Health Education Name ______

AVHS Date ______

Period ______

Chap 22 Study Guide

Directions: As you read the chapter, answer the following questions. Later you can use this guide to review the information in the chapter.

Lesson 1

1.  Define Ethanol. How is it produced? ______


2.  What type of drug is alcohol? ______

3.  What is peer pressure? ______

4.  Identify three factors that can influence a teen’s choice to use or not to use alcohol.

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

5.  Identify three questions that you can use to critically examine the content of alcohol advertising.

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

6.  How are alcohol and violence linked? ______


7.  Identify three negative consequences for teens that can result from their use of alcohol.

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

8.  Name three benefits of being alcohol free.

a.  ______

b.  ______

c. ______

Lesson 2

9.  Describe how each of the following factors influences the short-term effects of drinking.

a. Body size and gender: ______

b. Food: ______

c. Amount and rate of intake: ______

10. Describe the short-term effects of alcohol on the following body systems.

a.  nervous system ______


b.  cardiovascular system ______


c.  digestive system ______


d.  respiratory system ______


11. Why do females become intoxicated faster and stay that way longer than males of comparable size?


12. Define each of the following:

a.  metabolism:______

b.  Blood alcohol concentration: ______

c.  Multiplier effect: ______

d.  Binge drinking: ______

13. What is the legal definition in most states of driving while intoxicated? ______


14. Identify four consequences for a teen caught driving while intoxicated.

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

d.  ______

15. Define alcohol poisoning. ______

16. Name five symptoms that indicate a person has alcohol poisoning.

a. ______b. ______

c. ______d. ______

e. ______

Lesson 3

17. Describe the long-term effects of alcohol for each of the following .

a.  Brain

a.  Addiction-the inability to stop drinking

b.  ______

c.  ______

b.  Cardiovascular

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  Liver

a.  Fatty Liver-fat builds up and blocks flow of blood to liver cells

b.  ______

c.  ______

d.  Digestive system

a.  Irritation-damaged digestive lining leads to stomach ulcers, cancers of stomach and esophagus

e.  Pancreas

a.  ______

18. Why do experts recommend that pregnant women not drink any alcohol at all during pregnancy? ______

19. List five effects of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

a.  small head and deformities of face, hands, and feet

b.  ______

c.  ______

d.  ______

e.  Difficulties with learning, attention, memory, and problem solving

20. Name five possible symptoms displayed by alcoholics.

a.  craving-a strong need or compulsion to drink

b.  ______

c.  ______

d.  Tolerance-the need to drink increasingly greater amounts of alcohol to achieve the desired effect

e.  ______

21. Describe the three stages of alcoholism.

a.  ______

b.  ______

c.  ______

22. What is the relationship between alcohol consumption and the four leading causes of accidental death (car accidents, falls, drowning, and house fires)? ______


23. What is codependency? ______

24. Define recovery. ______

25. List five places to get help for alcohol abuse.

a. ______b. ______

c. ______d. ______

e. ______