Transitional Meeting Minutes
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Legends, Prattville, AL
Present: Doug Savage, Don Rhoads, Ann Campbell, Shannon Cross, Tammy Spratlin, Ann Little, Suzanne Bush, Charles Markle, Phillip Nelson, Ben Baker, Jonna Gibson, Debra Talley, Cheryl Newton, Joel Parris, Donna Bass, Joan Waters, Bill Wall, Carol Supri, Lora Kiser, Sharon Williams, Melody Caldwell
Call to Order
Our 2007-08 meeting began when Past President Jonna Gibson adjourned the 2006-07 meeting at 10:00 a.m. and passed the gavel to President Ben Baker. Ben called the meeting to order and began by presenting a plaque to Jonna and thanking her for her excellent leadership during the past year.
The first item Ben addressed was duties and responsibilities of our officers—each person should attend meetings and stay for the duration, we should come prepared with written reports and we should review action items and be prepared to take action. Last but not least, please silence your cell phones!
Ben then touched on our goals and objectives for 2007-08. One of the major concerns is how to deal with the issues brought up by Andrew Cuomo and company. It was stated that NASFAA and SASFAA have dealt with some of these issues—how do we proceed? Ben stated that no lenders should sponsor hospitality suites at our annual conferences, which brought up how this will affect our net-working abilities and how we will deal with the ills and stresses of our business. The financial literacy resource center will be available.
The first item of business to be addressed was membership. Bill Wall began the discussion by stating that membership doesn’t have to be approved by the executive board but upon what basis would membership be denied? Carol Supri indicated that the board should fall back on our code of ethics re: this. Jonna made a motion to delete Article I, Sec. A, 1-C of the by-laws. Charles Markle would second this. A vote was taken and the motion carried—this will be presented to the membership and if passed, the By-Laws will be amended.
Some other items discussed—Bill Wall stressed the need for a scholarship committee and that this should be discretionary. Ben Baker indicated a preference for Bill Wald to head this.
Bill also gave feedback on our values statement that is being developed by Debra Talley. Ben was specific in asking what exactly was being worked on and Debra indicated that it was our “Statement of Ethical Principles and Mission Statement.” Carol suggested that this be put on our listserv for current membership to review. Ben suggested that Debra complete the document and post it on the listserv. Debra will do this and indicated members could comment for one month. She will get input prior to our October meeting.
Other items discussed—Bill Wall mentioned the death in Sandy McKee’s family and indicated we need to be more cognizant about issues such as this that affect our members.
Better efforts will be put forth in the future.
Debra stressed the need for committee chairs to have goals (charges) and for these chairs to check to see if these goals are attained.
Ben asked if there were any other items for discussion. There were none and meeting adjourned at 11:a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ann Little