy Hall B/C
8:15 am to 9:00 am / Continental Breakfast & Round Table Discussions / UIndy Hall B/C
9:00 am to 9:30 am / Session Two: The Initiative for Empowerment & Economic Independence. . . / UIndy Hall B/C
9:30 am to 10:00 am / Session Three: Engineering Social Success. . . / UIndy Hall B/C
10:00 am to 10:15 am / Break and Silent Auction Bidding / UIndy Hall B/C
10:15 am to 11:45 am / Session Four: Our Work with Students on the Autism Spectrum / UIndy Hall A
11:45 am / Silent Auction closes and Winners are announced
Closing Remarks / UIndy Hall A
Session Descriptions and Speaker Bios
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Thriving, Not Just Surviving In Our Vital DS Work
Our Keynote speaker, Richard Harris will give a brief history of postsecondary disability services, lead us in a fun exercise to identify the multiple hats we wear and then leave us with tips for being very effective in working with our students.
Richard Harris is Director Emeritus of Disability Services at Ball State University. He is also a founder of the Indiana AHEAD. He founded the program in 1973. Additionally, he was a co-founder ofboth the nationaland Indiana AHEAD organizations. He has consulted, presented and done program evaluations throughout the country. While our work is serious, Harris uses lots of humor to make his points.
SESSION ONE: UDL and Disability Services
What is “Universal Design for Learning” (UDL) and what does it mean for disability services professionals? In this afternoon workshop, we’ll cover basic principles of UDL and ways the philosophy of UDL may apply to disability services. Participants will consider practical strategies for sharing UDL with students, faculty, and administrators to foster a more inclusive campus climate for all learners. This session is designed for people who are just learning about UDL, as well as those who want to explore ways to take “UDL 101” a step further on their campuses.
Wendy Harbour is the director of the National Center for College Students with Disabilities, based at the Association on Higher Education And Disability (AHEAD). She is currently serving as one of President Obama’s appointees to the National Council on Disability, and is a lecturer in disability policy and communication equity at Saint Catherine University. Her publications include articles in the Journal on Postsecondary Education and Disability, Review of Disability Studies, and Innovative Higher Education. Her primary scholarly interests are disability in higher education, race and disability, disability studies, and universal design. She holds a bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the University of Minnesota, and a Master’s degree and doctorate from Harvard University. She is active in the Deaf community and lives with her family in Minnesota.
SESSION TWO: The Initiative for Empowerment & Economic Independence – Facilitating Meaningful Internships for Students with Physical Disabilities
Eskenazi Health in Indianapolis and Ball State University partnered in 2013 to create summer internships for Ball State students with physical disabilities. The program has grown each year and now is supported by a Quality of Life grant from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, the Hoover Family Foundation, Lilly Endowment, Inc., and The Indianapolis Foundation, a CICF affiliate. Eskenazi has hired a full-time staff member to manage the program. Additionally, students with physical disabilities from all Indiana colleges are encouraged to apply for internships throughout the year at Eskenazi. Larry Markle, director of Disability Services at Ball State, and Bart Upah, program manager of Eskenazi’s Initiative for Empowerment & Economic Independence, will describe the benefits of the program and how students can get involved.
Larry Markle is the director of Disability Services at Ball State University where he facilitates the university’s efforts to serve over 850 students with disabilities. Larry is a past president of the Indiana AHEAD and serves on the review board for the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability (JPED) and was guest editor of a special issue of the JPED in 2016. He was also the project director for “Ensuring a Quality Education for Indiana’s Students with Disabilities,” a grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education.
Bart Upah is the Program Manager for the Eskenazi Health Initiative for Empowerment and Economic Independence. As Program Manager, Bart coordinates the internship processes within the Eskenazi Health organization, along with educating college students and administrators about the benefits of the program. Bart received his Masters of Education in Counselor Education: Student Affairs from Clemson University. Bart also worked at Ball State University as a Residence Hall Director.
SESSION THREE: Engineering Social Success: How to Collaboratively Support Students with Social Anxiety/Autism Spectrum Disorder at the Post-Secondary Level
The Engineering Social Success series was designed to assist students in overcoming barriers in a variety of social settings; classroom, small group, casual, professional, business, and interview settings. The presentation will discuss how to collaborate with counseling and career services, create a social pre-inventory, design and implement group lessons, access needs of the group, publicize, and create a post-inventory.
