Software Requirements Specification
version 1.0
SGP Online Application Tool
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Copyright © SPARTAKUS AG / For internal use onlyAuthor: / Inspector:
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File: / SRS-OnlineApplication.doc / Status: / valid
Date: / 21.08.2000 / File: / Project file
File directory / Sect.
Software Requirements Specification
version 1.0Document Management
- Document Management
History of changes
Version / Status / Date / Person resp. / Reason for Change0.1 / draft / 14.08.2000 / Xxxxxxxxxxx / first draft
0.2 / draft / 18.08.2000 / Yyyyyyyyyyy / second draft
1.0 / valid / 21.08.2000 / Zzzzzzzzzzz / final version
Persons authorized to make changes
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Microsoft Word 97
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- Contents
1.1Purpose of the document......
1.2Validity of the document......
1.3Definitions of terms and abbreviations......
1.4Relationship with other documents......
1.5Overview of the document......
2General description of the product......
2.1Relationship with existing projects......
2.2Relationship with earlier and follow-up projects......
2.3Purpose of the product......
2.4Delimitation and embedding of the product......
2.5Overview of the required functionality......
2.6General restrictions......
2.7Hardware and software specifications......
2.8Product users......
3Detailed description of the required product features......
3.1Scope of delivery......
3.2Sequences (scenarios) of interactions with the environment......
3.3User goals......
3.4Required functions of the product......
3.4.1Information about SGP......
3.4.2Online application...... identification...... in the application forms...... the online application......
3.4.3Applicant's personal page...... password...... password...... applicant data...... upload...... tests......
3.5External interfaces of the product......
3.6Other product features required......
4Specifications for project management......
4.1Implementation requirements......
4.2Ready-to-use and bought-in components......
4.4Acceptance conditions......
4.5Terms of delivery......
4.6Requirements for use......
5Obligations of the client......
6.1User Interface Demo......
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Software Requirements Specification
version 1.0
1.1Purpose of the document
The purpose of the software requirements specification is to produce a specification for "SGP Online Application Tool" which is binding for the development and is as unambiguous as possible. To this end, it contains the sum of all the requirements which have been made (and accepted) on this product and project management from the perspective of the project.
1.2Validity of the document
This document is valid for implementing an Online Application Tool for the SPARTAKUS Graduate Program. This tool is part of the SGP Management Tool. The present document is valid only in conjunction with the master document describing the Software Requirements Specification for the SGP Management Tool. All requirements in the master document apply for the system described in the present document.
1.3Definitions of terms and abbreviations
SGPSPARTAKUS Graduate Program
SCDSPARTAKUS Corporate Directory
CDCentral Department
1.4Relationship with other documents
The Online Application Tool is one of the modules that compound the SGP Management Tool. Therefore, the present document appears as a child of the Software Requirements Specification for the SGP Management Tool.
Since the modules of SGP Management Tool are interconnected, this document is linked with the documents presenting the software requirements specification for the other modules:
-Psychological Tests
-Partners Demands
-Applicant Tracking Tool
-Search and Report Tool
1.5Overview of the document
This document describes the Online Application Tool. It contains features specific to this module. General features, which apply to all modules of the SGP Management Tool, are described in the master document.
2General description of the product
2.1Relationship with existing projects
See the master document.
2.2Relationship with earlier and follow-up projects
See the master document.
2.3Purpose of the product
The proposed product will offer to graduates the possibility to apply online for the SPARTAKUS Graduate Program. The Online Application Tool should make SGP more attractive for applicants and should respond to the new challenges imposed by the globalization of SGP.
2.4Delimitation and embedding of the product
The Online Application Tool is part of the SGP Management Tool. All general requirements for the SGP Management Tool apply for Online Application Tool.
Links to this tool will appear on several web pages on SPARTAKUS' site. The Online Application Tool will also contain links to pages containing information about different Organizational Units worldwide. It is the responsibility of those Organizational Units to create and update these pages.
2.5Overview of the required functionality
One of the functions of the Online Application Tool is to attract graduates for the SPARTAKUS Graduate Program. This shall be accomplished by offering detailed information about:
-the SGP
-the different SPARTAKUS branches
-the Organizational Units
-the countries involved in the SPARTAKUS Graduate Program
The link to the first "entrance page" will be posted in several hundreds of sites in the different Organizational Units and countries worldwide. It will also appear as a distinct item on the SPARTAKUS' Jobs & Career site.
