NASDDDS 2015 AnnualConference- National Vision for Strong Communities
November 19-20, 2015
The Westin Alexandria
Alexandria, Virginia
Thank you for your interest in exhibiting at the 2015 Annual Conference!
Exhibitors have the opportunity to establish new and build on existing relationships with state intellectual/developmental disabilities leaders from across the country, national councils and membership organizations, service providers, families, self-advocates and other interested stakeholders.
APPLICATION DEADLINE:October 23, 2015. Please note that exhibit TABLE TOP space is limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-reserved basis.Please email this form to .
Exhibitors with questions about the application or exhibiting may contact Megan Rose at the email listed above or call directly at (703)-683-4202.
Company Name to list in Program: ______
Company Contactto list in program: ______
Phone Number:______Email:______
Address: ______
City:______State:____ Zip Code ______
Please explain how your exhibit relates to the NASDDDS goals and mission (see All applications are subject to approval.
Please describe your product/services (50-word limit)as it will appear in the conferenceprogram materials.
ONSITE EXHIBIT REPRESENTATIVES:The representatives are to staff the exhibits only. Please list the names of the onsite exhibit representatives and how many plans to attend. This information is needed for name badges, conference materials, and food counts for breakfast, breaks, and reception.
3. ______4. ______
CONFERENCE:To attend the conference, a separate registration is required and the exhibitorfree to attend the conference is discounted to $495per person. Online registration is available on the NASDDDS website (
EQUIPMENT NEEDS: ____None ____Electricity ____Internet Access ______Other
SETTING UP/DISMANTLING:You may set up your TABLE-TOP exhibit the morning of Thursday, November 19 at 7:00 AM. All exhibits must be fully dismantled by the conclusion of the conference on Friday, November20th.
Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:30 AM – 7:30 PM
Friday, November 20, 20157:30 AM – 11:00 AM
The exhibit space for this conference will be in the same area as breakfast, food breaks, and reception located in Foyer ABC. Exhibiting tables will be filled as applications are sent in.
The exhibitor fee is $1,000 per table. This fee includes a6' x 30" table, two chairs, internet, electricity, and exhibitor representative(s) in the exhibit area.
The deadline for receipt of applicationsis October 23, 2015, or until space is sold out.
Shipping Materials
All materials should be shipped to the hotel at your own expenses no earlier than THREE DAYSprior to the meeting.Please send materials to:
NASDDDS2015 Annual Conference
November 19-20, 2015
The Westin Alexandria
400 Courthouse Square
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 253-8600
NASDDDS is pleased with your interest in exhibiting at the
2015 Annual Conference!
Sponsorship Opportunities!
Sponsorships are available for the 2015 Annual Conference. Your company will be highlighted in the conference program, through signage, and other recognition for supporting the conference.
If interested, please contact Megan Rose at r 703-683-4202.