Team GCC General Expectations

These are the general expectations we have for all of Team GCC no matter where you serve. Please read over each of these expectations carefully and thoughtfully. Record your questions, concerns or insights so you can share them with your direct report. We are excited about your involvement with Team GCC and your service to the Kingdom of God.


As a member of Team GCC we expect you to be in communication with their leaders and each other. We have something called the 48-hour rule. This means that the Team GCC leadership and the GCC staff will do their best to respond to any communication within 48 hours. We also would like you to do the same for us. This is part of communicating well.

One of the ways we communicate is through our online scheduling program, Planning Center Online. When you get entered into the system you can expect an email from Planning Center giving you instructions on how to input your information. When you are scheduled for your observation or regular ministry, you will receive a request email (or text if you would like). The emails give the option to respond with an “Accept” or “Decline”. Through Planning Center you have the ability to block out any dates you are unavailable to serve, and the ability to set your scheduling preferences (times per month, service time, etc.). When we send you the serving requests, we expect that you will accept the invitation because we will do so according to your availability and preferences. Please do not decline unless there is an emergency or it is a necessity. Even then, we prefer that you work with your director or coordinator to find someone else to fill that role. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your coordinator. To facilitate efficiency in this process, it is typically a standard practice for our coordinators to send out a reminder to block off dates prior to scheduling. In the event that this does not happen, however, please make sure you are blocking off your dates at least one month in advance.

Bible References: Proverbs 15:23; 1 Thessalonians 4:11


As a member of Team GCC, we expect you to prepare in advance for your individual role in serving. Your Position Summary should give you an overview of this preparation. You should also be prepared emotionally and spiritually for the task at hand. If you are unable to fulfill these expectations, please let a coordinator know.

Bible References: Proverbes 24:27; Proverbs 25:11


As a member of Team GCC, we expect you to use wisdom in the way you live and the way you represent yourself. You are now a representative of GCC, and we encourage you to take the responsibility seriously. Please use wisdom in how you live your life privately, publicly, and virtually (including social media). If you need clarification or have concerns about this, please discuss it with your coordinator or the staff person directly overseeing your ministry.

Bible References: Colossians 4:4; 1 Thessalonians 4:11


As a member of Team GCC, we expect you to be on time every time. Make sure you arrive at a time specified either in your position summary or by your coordinator. If you are going to be late, please let your coordinator know.

Bible References: Proverbs 12:27; Proverbs 20:4

Proactive, Not Reactive

As a member of Team GCC we expect you to help us make the ministries at GCC better. This means if you see anything that needs improvement, we would like you to let us know. We can’t promise that we will do everything you suggest, but we can promise that we will listen and consider what you are saying. We want you to take ownership of your role and work to perform this role with excellence! Remember, we are working for Jesus Christ.

Bible References: Philippians 3:14; Proverbs 22:3


As a member of Team GCC, we expect you to welcome and seek feedback. As a part of your role, you will be evaluated in a grace-filled way. You will also be encouraged. We promise to provide feedback that is both affirming and constructive. If we don’t do so, we will do our best to apologize and make things right. Through healthy communication and feedback we all get better, and the Kingdom of God is served with excellence.

Bible References: Psalm 139:23-24; Proverbs 1:5


As a member of Team GCC we expect you to learn to be okay with change. Change is difficult, we know, but it is also important. We are a learning organization, this means we will constantly be evaluating how things are working and making course corrections when needed. It is important that you are okay with strategic change.

Bible References: Philippians 4:12-14; Genesis 12; Mark 1:16-18

End Well By…

As a member of Team GCC we expect you to be honest with us when you feel like it’s time for you to change or move on, either from your position or from the church as a whole. The leadership will listen without judgment and then give you our honest opinions. We want to “send you out” not “lose you.” By letting us know in advance that you are feeling the need to move on, we can celebrate your time here and make the ending a healthy one. If we follow these expectations then ending well will be easy.

If you have any questions or concerns about these expectations, please don’t hesitate to contact your direct report. We pray that God will bless you as you serve at GCC!

Bible References: Ecclesiastes 3:1-8