Another function of this module is to allow graduates to apply online for the SPARTAKUS Graduate Program. In order to perform this function, the tool shall be able to:
-dispatch all application documents
-offer the applicants a password protected method to come back later to review and update their application forms or to add new documents (grades, certificates, references, etc.). This way they are not constrained to fulfill everything at once, nor to begin again if they interrupted the application process for a while.
-automatically send feedback responses such as "thank you" emails.
The application should be more than an electronic application form. The web pages should be designed in a modern fashion, using whenever possible colors and pictures rather boring text. The applicant should be attracted by the "fancy" design and not feeling treated as a number.
2.6General restrictions
See the corresponding requirements in the master document.
2.7Hardware and software specifications
See the corresponding requirements in the master document.
2.8Product users
Graduates (or future graduates) of high level educational institutions, which are interested in the SPARTAKUS Graduate Program, are the basic users of the Online Application Tool. They will be further referred as applicants.
Being a part of the SGP Management Tool, the other component modules share and benefits from the data acquired by the Online Application Tool. This means that CD members, SGP partners and SGP members appear as indirect users of this tool. The Online Application Tool shall be designed to satisfy the requirements of those indirect users, as described in the Software Requirements Specification documents for each module of the master application.
3Detailed description of the required product features
3.1Scope of delivery
-the full version of the program installed and running on SPARTAKUS' server
-technical documentation
-source code
3.2Sequences (scenarios) of interactions with the environment
- The user can reach the entrance page following one of the links placed on several pages on SPARTAKUS' site.
- The user can send e-mails to CD team, by clicking on a link placed on the entrance page.
- If the user needs detailed information about SGP, he can click on a link in the entrance page.
- If the user did not apply yet and decided to apply for the SGP, he can start the online application procedure by clicking on the corresponding link. He will be asked to choose a username and a password and to fill in the application forms. When done, he will click on a button to send the online application. If all the mandatory fields where correctly filled, the application is stored in the database. Otherwise, the user is asked to update his application forms.
After the application is accepted, the user has the possibility to perform the psychological test and to upload some application related documents (résumés, grades, certificates etc.). - If the user has already applied for SGP, he can use his username and password to "log in" to his personal application page. Here he can update his personal data, he can upload application related documents, and he can perform the psychological test (if he didn't perform it yet).
In his personal page, the user can follow a link to view a list of the planned interviews. He can confirm the availability for each interview, by clicking the corresponding checkbox.
When done, the applicant logs out from his personal page.
3.3User goals
From the applicant's point of view:
-to get detailed information about the SPARTAKUS Graduate Program;
-to find relevant application information (expectations on the applicant, conditions, requirements and restrictions);
-to get information about Organizational Units and SPARTAKUS countries, without loosing the current navigation page;
-to apply online for the SPARTAKUS Graduate Program;
-to upload relevant application documents;
-to be continually informed about his application status;
From the CD members' and partners' point of view, the Online Application Tool offers a fast and efficient method to store relevant information about SGP applicants. This information can be further processed using other component tools such as the Applicant Tracking Tool, the Partners' Demands Tool or the Search and Reports Tool.
The application data stored by the Online Application Tool will be also available for the SGP members in the PHP sub-module. They don't need to fill in their personal data again.
3.4Required functions of the product
3.4.1Information about SGP
- The entrance page shall contain general information about SGP.
- The entrance page shall include a link to pages containing detailed information about SGP.
- The entrance page shall contain a link to the CD main e-mail address.
3.4.2Online application
The entrance page shall contain a link, which allows the user to apply online for the SPARTAKUS Graduate Program.
The online application page shall also contain a confidentiality announcement. This will assure the users that all data are confidentially stored by SPARTAKUS. identification
The program shall require the user to choose a username and a password. in the application forms
The program shall offer online application forms. At any time in the application process the user shall be able to review and update any page of the application forms. The user shall be informed how far is he in the application process, to prevent him to quit just before the end. This shall be performed using a progress bar or having links to all application pages displayed always on the screen.
The application forms contain mandatory and optional fields, which can be grouped in the following categories:
Personal data
This category shall contain fields for:
-first name
-last name
-photo (the applicant shall have the possibility to upload a file containing his photo. The uploaded photo shall appear on the screen)
-birth date
-birth place
-nationality (selectable from a list)
-work permit
-military service
-address: the program shall let the user to specify at least 2 addresses and to choose one of them as the preferred address. The program shall use the data in the preferred address to automatically contact the applicant (e.g. to send emails).
For each address the user shall be able to specify:
-address type
-postal code
The user shall be able to give information about his education. Each type of education requires different fields:
High school
-High school name
-Grade point average and the corresponding rating
-Start date
-End date
-Degree / Title
-Start date
-End date
-Type (University, Academy, Technical college etc.)
