Core Extension
What is it:
-45 minutes
-needs-based small group instruction
-Balance of literacy and math activities
What it shouldn’t be:
-new learning (some exceptions)
-extension of teaching a subject that you ran out of time for (some exceptions)
-busy work
How can it best be utilized:
-Let’s think about the things we have trouble “fitting in” and let’s think about them in 2 ways:
-what you sometimes can’t fit in as a teacher
-independent reading conferences
-word work
-math reinforcement/enrichment
-guided reading groups
-PSSA related work (open-ended responses)
-small group work to challenge students
-what your students sometimes can’t fit in as learners
-independent reading time
-extended writing time
-FIM and/or EDM
-math games (that apply to your unit)
-handwriting application
-independent word work
How do you decide what to offer/instruct during this time:
-Consider the district curriculum
-Consider your school goals
-Consider PSSA content
-Consider your assessment data (MAP)
Keep in mind students’ abilities to be engaged in their activities
(suggestion: two 20-minute blocks of time….students who are there the whole time can get to 2 activities in a day)
r During this time, students rotate through 2 stations.
r I use a pocket chart to facilitate/organize the stations and to hold the students and myself accountable for the work. (see table below)
r I use a class list to keep track of the stations throughout a given week.
r The station choices are on index cards. This way they can easily be switched out and changed.
r Each student has 2 Popsicle sticks to use to “choose” their stations.
r I assign students to stations ahead of time (those students who need to meet with me, and also those students who need to be in specific stations. I also always assign who goes on FIM)
r If students have Popsicle sticks leftover, then they may choose their stations for that day (they can’t choose a station twice, and I limit the amount of students allowed in any one station)
Station Choice / Station #1 (8:50-9:10) / Station #2 (9:10-9:30)Mrs. Dziedzic / Student A, Student B, Student C / Student D, Student E, Student F, Student G
(computers) / Tiffany, Lindsay, Madie / Joohee, Baba, Sierra
Ind. Reading
(at desks) / Gabriela, Hannah, Jonathan, Joohee / Nick K., Maddie, Molly, Skyler, Micaela, Matt
Math Games
(on green rug by windows) / Skyler, Julia, Micaela, Megan, Yebin, Molly / Gabriela, Hannah
(at desks) / Baba, Sierra / Tiffany, Jonathan, Megan
Word Work
(white folder on library rug) / Matt, Nick K. / Lindsay, Yebin, Julia