Tuesday 20 June 2017
OCHAConference Room (11.00AM – 12:30PM)
- UNOCHA (Alam F. Khan)
- IOM (Asfand Waqar, Kuntulo Abdul NasiruAbubakar)
- FAO (Firoj Ahmed)
- UNDP (Mohamed Elsayeh)
- UNHCR (Muzzamil Ahmed)
- UNICEF (Anwar E. Eltayeb, Najlaa Osman, Saeed Omer)
- UNOCHA (Ala Hassan, Magdi Ali Kashif, PaulínaRothová, Salah Koko)
- UNRCO (Dima Hamuda, Mohamed Mutasim)
- WFP (Lana Ali Abd Alhameed)
- WHO (MuhyeldeenAbdalla)
1. Welcome, Introduction and Recap on Key Issues (OCHA, 10 minutes)
2.Demo on Humanitarian Response and Humanitarian ID (OCHA, 15 minutes)
3. Population Movement Update (IOM, 15 minutes)
4. Flood Emergency Preparedness and Response (OCHA, 15 minutes)
5. Any Other Business (All, 15 minutes)
- Survey of Surveys
- Involvement of Government Counterparts (Discussion)
- MYHS M&E Updates
- Action Points for Next IMWG Meeting
1. Welcome, Introductions and Recap on Key Issues
- The meeting began with welcome remarks and self-introductions.
- UNICEF gave feedback on the status of the CBS locality wise shapefiles. The file is in its final stage and will be completed after Eid.
- Nearly two months ago OCHA shared a draft sample of the camp profiles that will be published shortly, however OCHA is still awaiting feedback from the IMWG members. Camp profiles are a combined product;therefore, the members are encouraged to look at the draft and send in their comments and ideas.
- The question of the boundaries of Sudan at the Halayeb area is yet unresolved. OCHA to contact the UN cartography at OCHA HQ for the advice.
- There was no further update on the joint humanitarian/development 4W map.
- Chair raised the issue of displacement figures and suggested to hold a meeting/workshop on the topic. The idea is to bring all figures together and agree on them. UNHCR suggested to bring the refugees figures and the rest would bring the IDPs/returnees figures. Members also suggested to invite the IDP Center, a governmental body, to verify the figures.The idea is to establish a baseline and hold an annual workshop to update it.
- UNICEF to share with IMWG members the localities shapefiles once completed.
- IMWG members are urged to give their inputs on camp profile.
- OCHA to contact the UN cartography for the decision on the borders issue.
- OCHA to share the organization list and each organization should check if they are implementing any humanitarian projects or are to be removed from the list.
- OCHA to organize a workshop on displacement figures.
2. Demo on Humanitarian Response and Humanitarian ID
- OCHA made a demonstration/walkthrough of the inter agency humanitarian portals and The purpose of the demo is to provide sectors with the capacity to update their pages and provide up-to-date information.
- To use the Humanitarian Response website, each sector should first log in. This will automaticallyredirect the person to Humanitarian ID website. Humanitarian ID enables people to log in to Humanitarian Response (HR) and other sites, as well as to share your professional contact information with fellow responders.
- The demonstration focused on step by step document upload on HR website. The presentation highlighted that metadata is important to find documents online. Also, when looking for relevant documents at HR website, the user is encouraged to use filters.
- The members were interested how to remove persons from the Humanitarian ID when they stop working on their humanitarian jobs.Every person that leaves must be checked-out by themselves.Members were also interested to know if there can be an admin right at OCHA or at the sector level to remove/check-out persons who left.
- In case of any difficulties, IMWG members are encouraged to contact Ala Hassan at OCHA, who is a focal point for the mentioned portals.
- Alam to find out whether OCHA can check-out people on Humanitarian Response website.
3. IOM Population Movement Update
- 21,114 Jebel Marra IDPs were registered during the mission in Nertiti town, Central Darfur. These IDPs were displaced in early 2016. The report will be shared after Eid.
- 711 South Sudanese refugees were tracked and registered during the months of May and June in Al Kharasana and Al Meram localities in West Kordofan.
- 6113 IDPs newly displaced, in 10 different localities of South Kordofan, till June 14, 2017.
- 1001 IDP HHs affected by fire were registered as ‘affected population’ by IOM DTM team at Korma IDP Camp, North Darfur.
- DTM registration mission was conducted at ShangalTobay IDP Camp, Daresalam Locality, North Darfur. The mission registered an old caseload of Jebel Marra IDPs displaced in 2016. The report will be shared soon after the data entry has completed.
- DTM registration mission at Um Dukhun, Central Darfur, was completed, and the data entry will start soon. As per the initial update the registered IDP numbers were below the reported figure of 759 HHs.
- IOM to check information on 100 displaced families in Kassab.
- IOM to add members to DTM mailing list (copy of IMWG attendance sheet was already provided).
4. Flood Emergency Preparedness and Response
- OCHA presented Rainfall Seasonal Forecastfor June-September 2017 (draft).
- The forecast map is divided into 7 zones (see attached rainfall map):
- 1,2 – Northern and Red Sea are always dry
- 3,4,6 – for Kordofan and Eastern Sudan the prediction is normal to above normal with 40% of the probability for rainfall
- 5 – the prediction for Blue Nile is normal to below normal (35%)
- 7 – Darfur prediction is above normal
- A map with flood prone areas is also attached to the minutes.
- No El Niño Southern Oscillation is expected for the period through April – June 2017 and from August through the end of the season.There is 50-60% probability to have El Niño toward the end of the year (Oct-Jan).
- Rainfall seasonal forecast and floods prone areas maps are attached.
5. Any Other Business
Survey of Surveys Update
- OCHA presented an update on the efforts to collect data on all surveys/assessments conducted by different agencies and the tool/resources and capacities. The update is still a work in progress by agencies and will be shared with IMWG members once final.
Involvement of Government Counterparts
- For better partnership in information management with the Sudanese government, OCHA brought up the discussion on involvinggovernment counterparts at IMWG meetings. The members agreed that on special occasions their participation would be helpful, especially when sharing data.Who to engage should be based on which capacities counterparts bring to the table.
- A first point would be to establish regular communication channels.
MYHS M&E Updates
- The M&E Advisory Working Group organized a meeting to discuss support and recommendationson the M&E of MYHS Results Framework. The group discussed the following main points:
- Integrated monitoring framework is needed to keep track of both humanitarian and development activities. For 2017 a joint matrix for the outcomes, outputs and indicators of the UNDAF and MYHS is under development.
- The MYHS RF is still a draft;therefore, the group is trying to push for the review of indicators to ensure that they are ‘SMART’ indicators.
- For the MYHS results reporting, members suggested there should be a single modality through which multi-agency, multi-sector datasets can be harmonized and calculated to form a representative value for both MYHS and UNDAF results.
- New technology should be introduced to have a single system for measuring and reporting results, to decentralize to the field level, while allowing efficient consolidation and reporting of data at a national level in real time.
Next meeting agenda items proposed:
- Presentation on technical issues of flood forecast – El Nino (OCHA, Salah)
- Drought coverage survey (FAO, Firoj)
- Emergency level capacity of information management on state level (UNICEF, Najlaa)
- Update on refugees and IDPs on state level(refugees – UNHCR - Muzzamil; IDPs – OCHA - Hind)
- Population updates (IOM, Asfand)
- UNICEF, FAO to update the Survey of Surveys 2017. Once final, OCHA will share it with the members.
- Thedate and the venue of the next IMWG meeting will be announced via email.