-University name
-Major field of studies (selectable from a list)
-Minor field of studies
-Thesis topic
-Degree / Title
-Grade point average and the corresponding rating
-Start date
-End date
-Number of years (automatically calculated, but editable)
-Thesis topic
-Start date
-End date
Academic honors, scholarships / fellowships, other certificates
-Title / Description
-Institute / Organization
For each type of education, the user shall be able to fill in more than one entry.
The program shall offer the user the possibility to give information about his:
-Project experience
-Leadership experience
The user shall be able to describe his experience. The program shall offer at least 5 entry groups for this purpose. Each entry group shall contain the following fields:
-Type (Internship, Spare time job, Work experience etc.)
-Location: SPARTAKUS / Other company.
For SPARTAKUS experience the user shall be able to specify:
-Branch (selectable from a list)
-Organizational Unit / Operating Company (the user shall be able to select an item from the list maintained by SCD)
For experience with other company, the user shall be able to specify:
-Company name
-Branch (selectable from a list)
-Country (selectable from a list)
-Start date
-End date
-Functional area (selectable from a list)
Additional skills / hobbies
IT skills
The user shall be able to indicate his skills in the following IT areas:
-Programming languages
-Computer applications
-Operating systems
-SPARTAKUS products
For each category the program shall offer multiple selection lists. The user shall be also able to specify skills not contained in these lists.
Language skills
The user shall be able to select the languages from a list. For each language the read, write and speak level can be specified.
The user shall be able to specify at least 5 languages.
There are 17 core capabilities used by SPARTAKUS to evaluate the applicants. The user shall be able to select maximum 6 of these capabilities, which he thinks describe him best.
For each capability a link shall exist, which allow the user to get information about the meaning of this capability.
Other skills
The user shall be able to indicate other skills, which does not belong to the skill categories described above.
Applicant's preferences
The user shall be able to express his preferences:
-Preferred branch:
The program shall let the user to select maximum 3 preferred branches from a list. For each branch in the list, a link shall exist, which offer the user information about this branch.
-Preferred organizational unit:
The program shall let the user to select maximum 3 preferred organizational units from a list. The list of organizational units shall be obtained from SCD. For each organizational unit in the list, a link shall exist, which offer the user information about this organizational unit. The organizational units decide themselves how they want to be represented in this tool and are responsible for updating.
-Preferred functional area:
The user shall be able to select the preferred functional area from a list.
-Preferred home country:
The user shall be able to select the preferred home country from a list containing all countries involved in the SPARTAKUS Graduate Program. For each country in the list a link shall exist, which offer information about this country and the organizational units represented in this country. The countries decide themselves how they want to be represented in this tool and are responsible for updating.
-Desired salary (including the currency)
-Earliest starting date
-Preferred contact method (e-mail, phone etc.)
-The program shall offer the user the possibility to answer to the following questions:
-"Where did you learn about SPARTAKUS Graduate Program?" (Internet search, SPARTAKUS web site, Friend, Recruiting fair etc.)
-"Please give us three most important reasons why you want to join SGP".
-"Please give us your three most important reasons why you want to join SPARTAKUS".
-"Please give us three reasons why we should hire you". the online application
After the user filled in the application forms, he shall be able to send them online.
If data in the mandatory fields are missing or incorrect data are detected, the program shall require the user to update the application forms accordingly.
The mandatory fields will be specified by CD during the development phase.
If all mandatory data are given and no inconsistencies are detected, the online application is accepted and the user's data are stored in the database. From this moment the user is a registered applicant. The program shall redirect the user to his personal page.
The program shall automatically send a "Thank you" email after the online application is stored in the database.
3.4.3Applicant's personal page
A user that successfully sent the online application forms is a registered applicant. He shall be able to access his personal page using the username and password chosen at application time.
There are situations when the user did not apply online and a user account was manually created by a CD member (see Creationof a graduate account in Applicant Tracking Tool Requirements Specification). If some mandatory fields were left blank, the program shall notify the user and take him to the personal data pages. password
In the entrance page shall exist a link that allows users to ask for the password if they forgot it. The program shall automatically send an email to the applicant containing the forgotten password. password
The program shall let the user change his password but not his username. applicant data
The applicant's personal page shall let the user update his data.
All fields described in Filling in the application forms shall be available for update. The update shall succeed only when all mandatory fields are filled in and no data inconsistencies are detected. upload
The user shall be able to upload application related documents. The list of possible documents to be uploaded includes: