Preparing to Teach [U3C12L1] Performance Task

Self-Paced Performance Assessment Task Scoring Guide

Task: Document achievement of lesson competency
Condition: Lesson Period Timeframe (Less Than 90 minutes)
Standard: See below criteria and next page criteria

Lesson Competency: Prepare to teach

Directions For this performance assessment task you will:

  • Write learning outcomes for the lesson of your choice.
  • Select one concept, skill, or task that you know well enough to teach in a class period.
  • Write competencies and learning objectives for the lesson.

Criteria. / Ratings
1. Document achievement of lesson competency in *Lesson Timeframe / Met Not Met
2. Type name and date / Met Not Met
3. Type lesson competency / Met Not Met
4. Type and number each criteria under lesson competency / Met Not Met
5. Type and number your response under each criteria / Met Not Met
6. Core ability: Apply critical thinking techniques / Met Not Met
7. Core ability: Take responsibility for your actions and choices / Met Not Met
8. Core ability: Build your capacity for life-long learning / Met Not Met
9. Core ability: Treat self and others with respect / Met Not Met
10. Core ability: Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual and written techniques / Met Not Met
Criteria for Effectiveness / Grade
1. Rating = met 10 criteria and met *Lesson Timeframe (90 minute) / 10 Points = Green
2. Rating = met10 criteria but not met Lesson Timeframe / 6 Points = Yellow
3. Rating = met 9 or less criteria / 0 Points = Red
1. *Lesson Timeframe = date of lesson and timeframelesson taught.
2. For student who is absent from class, * Lesson Timeframe = date self-paced learning experience handed to student plus 4-days for completion.


Directions. For this performance assessment task you will:

  • Write one competency
  • Write 5learning outcomes for the lesson of your choice.

Discover / Gather / Process / Apply
Learning Objectives / LET 4
Book / Bloom’s Taxonomy / Core Ability: Apply Critical thinking techniques
Core Ability: Take responsibility for your actions and choices
Core Ability: Communicate using written techniques
1.Describefive critical elements you need to consider in preparing to teach
Writeeffective learning outcomes
Identifyeight tips for planning a lesson / 1.
JROTC Website
LET 1 Book / Apply / 1. Situation.
  • LET 5 and above Cadets are required to teach LET 1 lessons to LET 1 level Cadets.
2. Requirement.
1)Select Lesson. Select one LET 1 lesson you intend to teach as a LET 5 level Cadet.
2)Write Competency. Write a single lesson competency (major skill or task) that you know well enough to teach in a class period. (Page 185-186)
3)Write Learning Objectives. Each competency will have a set of learning objectives. Learning objectives are supporting skills, knowledge, or attitudes that students will need to learn as the work toward achievement of the competency. (Page 185-186)
Criteria 1. Resolve requirement.
1. Lesson. Specify the lesson you intend to teach as a LET 5 level Cadet.
2. Competency. Write the single competency for the lesson.
Criteria 2. Resolve requirement.
1. Learning Objectives. Write 5 learning objectives that support your competency. The 5th learning objective must be original. For example, you must create/ write at least one original learning objective.
#1 Learning objective:
#2 Learning objective:
#3 Learning objective:
#4 Learning objective:
#5 Create/Write One Original Learning objective:
Criteria 3. Reflection Question #1. How would you explain the importance of writing competencies and learning objectives to another Cadet?
Criteria 4. Reflection Question #2. How will you use what you learned in this lesson the next time one of your teaches asks you to be teaching assistant or find yourself in a learning environment outside the traditional classroom (i.e., for a local community organization, as a more experienced member of a sports team, as a senior scout in BSA, etc)?
Criteria 5. Answer the Lesson Question: How can you prepare to teach?
Competency Scoring Criteria
Criteria / Ratings
1. Competency describes what you want your learners to be able to do with what they know at the end of the lesson / met not met
2. Competency represents skills that the learner will use outside the classroom / met not met
3. Competency begins with a single action verb / met not met
4. Competency is measurable and observable / met not met
5. Competency is clear and concise / met not met
6. Competency describes the learner’s performance, not teaching or learning strategies or delivery mode / met not met
Learning Objectives Scoring Criteria / met not met
1. Learning objectives include minor skills, concepts, procedures, processes, and/or principles a learner needs to perform the competency / met not met
2. Learning objectives begin with action verbs that are at or below the level of the competency they support / met not met
3. Learning objectives are measurable and observable / met not met
4. Learning objectives number 5-10 per competency / met not met
5. One Learning objective is an original learning objective / met not met