Tuslaw Junior Baseball Association Registration Form
Visit our website at:
Name: ______Age Today: ______Birthdate: ______
Address: ______Phone: ______
______M: ______F: ______
Father: ______Mother: ______Shirt Size (Circle One)
Lives With: ______Youth: S M L
Email Address: ______Adult: S M L XL
Registering for:___T-Ball Age Group (Check 1) ___5-6 ___7-8 ___9-10___11-12___13-14
Previous year’s coach: ______
Tuslaw Junior Baseball is completely a volunteer organization. Please check at least one area that you will be willing to volunteer.
___Sponsor ___Coach ___Assistant ___Team Parent
I, the parent/guardian of the above named child, who is a candidate on a Tuslaw Junior Baseball Association team, hereby give my approval to his/her participation in any and all activities of the TJBA during the current season. I assume all risks and hazards incidental in the conduct, activities, and transportation to and from activities.
I do further release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless, the TJBA, its organizers, officers, sponsors, and the supervisors appointed, and any and all designees or representatives of the TJBA.
In case of injury to my child, I hereby waive all claims against the organizers, sponsors, or any of the supervisors appointed over them.I likewise release from responsibility, any person(s) transporting my child to and from Association activities. The Association accepts responsibility only to the extentcovered by the Accident/Liability insurance carried by the TJBA, carried through Stark County Hotstove Baseball.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Contract
I agree to abide by any and all decisions of the Manager/Coach where my child and his/her team is concerned, without comment or interference, during practices and/or games. I further agree to conduct myself in a sportsmanlike manner and show respect for the Umpire at all times. If there is a problem that cannot be resolved by talking privately and quietly with this person, I agree to discuss this problem with a TJBA Board Member as soon as possible. I also agree to take responsibility for the conduct of any and all family members in attendance during practices and/or games. I understand that if a problem does persist, the parent and/or spectator can and will be asked to leave.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Player Contract
I, the undersigned player, do hereby agree to play for the team on which I have been drafted, and also to play the position(s) I have been assigned. I further agree to conduct myself in a sportsmanlike manner, and I also agree to abide by the rules set down by the Officials of the TJBA. I will also show respect for the Manger, Coach, and Umpire AT ALL TIMES.
Signed: ______Date: ______
Photo Release
I, being Parent/Guardian of ______, hereby [ ] Consent [ ] Do Not Consent that his/her image and likeness as shown in photography and/or electronic images for which he/she has posed or taken in an action form, may be used by the Tuslaw Junior Baseball Association and/or a designated representative and/or contracted photographer, in newspaper articles, website posting and community advertising. These photos and electronic images will be Tuslaw Junior Baseball Association (or designated photographer’s) sole property to duplicate and reproduce as they may desire free and clear of any claim whatsoever on my part.
Signed: ______Date: ______
FEE SCHEDULE: The registration fee includes 2 Akron Rubber Ducks tickets. The raffle fundraiser is the calendar raffle.
Registration 1st 2nd 3rd Total _____ Total Amount Due ______
T-Ball $40 optional raffle ticketsMedical Form Received ______
7-8 year olds $55 $30 $20 $0 $85Birth Certificate on File ______
9-10 year olds $60 $30 $20 $0 $90
11-14 year olds $65$30 $20 $0 $95PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO:
Tuslaw Junior Baseball
Families with multiple players, the oldest player will pay full price. $10 off registration for each additional child (immediate family members only). No child will be denied the opportunity to play ball due to financial hardship. Please contact one of the Board Members or Officers or see a volunteer at signups to discuss your situation in confidence. Any signups after the third signup day will be at the discretion of the TJBA Board of Directors, based upon the number of players in that
age group. Tuslaw Junior Baseball … building strong players, good ethics, and great kids!