Healthy Living 7
Welcome to a new school year. My name is Mr. Arseneault and I will be teaching Grade 7 French Immersion Mode de Vie Sain (Healthy Living). If you have any questions about course content, assessment or your child’s progress, please contact me by email . Homework, assignment and assessment due dates can be found on my homework website. I have also posted many important documents or links for this course. Homework is updated daily.
The following information provides an outline for learning and assessment in Healthy Living 7.
Healthy Living 7 General Curriculum Outcomes (GCO’s)
Students will be expected to:
A. Demonstrate positive self-identity that effectively enables them to manage their health,
relationships, and interactions with the world
B. Think critically and make informed decisions to enhance health of self, those around oneself,
and within a global context
C. Demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills that facilitate positive
relationships between themselves and the world
There are three themes that comprise the Healthy Living 7 curriculum.
Healthy Self Healthy Relationships Healthy Communities
Each theme contains several Specific Curriculum Outcomes (SCO’s) which describe the skills and knowledge that students are expected to demonstrate by the end of the year. A complete list of these specific learning outcomes can be found by following this link: The following is a list of topics covered in Healthy Living 7. These topics will not be addressed in the order they are listed.
Healthy Self:
- Personal Values and Goal-Setting
- Factors Affecting Body Image and Their Effect on Physical Activity Levels
- Stages of Pregnancy and Fetal Development
- Influences Impacting Decision-Making Ability About Alcohol Use
- Risks Associated with Gambling, Alcohol and Drug Use
- Apply Decision-Making Steps to Potential Situations Involving Risk
- Differentiating Between Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- Maintaining Sexual Health
- Relationship Between General Health and Oral Health
- Recognition of Warning Signs of Major Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, and Attention Deficit Disorders
- Understanding Mental Health and Seeking Help
- LifeWork Portfolio and Education Planning
Healthy Relationships
- Types of Interpersonal Relationships
- Respectful and Non-Violent Relationships
- Positive and Negative Reasons for Ending Relationships
- Methods of Contraception and Benefits/Disadvantages for Each
- Distinguishing Between Positive and Negative Peer Influence
- Skills to Resist/Assert Oneself in Negative Peer Influence
Healthy Community:
- Provide Leadership Among Peers
- Accessing Community Resources for A Variety of Health Reasons
- Potential Harms of Alcohol or Drug Use and Gambling
- Analyze Positive and Negative Outcomes of Social Networking and Use of Mobile Devices
- Research Common Sport Injuries and Strategies to Protect Oneself
- Opportunities for Physical Activity at School, Home and in the Community
Assessment and Evaluation
Assessment will be an ongoing process throughout the year and will be conducted through a variety of different methods. The following informal and formal assessment methods will be used this year:
- Portfolios- Written Assignments/Log of student work and written reflections
- Quizzes/Tests
- Oral/Power Point Presentation on Various Topics
- Dramatization/Role Play on Various Topics
- Observation of student response/Participation during discussion of various topics
Late Assignments
All assignments will have reasonable due dates. In the event that a student is unable to meet a deadline due to unforeseen circumstances or illness, it is that student’s responsibility to speak directly with their teacher to request an extension in advance of the due date. If speaking with the teacher in advance was not possible, an email or call from parents validating the request will be required. In the event that a due date for an assignment is missed, it will be at the discretion of the teacher and principal to extend the deadline. Students who do not attempt to communicate with their teacher or do not adhere to the extended deadline may miss the opportunity to demonstrate achievement towards the outcomes addressed in that assignment.
Communication of Student Progress:
In order to keep track of your child’s progress, Powerschool is an important tool to use. Formal student assessment results will be posted on PowerSchool in a timely fashion. Under normal circumstances, parents should expect to see results posted within a week from the date of the assessment. Occasionally, some projects may take longer to assess. All formal assessment dates will be posted on my homework website. Parent-teacher communication is important for student success. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns.