Patty Eaton has taught special education and specialized in working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Emotional Disabilities. She has served as an Autism Consultant, an Administrator, and as a public speaker on Differentiation, Response to Intervention, and Universal Design for Learning. Patty is currently the Director of Student Disability Services at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology.
SESSION FOUR: Our Work with Students on the Autism Spectrum
Session description being finalized by speaker
Dr. Cathy Pratt is the Director of the Indiana Resource Center for Autism (IRCA). Dr. Pratt writes and presents internationally on the following topics: autism spectrum disorders, functional behavior assessment/positive behavior supports, applied behavior analysis, instructional approaches, evidence-based practices, systems change, and policy. She has served on numerous advisory boards in Indiana and nationally. Prior to pursuing her doctorate at Indiana University, Dr. Pratt worked as a classroom teacher for students across the autism spectrum and those with other disabilities.
Silent Auction
In order to minimize conference costs for participants, a Silent Auction is held to generate funds for future conference speakers. We hope you will consider donating an item(s) to help defray these expenses! Please indicate your donation on the registration form, and bring your item with you to the conference on Thursday.
This is a fun event during our conference! Angela Szczepanik-Sanchez, our IN AHEAD Secretary and Silent Auction Coordinator, will send out additional information soon so watch your inbox!
For those attending the full conference, lunch will be provided on Thursday and a continental breakfast on Friday, along with snacks during the conference sessions. One-day participants will have the designated meal provided. Please contact Debbie Spinney at as soon as possible if you have a food allergy, a dietary restriction, are gluten-intolerant, or require a vegetarian option.
As is our tradition, there will be a group of attendees who will have dinner together on Thursday evening. This is a ‘pay your own way’ event and we hope you can join us! We will be going to Pizzeria Uno which is close to the hotel and has a varied menu. Please reserve your spot on the Registration form to ensure that you have a seat at our table! Location and directions provided at the conference.
A block of rooms is on reserve at the Best Western Indianapolis South off of I-65 in Indianapolis. Guest rooms have two queen beds and include a hot breakfast. Rooms reserved by Thursday, March 16th are available for the reduced rate of $79.04 + tax.
To reserve a room, call the hotel directly at 317-888-5588 (do not use a hotel finder site or the 800#) and ask for the Indiana AHEAD rate.
Best Western Indianapolis South
4450 Southport Crossing Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46237
Campus Directions
The University of Indianapolis is located on the Southside of Indianapolis
1400 East Hanna Ave
Indianapolis, IN 46227
- Our free, visitor parking lots are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.
- Lot 16 has handicap parking and is the closest lot to Schwitzer.
- Our conference will be in Schwitzer Student Center and the building is 'G' on the map. Our conference room in Schwitzer Student Center will be UIndy Halls A & B. (East side of building)
- You can go to and type ‘Schwitzer’ in the search section, then select ‘Schwitzer Student Center’. UIndy Hall A&B/C are located on the first floor towards the east end of the building. In the upper left corner, you can click for driving directions.
- Do not hesitate to contact Debbie Spinney () if you need specific driving or campus directions!
Registration Form
*Please fill out one Registration Form per conference attendee*
Name: E-mail Contact:
Institution: Phone: ( )
Registration Package Choice: Please check the package of your choice
Full 2-day conference - Thursday and Friday (lunch, continental breakfast & snacks) $120.00
Thursday only (lunch & snacks included) $78.00
Friday only (continental breakfast included) $78.00
Discount Applied (50% reduction for IN-AHEAD President/Treasurer, 25% for Secretary/Webmaster)
Total Amount Due: $______
My registration fee is enclosed with this registration form.
My registration fee will be submitted with another attendee’s payment
Name of other attendee: ______.
My registration fee will be sent in separately from my registration form.
My registration fee will be paid with Credit Card on PayPal.
I will pay on-site by cash or check.
To pay by credit card, use the PayPal link on the Indiana AHEAD Affiliate website and click on the “Buy Now” button:
To pay by check, make checks payable to Indiana AHEAD.
Thursday Night Dinner (pay your own way):
I plan to attend the optional Thursday dinner and will bring ___ people.
Silent Auction:
I will donate item(s) to the Silent Auction.
I will donate $______to the President’s Speakers Fund.
Attendants / Auxiliary Aids:
I require auxiliary aids and services, and/or accommodations. Please describe below:
Registration Form submission:
Please mail, fax, or email your registration form and submit payment by March 16th to:
Donna Keesling
Earlham College
EC Drawer 134
Richmond, IN 47374
Phone (765) 983-1341 Fax (765) 973-2120 Email: