Anglo European School International Sixth Form Application 2017-2019 (External Applicants)

A: Applicant Data

Full Name:
Date of Birth & Gender: / Gender: Male  Female 
Names(s) of Parent(s)
Contact Address:
Time spent at the above address:
Home Telephone Number: / Applicant: Parent:
Mobile Telephone Number: / Applicant: Parent:
Email Address:
Please provide a copy of the photo page of the applicants passport 
Residency status:
Present School:
(References will be requested)
Telephone Number and Email Address:
Student’s Main Language:
Other Working Languages:
Languages Studied:
The interview will be conducted in English. Will you require assistance? YES/NO
Do you have any siblings at Anglo European? / Name? / Year?
Have you previously applied for a place at Anglo European School? / YES/NO / Year?

Anglo European School International Sixth Form Application 2017-2019 (External Applicants)

B. Current progress and future plans:

Where are you considering studying after your GCSEs?

Please tick one of the following boxes.

Definitely at the AES / Possibly at the AES / What other options or other providers are you considering?
How did you find out about Anglo European School?

B. GCSEs – please complete the table below with your current GCSE subjects:

Subject / Mathematics
which set were you in? / English / Science
Predicted Grade
Grade if exam already taken

C. Your Future

What are your longer term plans (career etc)?
University? If so, which course would you like to study?
Are there any problems or obstacles which may affect your ability to achieve your goals?
Signed by parent / Signed by student / Date
Please print / Please print

Anglo European School International Sixth Form Application 2017-2019 (External Applicants)

C: Route Choice:

Please read the handbook carefully before completing this page as it will be used as the basis for your interview. Where the Sixth Form is oversubscribed the criteria outlined in the Sixth Form Admissions Policy will be applied. The choice of routes we offer are:

The A Level Route (A)

A Level / A Level / A Level / A Level
In addition to Citizenship/Tutor period, a course in Languages (which may be one of your choices at A level or in addition at introductory level) and completion of a Creativity, Action, Service course (CAS-75 hours). Combined with 4 A level subjects this represents a broad (baccalaureate) course with a minimum of 540 planned study hours over each year of the two year programme.
In order to study on the A Level route, students must first meet our general matriculation requirement of 5 A*-C GCSEs including a grade 5 or above in English. The majority of the A Levels that we offer require that the students obtains a grade B (or grade 6) or above in the subject (or related subject) at GCSE in order to study it at A Level.

The A Level, IB Route (AIB)

A Level / A Level / A Level / IB Subject (Standard Level) / IB Subject (Standard Level)
In addition to Citizenship/Tutor period, a course in Languages (which may be one of your choices at A level/IBS or in addition at introductory level) and completion of a Creativity, Action, Service course (CAS-75 hours) with a minimum of 540 planned study hours over each year of the two year programme. IBS courses can be chosen from Humanities, Languages, the Arts, and Mathematics or English.
In order to study on the AIB route, students must first meet our general matriculation requirement of 5 A*-C GCSEs including a grade 5 or above in English. The majority of the A Levels that we offer require that the student has obtained a grade B (or grade 6), or above, in the subject at GCSE in order to study it at A Level and a grade C (or grade 5), or above, for any subject that they wish to study at IB Standard Level.

The IB Career Programme Route (IBCP)

Applied A Level / A Level / IB Subject (Standard Level) / IB Subject (Standard Level)
In addition to Citizenship/Tutor period, a course in Languages (which may be one of your choices at A level/IBS or in addition at introductory level), approaches to learning, a reflective projectand completion of a Creativity and Service course (CAS-75 hours) with a minimum of 540 planned study hours over each year of the two year programme. IBS courses can be chosen from Humanities, Languages, the Arts, and Mathematics or English.
In order to study on the IBCP route, students must first meet our general matriculation requirement of 5 A*-C GCSEs including a grade 5 or above in English. The majority of the A Levels that we offer require that the student has obtained a grade B (or grade 6), or above, in the subject at GCSE in order to study it at A Level (grade C (or grade 5) for Vocational A Level Equivalents) and a grade C (or grade 5), or above, for any subject that they wish to study at IB Standard Level.

The IBDiploma Route (IBDP)

Mathematics / English / Language / Science / Individual and Society / Art (or other)
In addition to Citizenship/Tutor Period, Extended Essay, a study of the Theory of Knowledge and completion of a Creativity, Action, Service course (CAS-150 hours) with a minimum of 540 planned study hours over each year of the two year programme.
In order to study on the IBDP route, students must first meet our general matriculation requirement of 5 A*-C GCSEs including a grade 5 or above in English. We require that the student has obtained a grade B (or grade 6), or above, at GCSE for any subject that they wish to study at Higher Level and a grade C (or grade 5), or above, for any subject that they wish to study at Standard Level.

This form is downloadable from our website