Healthy Living 7 Outcomes by Theme
Physical Health
7.23 examine opportunities for physical activity at school, home, and within their community
7.21 research injuries most common among sport and recreation and identify strategies to protect
themselves and others while involved in such experiences
7.2 demonstrate an understanding of the aesthetic and ability factors that can influence one’s body image and how it can affect participation in physical activity
7.9 recognize the relationship between general health and oral health
Reproductive and Sexual Health
7.3 demonstrate an understanding of the stages of pregnancy and prenatal development
7.6 differentiate between sexual orientation and gender identity
7.7 identify ways of maintaining sexual health
7.15 examine methods for contraception and the benefits/disadvantages of each method
Alcohol, Drugs and Risky Behavior
7.4 examine influences that impact one’s decision-making abilities about alcohol use
7.19 recognize there are potential harms arising from use of alcohol, caffeine, and gambling along a continuum of use
7.5 demonstrate an understanding of the risks associated with gambling, including no pay gambling sites and identify signs of concern among youth
7.8 apply a series of decision-making steps to potential situations involving risk, including sexual
decision-making and decision-making in relation to the use of alcohol
7.20 analyze positive and negative outcomes of social networking and use of mobile devices
7.16 distinguish between positive and negative peer influence and acquire skills for resisting/asserting oneself in negative peer influence
Mental Health
7.14 describe different types of interpersonal relationships, the importance of respectful and non-violent relationships and examine the positive and negative reasons for starting and ending relationships
7.10 differentiate between the warning signs of major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, attention deficit disorder, recognizing gender differences and the impact of delayed treatment
7.11 demonstrate an understanding that mental health is an integral component of health, that there is no shame in expressing a need for mental health support, and to recognize safe people in their lives whom they can trust to help them
Goal-setting, Skills and Education Planning
7.1 identify what they value and set personal goals that contribute to their health and value system
7.12 identify relationships between their strength, skills, abilities, and interests and their educational plans
7.13 select items for and maintain a LifeWork Portfolio
7.17 provide leadership among peers and younger school-aged children on active transportation
Community Resources
7.18 demonstrate an understanding that communities have resources that youth can access for help for a variety of health issues
7.22 recognize the characteristics of supportive environments within various community contexts for healthy eating, environmental sustainability, physical activity, and non-use of tobacco and alcohol
Healthy Living 7 Specific Curriculum Outcomes (SCO’s)
Healthy Self – Students will be expected to:
7.1 identify what they value and set personal goals that contribute to their health and value system
7.2 demonstrate an understanding of the aesthetic and ability factors that can influence one’s bodyimage and how it can affect participation in physical activity
7.3 demonstrate an understanding of the stages of pregnancy and prenatal development
7.4 examine influences that impact one’s decision-making abilities about alcohol use
7.5 demonstrate an understanding of the risks associated with gambling, including no pay gamblingsites and identify signs of concern among youth
7.6 differentiate between sexual orientation and gender identity
7.7 identify ways of maintaining sexual health
7.8 apply a series of decision-making steps to potential situations involving risk, including sexual
decision making and decision making in relation to the use of alcohol
7.9 recognize the relationship between general health and oral health
7.10 differentiate between the warning of signs of major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, attentiondeficit disorder, recognizing gender differences and the impact of delayed treatment
7.11 demonstrate an understanding that mental health is an integral component of health, that there isno shame in expressing a need for mental health support, and to recognize safe people in their liveswhom they can trust to help them
7.12 identify relationships between their strength, skills, abilities, and interests and their educationalplans
7.13 select items for and maintain a LifeWork Portfolio
Healthy Relationships – Students will be expected to:
7.14 describe different types of interpersonal relationships, the importance of respectful and non-violentrelationships and examine the positive and negative reasons for starting and ending relationships
7.15 examine methods for contraception and the benefits/disadvantages of each method
7.16 distinguish between positive and negative peer influence and acquire skills for resisting/assertingoneself in negative peer influence
Healthy Communities – Students will be expected to:
7.17 provide leadership among peers and younger school-aged children on active transportation
7.18 demonstrate an understanding that communities have resources that youth can access for help for avariety of health issues
7.19 recognize there are potential harms arising from use of alcohol, caffeine, and gambling along acontinuum of use
7.20 analyze positive and negative outcomes of social networking and use of mobile devices
7.21 research injuries most common among sport and recreation and identify strategies to protect
themselves and others while involved in such experiences
7.22 recognize the characteristics of supportive environments within various community contexts forhealthy eating, environmental sustainability, physical activity, and non-use of tobacco and alcohol
7.23 examine opportunities for physical activity at school, home, and within their community