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Faculty of Science
Department of Basic Science and Mathematics
Firstsemester, 2016/2017
Course SyllabusCourse code:0250231 / Course Title:Elementary Probability and Statistics
Course prerequisite (s) : none / Course Level:First year
Credit hours:3 / Lecture Time:08:10-09:00 (S-T-T)
12:10-1:00 (S-T-T)
Academic Staff Specifics
E-mail Address / Office Hours / Office Number
and Location / Rank / Name
/ 9 - 10
10 – 11
(Mon-Wed) / 1016, Science faculty building / lecturer / Ameina Al- Taani
Course module description:
This is an introductory course in statistics. The course is planned so that students learn the basic concepts needed in probability theory and statistics. It familiarizes students with statistical terms such as population, sample, sample size, random variable, mean, variance, and much more. The course covers materials such as collecting data, graphical methods, descriptive statistics, regression and correlation and probability basics.
Course module objectives:
This module aims to:
- Collect data
- Present data using various graphical methods
- Calculate and interpret numerical summaries
- Use and apply laws of probability and learn how these laws are used in statistical inference
- Use the concepts of sampling distributions and learn how it applies in making statistical inferences be based on sample ofdata
- Be familiar with some important discrete and continuous distributions
- Make appropriate use of statisticalinference
Title: Introduction to Statistics
Author: Jaffar S. Almousawi
Publisher: Dar Albarraka for Publishing
- Richard A. Johnson, Statistics: Principles and Methods, 6th Edition, John Wiley and Sons,Inc.2010
Teaching methods:Lectures and problem solving.
Duration: 15 weeks, 45 hours in total.
Lectures: 45 hours, 3 per week .
Learning outcomes:
- Knowledge andunderstanding
--The student will have the knowledge and understanding of how to apply statistical concepts into real world problems.
--The courseserves as a prerequisite to other statistics courses such as probability theory and mathematical statistics.
- Cognitive skills (thinking and analysis).
The student will be taught how to think statistically. In other words, the course assists the student in the understanding and application of many statistical methods and how to analyze real world data.
- Communication skills (personal and academic)
-- Be able to work effectively alone or as a member of small group working in some task.
-- Encourage the student to be self-starters and to finish the problems properly.
-- Improve performance of studentsthrough the interaction with each other in solving
different problems.
Assessment instruments
Short reports and/ or presentations, and/ or Short research projects
Home works.
Final examination: 40 marks.
Allocation of MarksMark / Assessment Instruments
20% / First examination
20% / Second examination
40% / Final examination: 40 marks
20% / Reports, research projects, Quizzes, Home works, Projects
100% / Total
Documentation and academic honesty
Documentation style (with illustrative examples)
Students should note that the material covered in the course is all found in the text
book. If a student would like to document any material written on the blackboard,
they must be aware of making mistakes.
Protection by copyright
When a student document any material related to this course or to any other course, he/she
Mustrefer to the reference
Avoiding plagiarism.
Students must abide by the highest standards of academic integrity. Any form of academic
dishonesty will result in a "zero" for that particular assignment or a"zero" for the course, at
the instructors discretion. Any student who plagiarizes, cheats on exams, or otherwise behaves
in a dishonest way may be reported to the university administration for further disciplinary action
as specified in the University Regulations Manual.
Course/module academic calendar
week / Basic and support material to be covered / Homework,Reports and their due dates
(1) /
- Introduction Statistics what isit?
(2, 3) /
- Data and data organizing:
(4, 5, 6) /
- Summarizing data numerically:
First Exam /
- Simple Linear Correlation andRegression
(8, 9, 10) /
- Probability concepts and Distributions:
Second exam /
- Discrete Probability Distributions:
(12, 13) /
- The Normal Probability Distribution
(14) /
- Sampling Distributions
Final Exam /
- Review for the all chapters
Expected workload:
On average students need to spend 3 hours of study and preparation for each 50-minute lecture.
Attendance policy:
Attendance is expected of every student. Being absent is not an excuse for not knowing about any important information that may have been given in class. Under the University’s regulations, a student whose absencerecord exceeds 15% of total class hours will automatically fail the course. Students who in any way disrupt the class will be expelled from the classroom and will not be allowed to return until the problem has beenresolved.