rugby by supplying the trophies, medals and the Plate Competition Trophy to The OratorySchool Colts ‘Sevens’ Tournament / Bullseye
Please call us today on
0118 975 1363
and ask for your free Bullseye colour brochure.
97-99 Basingstoke Road, Reading, Berkshire RG2 OHA
Jack Toby Oliver
This programme was produced in January 2013 by Chris Winterbottom at The Oratory Preparatory School on RM Connect network equipment and peripherals supplied by Research Machines (tel: 01235 826000)
Oratory Schools
Colts Rugby
Saturday March 2nd2013
Tournament Rules 2013
1. All players must be under 11 on 1st September 2012 andmust be 8stone (51kg) or under in weight. All coaches should report to the Pavilion with their teams, once changed, to be weighed. Each team will be selected from a squad of up to ten players.
2. All matches except the final will last for 5 minutes each way. The final will last 7 minutes each way.
3. Group placing will be made by:
a. Number of victories, then
b. greatest points difference, then
c. tries scored, then
d. tries against, then
e. toss of the coin.
N.B. The first and second placed teams in each group proceed to the Main Tournament knockout stages. Third and fourth placed teams proceed to the knockout stages of the Plate Tournament.
4. No extra time will be played in the group games. In the case of a draw in the quarter or semi-finals, the teams will toss for ends and two periods of extra time of up to five minutes will be allowed, the first team to score being the winner. If then no deciding score has been made, then tries so far scored will be counted, then tries against, then toss of the coin. In the final, there will be no end to the amount of extra time allowed.
5. All referees will be supplied by The Oratory Preparatory School. Each team should supply a touch judge.
6. Normal Under 11 laws of rugby apply, including no hand-offsand no fly hacking.
However in Sevens.....
- The team which concedes a try should not retreat behind the try line while the conversion kick is attempted but all bar one player should prepare for the subsequent kick off.
- All conversion kicks will be drop kicks, taken on a line parallel to the touchline through the point where the try was scored.
- The scoring team will take the restart kick.
8. Up to two replacements per match will be allowed. No injury is required but substitutions can only be made at stoppages of play.
9. Teams must bring a REPLACEMENT STRIP OF CONTRASTING COLOUR, the first team named in a match being the team to change in the event of a clash. The referee will determine if a change is necessary.
Presentation of the trophies will take place, weather permitting, in front of the pavilion immediately after the main tournament final.
Snacks will be available for spectators throughout the day. Lunch for spectators, coaches and players will be served between 12.45 - 2.00pm
Spectators please be kind to the cricket square
Plate Tournament Finals
Third in A . / ______
32 v / Pitch 1 3.00pm / Plate Semi Final 1 / ______
Fourth in B . / ______/ 36 / Pitch 1 3.40pm
v / Plate Final / ______
Third in C . / ______/ 38 / Pitch 1 4.15pm
33 v / Pitch 2 3.00pm / Plate Semi Final 1 / ______
Fourth in D.. / ______
Third in B . / ______
34 v / Pitch 3 3.00pm / Plate Semi Final 2 / ______
Fourth in A . / ______/ 37 / Pitch 2 3.40pm
Plate Final / ______
Third in D . / ______
35 v / Pitch 4 3.00pm / Plate Semi Final 2 / ______
Fourth in C . / ______/ Plate Tournament Winner
Welcome to The OratoryPreparatory School Colts Sevens of 2013. We are delighted that this year, once again, the tournament takes place at our senior school, The Oratory School, and is the first day of the two day “Oratory Schools’ Sevens Festival.”
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Headmaster of The Oratory School, Mr Clive Dytor, for the use of his facilities and for his generous hospitality.
I would like to thank the OS/OPS staff and pupils and the referees for all their work in both aiding and officiating at this tournament. I hope you have an enjoyable afternoon.
Chesham Prep
Moulsford ‘A’
Moulsford ‘B’
Oratory Prep ‘A’
Oratory Prep ‘B’
St. John’sBeaumont
St. Benedict’s
St Mary’s Hall
Yateley Manor
Appointed Referees
Mr. Harry Robinson
Mr. Sam Mason
Mr. Patrick Hennessy
Mr Tim Jones
Mr. Jon Holmes
Mr Ed Binham
Mr. Edward Williams
Group A / Group B / Group C / Group DAldro / Caldicott / Cranmore / Donhead
Moulsford ‘A’ / Chesham Prep / Crosfields / Moulsford ‘B’
OPS ‘A’ / Lincroft / St. Mary’s Hall / OPS ‘B’
Twyford / St John’s Beau. / Yateley Manor / St Benedict’s
Group Matches
Time / Match No. / Group / Pitch12.30pm / 1 / A / 1 / Aldrov Moulsford ‘A’
2 / A / 2 / OPS ‘A’ v Twyford
3 / B / 3 / Caldicottv Chesham Prep
4 / B / 4 / Lincroft v St John’s Beau.
12.45pm / 5 / C / 1 / Cranmorev Crosfields
6 / C / 2 / St. Mary’s Hallv Yateley Manor
7 / D / 3 / Donheadv Moulsford ‘B’
8 / D / 4 / OPS ‘B’ v St Benedict’s
1.00pm / 9 / A / 1 / Aldrov OPS ‘A’
10 / A / 2 / Moulsford ‘A’ v Twyford
11 / B / 3 / Caldicottv Lincroft
12 / B / 4 / Chesham Prep vSt John’s Beau
1.15pm / 13 / C / 1 / CranmorevSt. Mary’s Hall
14 / C / 2 / Crosfields v Yateley Manor
15 / D / 3 / Donheadv OPS ‘B’
16 / D / 4 / Moulsford ‘B’ v St Benedict’s
(Lunch for players and spectators from 12:45 – 2.00pm)
2.15pm / 17 / A / 1 / Aldrov Twyford
18 / A / 2 / Moulsford ‘A’ v OPS ‘A’
19 / B / 3 / Caldicottv St John’s Beau.
20 / B / 4 / Chesham Prep v Lincroft
2.30pm / 21 / C / 1 / Cranmorev Yateley Manor
22 / C / 2 / Crosfields v St. Mary’s Hall
23 / D / 3 / Donheadv St Benedict’s
24 / D / 4 / Moulsford ‘B’ v OPS ‘B’
Please turn over for Plate Tournament Finals Draw ...... [ matches from 3.00pm]......
Main Tournament Finals
Winner A . / ______
25 v / Pitch 1 3.20pm / Semi Final 1 / ______
Runner up B / ______/ 29 / Pitch 1 4.00pm
/ v / Final / ______
Winner C . / ______/ 31 / Pitch 1 4.30pm
26 v / Pitch 2 3.20pm / Semi Final 1 / ______
Runner up D / ______
Winner B . / ______
27 v / Pitch 3 3.20pm / Semi Final 2 / ______
Runner up A / ______/ 30 / Pitch 2 4.00pm
Final / ______
Winner D . / ______
28 v / Pitch 4 3.20pm / Semi Final 2 / ______
Runner up C / ______/ Winner .